1 0-The canadian Champion, Fniday, September 14, 2001 A Letter From Heaven Clone friend and parinhioner, Lynda Bizi, forwarded this heartwarming story 10 me. Sally jumped up an noon an she saw the Surgeon corne out of the operating room. She said "How is my litîle boy? Is he going to be O.K.? When can 1 see i? The Surgeon said, "I'm norry, we did ail we could." Sally naid, "Why do little children get cancer, doesn't GOD care any more? GOD, where were yoo when my non needed you?' The Surgeon naid, "One of the nursen will be out inI a few minutes t0 let you npend lime with your nonos remaino before jîns trannported 10 the univernily." Sally asked thal the nurse slay with hec while she naid good-bye 10 her non. Sally ran hec fingern through hin thirk red curly hair. The nurse naid,"Would yoo like a lock of hin hair?" Sally nodded yen. The nurse cul a lock of hin hair and pul il in a plastic bag and handed il 10 Salby. Sally naid, "It wan Jimmyns ides 10 give hin body 10 the university for nludy. He naid it mighl help nomnebody else, and that in whaî he wanted. I said, No aI first, bui Jimmy said, "Mom, b won't be oning il after I die, maybe il will help nome other litle boy to be able t0 npend one more day wiîh his moîher'. My Jimmy had a heart of gobd, atwayn thinking of someone eIse and always wanting 10 help others if he could" BAHAI - 1111 informal Discussions every Wednesday evening This Week: "The virlue of Reverence" For info coul: 905-878-0011 SPLENDOUR 'The visible sun is but a sign of the spiendour of the Day-Star of Truth, that Sun which can neyer have a peer. a likeness or rival. Through Hlm aIl things live, move and have their being." from Baha'i Sripture 1-800-433-3284 www.bahal.org NE -a E 662 eHR LIE MLO a1 kn Sot fDryRa' Phne (95 78-335a8 enior Pastor Rev. Unt gg Chiidren Mr*. Nall Rogue Worship Mr#. Esther Kesiar Vouth Rov. Gord Clark 9 amn - Early Worship Service 9:30 amn - Sunday School - ail oges 10:45 am - Second Worship Service New Senies... A Causea To Live Forl MASTOR ESTHER KESSLER 6:30 pmn Goedtpait Doenees Fa. ù Superviad NurserY & Dynamic Chiidran's Proorams availabie during ail services! Salty walked out of the Children's Hospital for the lant lime now after npending mont of the lant 6 monthn there. She sat the bag with Jimmy'n thingn in il on the neal henide of hec in the car. The drive home wan hard and il wan even harder 10 go int an empty houne. She took the bag 10 Jimmy'n roomn and starîrd placing the model carn and thingn hack in hin roomn exacîly where he alwayn kept them. She laid dlown acronn hin hed and cried hernelf 10 nleep holding hin pillow. Sally woke up about midnight and laying henide her on the bed, wan a letter folded Up. She opened the letter. It naid: Dear Mom, 1 know yau're gaing ta miss me, but don't think that 1 will eeer forger you or stop loving yau because I'm not around ta say I LOVE YOU. lIl tink of yau every day mom and IlI lane yau even maie each day. Same day we wil! sec each athier again. If yau wa,ît ta adopr a little boy sa yau won't be sa lonely, he can have nîy room and my aid stuif ta play ivith. If yau decide ta get a girl iuîstead, she probably wouldn't like the sanie things as us boys do, so yau will haie ta buy her doils aîîd stiftgir-ls like. Doit t be sad when you think about nie, this is really a great place. Grandma aîîd Grandpa met me as soon as I gar here aîîd sliowed jute around same, but it will take a long rime ta sec everyt/ting here. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 a.m. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wedneaday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. John 6.69 Thte angcls arc sa fricndly, and I lace ta watr/t them fly. Jesus docsnrt look like any of the pictures I saw of Him. but I kncw it was Him as soon as 1 son' Him. Jesus toak me ta sec GOD! And guess what mom? 1 gat ta sit on GOD'S knee and talk ta Him like I was somebody important. I told GOD that I wanted ta Write you a letter and tel! you gaod-bye and everyrhing, but I knew that wasn't allowed. Gad handed me some paper and His own personal pen ta write you this letter wit/t. I think Gabriel is