The Canadian Champion. Tueaday, Septembor il 2001-27 REQUEST FOR TENDER Bld documents for the contract or service listed belora, addressed foi the Manager of Pur- chasing Services, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE ON L6M 3Ll raili be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville Time on the specified closing date. Bid documenta cen be aeen or ob- tained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, samre ad- dress as above, telephone <905) 825-6000, extension 7011. If long distance chargea ap- ply, dial toli frees 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). Documents will be available for pick Up on and aller Tuesday, September 11, 200 1. There is a non-refundable deposit cof $25.00 plus $1.75 GST Bids will be opened in public et 2:15 p.m. on the due dste specified in the Nelson Room eit the above sddress. Those submritting bids are invitled to attend. Under no circumetances will facsimile or stet bide be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bld not necessariiy sccepted. Haillon Region relies on this sdvertisement to provide public notice of this business opportunity and is flot obligsted fo notify any potentiel bidders in any other msnner. 01-047-1 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY 0F VARJOUS VEHICLES (THREE 4 WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES, THREE CARGO VANS AND TWO PICK-UP TRUCKS) CLOSING: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2,2001 P. MURPHY COMMISSIONER 0F PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS BUYISELL elaif lies chetixhair lifts, liospifal betis, scooters, etc. Cali Cier Cross 905-847-5504 CARPET I hava onvaraf 1.000 yeds. et naw Claie- mater & 100% nylon car- pet. UN0 de Ilangan & ha§ for $349. Indades car- pet, pi & insaleatos f30 yards) Steve, 905-&39 2902 FOR tala besuelak I it- isg rm WU.a nealn uf- holistereti chalirs Perfect condition. $1200. 85-878- 1518 FOR tale aow deldens S2.00 oc*s CaI 806-54- 4417 FOR tale: Kenwsed Pro- Logic; recel, aIS resSoe $150 00 ul%47"em0 FIIRNTUROE lor ala Fddtge & stove ( Mollt) matchina vm ma 3 Pc. sol urdt à 3 Pc. table aed ( ai mehogelan wontf, kcclin huaei & cabineet Al lm lm las years old and ing - le eiai ose ac- cepleti For apporilmet cal (W06f93-785 ORLANDO - Beach are 7 daynlri of Ine etay Pi $M10, 90 $199. 418-311» TitE raI weath e om- Ms, hoto abouti treaig youee 108 Denns Base loua fur. Bloni. Suttble for "d large, $25080478- 9416 estatle Rom lamriture. -é chani. *la"' DOuiss Cash Peli Cor&- dent. 908-703-1107 A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGER 0F PURCHASING SERVICES ANNUAL FAU. CRAFT SHOW By Murgo ad Green SaL Sept 22 andi Sun. Seot. 23 9aanto 4pm. 359 Kkqgm"a Place, Milton ChrlismasamatIe, sili mnd dre lowens, placemnata. imes sirts. table top Sentais, and Custera Deco sat spt 15 9 am. -3 Pm. at the. Ful MIssion Icampl14U iniSecond Une,am WANTED- Pasoangar l belallle Sometfinn ahan gaslao Vancouver se Ifor ;eayonFmse or arsutt Sept 21101. 905- I coffee, coolde &I 878-7009 uc.RiorSh. I faoiasm CA. c I set Sept.1 I 8é.-No D"MV r. 2I 1iRenis cres. 5-12 I Slave,k11!10111 ard,* 5 Am.ESL Ia 7300 MCNiu RI& Plicture, haeaeeiod AUCTIO bnue, g«gaepetipeae THIURS. SEPTEMI à letmore To be held sE Hun 9313 4Eb tint, 3 mil ton. To include GARAGE SALE I glass , china & colle ISeBPL 15 Eleanor Wilson of M 8,0 m - 2MP Sheeoatî & Gordot 5210 4e S" R& 905-878-4878 Fa GARAGE SALE - Set Sept lut. Rols or SIne 7:30 m. - naom 5N1 Ftita .Dr. ATTENTION d %eea*lr Unîmolteti Accese; ortly FPId« I Mliot vice andm coiat "a àhosa SURF I haI good éaieti te 05S GARAGE SALE Set. Sept. 18 ise a LaAsse saes.