6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September il, 2001 SC01viIN Please be sure 10 slow down in sehool zones Speed kilis. Apparently some motorists just aren't getting that mes- sage. With the start of another sehool year, there are more young people than ever walldng our town roads - increasing the risk of serious injuries and fatalities. A police blitz of school zones i Peel on the first day of classes nabbed more than 200 motorists who exceeded the 40-km/h speed limit. Halton didn't hold a formai blitz of its own, but we fear the num- bers would have been similar. Pedestrians and motorists share a responsibility to be on constant lookout for one another, while obeymng the rules of the road that apply to them. Sadly, there's still motorists who place getting to work i a timely fashion ahead of personal safety, and that of anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path. And unless there's a fundamental change i attitude, police will con- tinue to flnd themselves outnumbered by speeders and faced with the task of informing the next of kmn of each victim of carnage on our roads. Toie sn $6 millio on TV a to a - e eç1C çat- e O UR READERS WRITE ________________Ontrio_________ad MPP pay raises way too high, says reader (The following letrer was addressed to Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh anad a copy was filed with The Champion.) Dear Editor: I bave encloscd s titisesa prograin as weil as specific diet information for you and your colleagues at Queen's Park. l'nt sure tIsat after accepting a wbopping 37 per cent PSY bike you must be feeling pretty bloated, tomnewbat giddy and a littie nau- seous having buried your bcad so decply into the public trotsgh. Ail kidding aside, do you even feel a bit guilty about baving reacbed ai deeply into Use pockets of Ontariana? the Ontario Progressive Conservatîve Party has in fact back- tracked on a principle of the '95 Common Sense Revolution. My understanding was that your tbtsrst was so slir down govein- ment and to, cut back on expendi- turcs in order to return funds to the provincial treasury. This latest action would counter that lime of thinking. 1 recognize tihe need for a psy hike, but when your pay hike exceeda thse $5.000 annusi salary of a scisool tnustee by $32,000, one begins to sec two different sets of rules. Your govemment expects public raise over three years, while indulgsng in a level of gluttony unseen amne Caligula's reign. 1 observed you leader Mike Harris on television jumping througb hopes in order to explain the rationale and impartiality used an decidiasg these raises - but in my opinion the wrong choice was made by ail MPPs that embraced the pay bike as fair. The money would have been bet- ter spent on attracting seriously- needed nurses, doctors and educa- tors to Our province. Mike Fol.y 'eTHE C4NADIAN CHAMPION Woman offers thanks to 'kind souls' who helped family Box 248; 191 Main St. E., Malton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Edtorial Fax: 878-4943 Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Classified: 875-3300 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Weeady McNab Adverlisitig Manager Q.jCh Editor Steve Crozler Teri CUMIS Circulation Manager office Manager 'fla Coin production Manager Dear Edhno lThis leSe lla Cman. tOmoplm. puttsed every Taesday and Friday as 191 Whso gn Miais St E., Mlion, Ost., L9T 4N9 (Bo 248) le on of Theenero Pintesg, Publssing & tissasses iteid. grtap of susurtas coapasiet which in ai bour o includes: Aoling Cews AMfferter Atfistos Csnalltstrisr, Barrie Thank yc Aiance, BarrWs Bay This We& Bostos tsterprise, Bampton tuantasn, Burfinfttn PMs, Ssrtsngts Shppingt Navr, C Parent, Ciay of York your consid tuardiat, CliingwtdiWatat Connectas., East orkr Mirrar, tris AdvocatelCwusry Radtes, Etaticke Gutana, flamtasough Pat, Farever Vaint Geeretown IndepeadonAcdton Free Press, tatas Business Times, Ecastanst & Sun, MatdiPeneaangistne Mirrsr, Mona Shopping Nes, u Mistissatta Basiness Timees, Mistissatta News. Napanea laide, Nassagawaya Sm. Newmaet/atirara ta-Banner. Northuanberland Sm, North York MIrrr Daleaille Ouaver, Oakrfte Shopping avm, iSdtasrs ~IpJ Hockrey Nes, tatffa Taday, OssawWi'tCtby/lCtdngWOitI Peny This ateek, Peterorough Tis Weeii, Picaur CoanCy laide, Richmond 1Ç CilomhISiVaatia Literai, Scarborasgh Mirrar, tSstoiiiaitatridge Tribuse. Artvertsng a accepCed as Ose cordition taC, in Ose evenC of a typa- gratteicai errr that pestasn of the advertisint space sccapied ty Ose erra- ntan dtem, CagnaCent with a reasoarate aSoanna Cor signature, aitl nat be charged Cor, tut Ose balance 0C Ose adendtsement wena se paiit for atae appli- catie rase The pattisher reserves Ose dat ta caCegorizs adortismerds or deciine. 5C C&rerCbrn Orasenis aFcyb ten5riirles a rlis to Use kind soula usly carne to my door fneed. cu a very mucis for caInd selfiesa gea- turc. If it was nos for you, my cisil- dren would not bave had food over Use weekend or even on Use first day of sehool. Mot imporsantly, my youngeat son was able to have a birtlsday God bleas you, and my decpest and most heatfelt Usaika once again go out to you. Debbie Chan milton by Steve Nease