the rinme of thte ange! that i s going ta drap this letter off ta yau. Gad said for me ta give you thte answer ta anc of the questions you asked Him about... Where was He when I necded hlm? GOD said, "The samie place He was when Jesus n'as on t/te cross. He n'as rig/tt t/tcre, as He always is ait/t aIl His c/tildren fl/t. hy t/te aay Mom. nobady cIsc c-an sec w/tat is aritten an i/tis paper but yau. Ta everyanc cIsc, jr looks like a blank piece of paper. I /tave ta give God I-is pen back non'. He has same mare names ta writ e in t/te Book of Life. Tonight, I ger ta sit attte table with Jesus for supper. l'mn sure t/te fad will be great. I almast fargot ta let you know- Now I don't /turt anymare, t/te cancer is a!! gone. fnm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and Gad cauldn't stand ta sec me suifer t/te pain cit/ter, so He sent His Ange! of Mercy ta get me. His Ange! broug/tt me /tere by Special Delivery Wit/t lave fram, Gad, Jesus & Me Submùited by Reverend Dan Rogge, New Life Church, Milton ~ ! Milton Bible Church SI A New Church for a New Generation WeMeet Sundays at 10:30 AM Weat Milton District H.S. GetMusic, Reveant Teaching, Incredible Kids Program &really nice people, if we do say so ourselves! wjww.mifltonbiblechurch.com 905-876-3586 We Serve Only Tim Horton's Coffee - Corne get your fix on us!!! 4~Milton Bo fist Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn Sunday School il arn Worship Service 21 st Anniversary Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Bud Coe Pot Iuck lunch following service Rev. Greg Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. St. George's Anglican Church Lowville 7051 Guelph Line, just north of Derry Road 8:30 amn Holy Communion 10:30 amn Morning Prayer Nurnery and Sunday Schoot provrded 10:30 am Yonth Service in the Auditorium ALPHA Mondays ai 6f:30 pmn Rector: The Reverend Canon Charlte Manters For more information coul the church office 878-1363 We welcome you toi.. SOUTHSIDE COMMUN1T CHUCH CHURCHR 0F CHRIST UNIST.>P 7RH of The Chriian &Missioaary Afiance 141 Brtania d.W (i Furii Ue) 123 Main St. E., Milton (fonnerly known as Milton Allince Church) 2850 DERRY RD. (905) 875.2939 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. e Phone 878-5664 0 Fax 878-6676 CHUR( H SCHOOL - Nu rsery availairie Senior Pastor: Greg McCombs 10:00 AM: Bible Classes (Ail Ages) Wc-icome riens minstser REV. GFRRY HOLSIETTE.P Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber Worsbp an Commnion Carn-on-ite-coh/H-aoiio LUNCH aller service 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WOBSHIP SERVICE 11:00 AM: ________________ an&omno ev onBn "ADVENTUREIÂND" for idds 3 - Gr. 6 Minister: Bryan Meneer ¶Rev. Gerry Hofstetter (Nursery care provided) Iudy Hunter, Director of Music For mare info on aur regoular weel ALL ARE WELCOME! church office: (905) 878-8895 minisîries, please rail the churcli office. b ý www.stpaulsmilton.org AMILTON Grace Anglcan ChurchTh avto SEVENTH-DAY 317 Main St. E., MiltonTh Savtn Ax- NTHDA the Church on the HilliryC uc A 5 JVI4Y7sr Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 SCHURCH www.welcome.to/Grace. MiltonluM to Invites yirr i trs orni ekIy Salibii sers ics ai Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott1:0ar-MonnWosi Hugli Fouler Hall, 43 Brown St. Miltn 1:0a onn osi Sa.î 9:30 a. ni. Saishath 'ichiri SUNDAY SERVICES Sat. 110 ji .îr Divine Sei ce 8:00) arn - Holy Communiron 11:00 arn Sunday School FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 10:00 ain - Sung Euelharist 10NpsigRaUi Disconer ire ariiazing ilie arr-ssci, iii lie\ Clsurch School & Cîsffee Itour 10NpaigRaUi pecpiexing quaestions, ani (he.,es rei ii ai haiippy ife T RDA aorSsnoFer Ittr FREE BIBLE LESSONS, xvite: 11.0 Bror 23ii12. TUSA wrSsneFse 55 Ontario Si., Mitosn, Ont.. L9T OH-i, 10:00 arn Holy Commnrunioîn For more Information about aur services, and cOn tire INTERNET, itp: vvvvv.nrp.cor arrd ns wrn ,anrazingficts.stcgiihle-.cistst shrtoliatn.as r a ther programmlng pleaae caîl 876-2420 PASTR: Critos O ouitrin -ut 821-uhîi ý Wlseelchair Accent Through Parking [Lot Dreirs IATR Ialo .Ruso,4681q1 I 1