-lpm.BUSINESS (Juet Paead arn.f FAMILY VALIK8S 1 75-2277 1 FOR SALE 1995 MONTE CARLO WITI4 Z34 PERFOR- MANCE! Pnvered oy 24 Vaine D0H01 i Litre Vt engîne, Auiomnafîc, Ps, PB, csaîse cnirl, tilt sfevving wheti, air con- difionivg CD eoipped seea eysf ara ant iOn- aoed in bliack lathar. Etfennr cameur is green, oins rost prsof- inn package anit tE inch alamîsare aheals. Citas air certification la 1 complat, an weaf an new brakas anti nec Michielin tiras. The othida in a must set, sii han ail ifs original maintenance records andnonlyhad netdri- ver. Aahing $f1.,500. Cali 90"-6-728 ask for Nova NO Pet! Ceres Espions- lions es a 3-Wetk Coumse desine t halp psu plan your ceretr. Fundeti by HRDC. For mort inorooa- I losio ragar cali Grace et (905)333-3499/(905)878- 1240. "Corser Trainn à 51(1113 UpgraiflI Compuesrlzed prapame In ensuit pour future succuss set ns af Tht Haltn Job & Cafter Pair nn APR. 17 HALTON BUSINESS INSTUTS Rtem t. I DOMINO'S Pizza non hie- Jing paot-se stanf Appiy in patson ut 17 Wilson Drive MOVING SAL fat tht comaer nI Main StI. Set epL 5th. anti Wilson Driva) aller a am. i prn daily. 560 MancOlltis Ave. FREE training. Drnne 4 Us. Fmtuire, Seleoi sys- Schxai eus Drer Want- reorda, tapes, plag ýi Lai an 10051 opo-4 poing table, filnreea lanity Company. etc. NELP Wantai. Matura Pain lime lialp. Must ha abla ta 1 work lexiblia hxums, aone aliemoon, tvtsieg & e- Havesa Coffeanmd ketti shifts. Apply efli on anme to tht Manager af Zbcr~ a n San Diego Gifla af Milesn caut n Mail Cijatupo LANDSCAPIE & Pool Con- To Starl yoena day! fo Sast loilona Wd 06-it M 78-3862 LANDSCAPE Contracter no hisoug Eopenence in N SALE laodascape oosmlts z IER 13 serasv efpapimeet opea- 1E 3aT5 P.M. tion excelent oeits. sas Axaction Fars, Lied liard ant laborer po- es northest of Mil- alons aval". Fax 805- antique furniEure, 629-7985 or 905-702-9878 ctibles. For John & ilton, *I.TOe Toyota S8 l5oi n Hume, Auctlanees for part lime receplise- a905-878-7647 itcualier Mon. - Thurs, 4 pit, - 9 pin. Intereeet ap- plicans are aeiai a or- watti Ilieïe mori t CItes Genea o Mise Toyota -400 Stieleu Ate. L9T 1Y4. Fan tOS-875-151lGor ensel ERNET USERS I $15.95, great local ser- PAW Tlime cot. SalIurday 5-202 I day. $11 par hoir 905-975- 3214, Heil Pao 90"-75- IOP Cleams erpen neceanaiy, Make ft ai liain Monday te Psdy fla IIA AAM Apply in persos t: 8M5 UIifl~ J~A Man StL, Unit 4, Milton amvaiuTa.uu VETER5IAR Heapftal on To seat or qupres meh- pant hin po- To em r prchse iti lafr raeptorslten- yoti car or tri ne hlff ( Avt"b for aI- Hey5t.tDeyR~ temoons,eveatng;&ewee- 878-2303 k7eats a taets CMRaiso Chemicala HR Coordinator I Personal Assistant Raleta Group s a gronsing international companiy thaf produces and distributes Paper cntmicals, Pastis, Benecol ingredienfs, Animal leetis anti Mails. Raimio Chemicals, Americas, is a division vof!he lfaisio Group, mari- ufacfuring anti distributing chemicals fo papet milîs fhroughouf Canada, tht USA anti Latin America. We are currenfly seekien an HR Coordînator/PA lx tht President fa wxrk sut of otr Burlingloit headqaar- fers office. Tht primary dalles of this position inclade, but are sot limited, ta: " Complete anderstaoding af HR Policies and Procedures, Employmenf Standards, compensation, banal its asnd payroîl related tanictions; " Excellent communication skills (verbal & writfeo), along with above-average administrative anti PC skiffs; " Ability 10 work as a team member or wîfhout supervision. The qaalified candidate will have 5v- years admin. experience, preferably ose ln HR. Vos are detail oriesfed, enioy working wvith nambers and are able to hardie a variety of coofidestial matters. bilingai in French and/or Spanish an assaI. This position offert an encellent compensation package including benefits. To epply for this position phease send your retourne In Word or txt format to RCCI la proud to be an Equal Opportunify Employer SOBEYS MILTON WAREHOUSE