22-The Canadran Champion, Tuesday, September il, 2001 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" d/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 ne Pans fn, R7R-dcQ4., Tines Doney Conte Frencon PHYSIOTHERAPtSTt 510t-131b Q:Lad week i was ptsying sacrer and disteted my "loaIder saben 1 tenl My dactar tatit met la ear a stin aidterut i. ta tire anytig etse Éti cau duo? A: Dislocations or raintuxations (partal dislocaions) occur sahen brr os enoagn force put tlrogh the niroulder joins ta "pop" Use upper arn arec, or huoterous, out of joint. Obter Unis happera dsssiog a spoeisng een sain yoa anc ltclose In tes iuder wnhite your band ta ftxed on somedsing, line Use go"sd Wihite yosr iower arntr estaains ere it is, your upper ana is foredraiweards, backwmrs or dosan, causing thse shouider to pop oai of irs rocke. flais con aira itappen sires yan fait. Otest, te shoataier aay pop hacin r igs asaay, hut an exsreae cases, u hante ta go nainhe Isospisai ta have a physsetani pots inack in place. Winen Use sol- der popsouis, iscausesdamnageto ailofdtesoit isse aound he jint,inclading yosoalaar caffonauscles, ligaaens, asd aise Usic capsule of Use shaulder jint diat urastiy inoldo Use jint t mn ry imoportant ta rest yntso souider in a siing for opta Ushe fsnt darne saeens of an injuty lune Uni. This is bow long is saines ates or srtcised tisane ta stant no rpair itarif. If yaa stant aoisg poan shaulder ton o uanding Use tnir serines, doe nisaue dunes ns have a chance ta beat isecanue tl S cansiaaly heing stressrd. Havtng raid Usas, you do sont lu anre pour shasstder a liane ii, ta prrens iln hrm econting rtti. (leatiy capping pour eibrsa sida youn amnts crossea i Ue you anc holding a baby, andi aooing the- anmarunain a raes siin tino hnp af yorr otbrr ara sutl peoos Uhe rinoulder (bleeoaing rtiff. Yoo areai ta perforar tis eeroise 10-20 tines evr fesa brans. Abler thorac saeks, t is important ta rsart aovirg yoor atmn Usrougils fait range, bot stitt aooiding Use position thUat caused tbr dislocation ite nbrsi place. It s ampotant for dois tssue ta hu nice and stog brfote yoo ranar t. Sorentening pour shonider mnscles is vry ampon- tant afier thir rnjuay bruir, on Usis oi holp ao preorer onoUser dislocation. llaee os a strong chnce bas a dislocasion cas occur aguan abler Use tint one, but tbrrc rs less of a chance if tbr shouidor muscles arc stnang. A physiosbrrapis sut guide yoa trougn on erercise pagaa, and peogrers youn esercses as braing aines ptace. If von hase a shonider Usas distocates rrpeasedty, or a rment dislocasin injosy, consuls a phys- rotherapis, sho wiii heip ynu to rehah ynur iajrîny and preoens inrob dislmocasion. Pliasse cesllact Tims or Casaia the Halles Conmssiy Rehabildaafo Ceatre, 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 Mln tns "Provsdsng a Naîtural Way to Better Hea!îh sand We!bness" Q:u 1 hone rosa so, many artices on weitglo Usecenly... Soins promise, rapi saetghtlue wite mOii belote able to con- surame fatrty NUis-fat foode, white otisers toUl me 1 juet need to diew my food more stouy Con yoaa pieses dispet lest irons fie- ton for me conceciits wetgs loe? A: There la no quick fx han"noie il cames ta wsigt toast Anyone prareisiesg mach «espii noeighl toas" sasaialt incarporates matinals MinW are not anly uninealllsy, buts alan definltsty daragerasas b lino bady lang 10cm lwlthtsanty tsstlsg wsigtst toue reanultaî. MYTH: Vou caon est cae sali ose signt at lths sonme lime. FACT: Eslisg lligh-iat igh-sugsr cake liane nolining la promole nosigit lts, anly nosigit gaint Cale consista oi fioar, sugar sanl arge emons ai fat.. lisa are livings luit sioutd tas redusceliun lise duet, ant laceasoa, sain paarsulag sasigs tos. MYTM: Cinewisg yaur foodi stowty wlt rii poa oi pour Potbe5ly. FACT: Cinig pase food siowty la grest for lins digestlion, but gt dosa noling loarsaa slssdding a pobesy Vou con cnen ne stowy ne yat a nt, bal if lino food yoa are