Thse Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 14, 2001-17 e LANGHOLM L nuseries and garden centre SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Bulb planting made easy Continued from page 16 genlis hues on an alraost continuns basis. Another wonderful look can be acbieved when y upant lwroigbsalbs such as anemone blandato thse fmnt of border, then place taller tulips towards thse back. Attractive mixtures of low-growing tulips, dwarf daffodils. and grape hyacinths bring color to even the shadiest corners ofyour. garden, and make lovely pot arrangements as Hel Wlien Do You Plant The.? Fail is the best Urne to plant spring floweig bulbs, however there are some s 'ght differences dependn on where you live. In thse north and idsecios of North America, flower bullis should be plned between September and November, either in the shade of Sîfull sunlight. Southemn regions should plant thern in the shade between October and January. However, flower bulbs can be -nlanted even wlaen winter frost has aperd, as tong as the soil or compost ia easily fuftivated. Bote Do Ybu Plant Thesa? There are several different ways to plant flower bulbs, however, thse most popular is to simply dig a shallow hole using a trowvel. To create a more 'natural' effect, gently scatter flower bulhsaover your desired planiaag area, letting themn land in wbatever holes they 'flnd.' Hotv Deep Do You Plant 'Them? This depends on the si7e of the bulb you're plant- g.The general rote is to plant bulbs twice as deep at their height. Refer to the eas to follow chart to bd the preferred plantg depth for a wide range of bulbs. How Far Apart Shoutd They Be Spaced? Elufl"I;FIT 11iSmnaller bulbs should be S planted fairly close togeth- frmgl our (4) inches aprtllrer bullis should have 'appmoximately byve (5) inches separating them. To create a bolder splash of color, you can plant them even dloser, to the point where your bulbs are almost touaching. What'a The Proper Soil For Plantmng Flowe- BUILbe? âqM'r1 ý ýFlower bulbs thrive in well-drained soil, and left I to grow and naturalize. They prefer some organse materual or compost mixed in with the planting soil. It's important to remem- ber, however, that before planting anything, yoo should always cultivate your garden soil. It not only makes planting mucb easier, it alan, help the buls new moots get off to a gond start Buls ca be planted in pots as well, as long as they contain free-draining soit or compost. In dais way, they won't need additional plant fonda during their ini- tial growing season. AfleiCare Do B"ab Need? Afer bulhs have heen pn ted, water the soit we11. *'If ynulive inan area subject tn severe frosts, give theun extra protectionhy covering thera wsth straw, dead leaves, or compost. Brougbt to you by Country Depot, 28 Bronte St. Milton. For more information and expert adviae please give us a cali at 905-878-2391 e Fali Fertilizer # Spring Flowering Bulbs -Plant in Fali e Fali Garden Mums & Flowering Cabbage e Lawn 0mub, Ant, Chinch Bug Contrll 9 kg covers 8600 sq. ft. NOW 13 e Perennials - 4" Pot 7fo to prie ofi1 7TOP So11 30L Bag Reg. Price $2.99 TrmpIe MOix 30L Bag Reg. Price $3.69 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS fPine Mulch 0 wW chips'0 COMo BUnS