Sobeys Ontario warehouse in Milton (I-toy. 401 and Hwy. 25) has openinge for fut -tise and part-tise employasent in our anarehouse facility. Shift work involving nights, afternoons and weekends is required. Duties include assesbling, lifting (esphasis on "heavy lifting"), stocking and shipping of product. Il le a physcially desanding job requiring individuals 10 performi a variety of duties. Tht succesaful candidate will be self-sotivated, a mature thinker, responsible. flexible. physically fit and work with minimal supervision. Competitive compensation is evaitable. Ai those interested and feel they could contribute please fax your resumne to Tammy DaCosta 6355 Viscount Rd. Mississauga, ON Fax: 905-671-5158 or Tammy-dacosta@sobeys.nst OnIy those candidates suitable will be contactedi for an interview. DATA EITRY CLIR K Reporting to the Supervisor, Data Management Group duties include data en-try, OAIOC, Mting anti general office tasks as veu as direct contact whll clients and stilities toi facilitafe acquisition of data. Vos are a dedicateti hard-veoriter veitlt good communication, data entry anti compter skilis. Please fotward your resuse before September 21, 2001, to: Attention: Jean Decaire Energy Advantage Inc. 690 Dorvul Dr., Ste 400, Oekvllle, ON L6K 3W7 Fax: (905) 337-2209 e Email. Jean.Decaî ant' candrdatea secte for îfuavftw mWl be contacledi - E.O.E. wAsta re yua 2eis a A w yv :secPrses. WH L pae anreuefat? We re carresly acceptins applica- tiens for thr fo owing: Ftr.piT ceoi F/T.PITr Walers/Waftress prr.Prr Malwaslîe F/TMianeSPaî-3U FIT Fuel Bar Casilm Vk M ouhleermsauadaslly n saaimpvidme Ne espý esam my L Awpy epo 81Nls Te.k Stop ParI-IbM DSNVOIY DIrIVer 20 -30 Houirs per weec Muet be availabb Tuesdays & Fridays for Newspaper delivery and have reliabile vehicle with vaWi drivers Ucens. 0the weekdayS & dibes are reqtirsd. Contac Lia et (905)879-2341 ext. 231 VAItOOZ Music Gf Ras- fauranliSpe Bar al Poel lions anailable. Ful and part Ute hase Appy in person le 121 Ctehslm DM,~ Miio Excel Employment Accepting Applications for ail types oI Generul Labour & Office Positios ut the Halles Job & Carm Fair on Sept 26. 2001 ut the Okille Convention centre Pleas brng rine, iWi im Yasel Dukviltlss Premier Salon & Bay Spa Images International rtquirts a fulifime Assistant for tht Salon anti a tlimia Assistant for the Spa. wil Ti'sIs Ploose caîl Jedy or Bath: 905-338-3333 NE, N 1( junior Propeut tn assînt sn managing a porfonlio sf rasîdenlial prnperties. Munt ha a pesple-pnrsnn, aigan- izeti, flenible anti have tht capacily f5 <tuf n quickly in a Is-paceti enoirosmant. Some ac- counting anti computer skiffs tiasirable. Mil: Tsr" RI 905-338-2052 OUEST SERVICES AGENT Able fo worh a variable schedula ot tisys, evgs & eheis. Esp. or educ. in Hsspitality Gaest Services praferreti BREAK<FAST COOK WEEKENDS wîth 1-2 yrs restaurant/ hntol cosking tnp. MAINTENANCE HELPER Able to worh 20-30 hrs/week engs & chntis Exp. in basic plumbing, elactrical worh & Genoral maintenance. Fao ranumae In: Humun Rtsoufces RAMADA Imm FIT ASST. CASH MANAGER Fax Attn: Arthur Cheung 905-842-5598 S Shoppar': Bru MarI OakvilIs Place NOW HIRING Fuil-time Counter holp tiays or attannoons Supervisors *Employee berieits* Apply le person or cati mi1 Hemvew Rfd., Applaby U/ huvester leou-ms 41-i 41 LARGE Milon d@W thop lolue for expastinced car tiselaes. UN5 trin Gond fflang salaiy Conwany -ai baratta. C~n Blob aI MMAutloswoda 905- 875-M.e UMO ToyotaGormd Auto. vit aresrenty looki- bsg torta pai Sme ShuMel Bus Drier ad UiSeseti Technicians. FIasse for- I ard resmia or contact Larry Gibsort 905-875- 1700, tas: 905-875-1516. PART-lime anstaiev assisten rdd ta lot ur- sptic doclors onfce. Re- captes, data entlin. tleng etc. $1 66e Semt resrnitlo 5 Mtin St. E.. Mites L9T f N4 1