cinswissg la deep-ild, iniginn fatasugr/caroblrats, lissa il witt iaciease pour nosigns regsrdlessI Wins l important tra lins fond tinat paa do decide la est, making sure tla estn rigint fonds et tins rigint simca. MYTM: Drtakiag iced liquida piseenîs digetive enzymes framn banc- tioning. FACT: According ta Dr. Donald S. Robertson, MD, quole «Waler ainauld prefersby tas cotd. it'a abanrbed ino thein syatsm more quictdy linon wam noter. And sonne esidence auggnetu lint ddining cotd tiquida con actuaty hiep buesn oines." Digestive enzymss Iluaction rsgsrdtsss of lemperîsars, and cold beveregne con aclualy inslp wainh meltalic rstel Sa go sinesi and onioy pour iced bavser- Mexine Saley basu &LA In Soc~oog andsain &S.W. In Social Work. SMe hm wort*ed antI, the Herbal MWagie progrean for oser sixn yesos, ead lesa taisea nuifliosl eounaellor. Milton Therap.utic Massage CIinic 75 Main St., Ste. 10 (ananas trocn Zatr's Ptaraocyi 878-0800 Jli urd Regîslered Rn e r (Hm..) i. Sc., UTn Massage Therapy Bs., suT Q: What is pseudo-sciatica? A: PedÇa" or PiionsSnr int a compression syndrome of tise sciatoc aserve, producing syncptoma commonly refenscai to as sciatica. Ille sciaiic nerve salthe larget nerve ns tie body astn tis te main bamhci of lie sciatic plexus. Il descends frotn lie tiambar spiase anlenor wo thse pelvist andl exila, pasuing betaees tise pirifoanit muscle and tise lor pelvist. The nserve tinen travels o tie postertor surface of tie tisigs andI corai tie Ieg. In aorme peoa- ple, tise sciatoc nesve actnsally penetratea ansd paanes tieougs tise pitiformnt muscle beUly. ibis is an unsaal variant typically requir- ing correnctive srgery. If tigst. tie piriformit can squeeze tise ntciatic eserve againt tise pelvis canusing paatsia asnd pain ha lie btsttocka assd radiating pain clown tise leg inw tie tisgs andi caf. lie pain is ususally inter- mittent raids varying intensitiet. Pinasentation is usually ha oese leg only andl neurological deficits are uncommuron. Only if tise nyn- amrtse is of loneg dussation rail tie ntciatic nerve initation develop hawo tise tnae iflamnmantion of sciatica. Commun caunet of pirifonanis syndrome anc occupational andl pot- Isra fanctors (prolongei sitting) raiics can sisorten andl hacrease Éceie ha tie muscle. Injuriea wo tise sacroiliar joint, gluteas, or lanter- ai ratantor muscleth is ubuequent iniflammation, saematomna, anal scaming caa sentate tie muscle. Treaseneni of pinfrifoms syndrome involves deep liite raork o tie matera rotators of tise isip, tragger point tierapy, and passive stretch- ing. Education raids respect wo postural conwctons ana a reritction ha caustative factors raill follora. For any quesions ocenieg assaage lherapp, or Is book as appoiaeaenl, pieuse cai Ryaa Weaver or Jillian Gsard as Millen Therapesdic Massage Ciai, 878-000. YQJFI NTRIORS -Carpet Vinyl éCeramian e Hardwood Paint 0 Wallcoveriags SHOWROOM RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL US" lS. L M"II Carpeting 2001 We ail have some knowledge about carpet and sometimes we need to be rocket scientists. Well, we have Blast Off! The latest innovation to arrive at Cornfi cornes from Dupont called Tactesse the newest fibre system! Already known for their Stainaster Label, they have now made a giant leap. Features are as follows ... not only a frner, tighter BCF nylon, but also a lower sheen level thereby giving a softer look similar to wool and also the appearance of oriental car- petmng, but stili durable to suit the nuclear family. It rerninds me a littie of Acrilan which was very expensive and sornewhat lirnited. Tactesse offers so rnuch more and the Stainaster label along with it. It is available ini varying looks and colours; it's a sure wmn- ner. The tirnes they are a changin'! To see for yourself, Corne in and see Norah and I at Cornfi Interiors. I I1111' 111H11lii1 5TIh s Gualsdine Heekein Cick Here ---------------------------------------------------- >