The Canadian Champion, Tuesday. September 11, 2001-21 Iyou have any questions these poesoascan answer, please write to: { "Ask The Professionals" dio The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 HAILTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE 328 Guelph Street Georgetown (905) 873-8400 Q: 1 have a 2'/2 year old boy who has about 15 words in bis vocabulary. The rest of the time, he points and grunts to get what he wants. Should 1 be concerned or wiIl he "grow out (>f it"? A: At the age of' 21 /: ears. a child should have a vocabulary of several hundred wvords. use ho/h nouns and verbs in coînhunation. reler Io himselt' as miie'. answer "where" questions arnd he able to have "con- versations" with olher children. Lt is important to remember that ail children develop their skills at dif- ferent limes, however, if your child bas a Iimiled vocabulary by 2'/2 years and is flot showing any indi- cation of increasing it on a daily basis, there is possibly cause for some concem. If there are signs of frustration and anger at flot being understood and if there is a reluctance to imitate words and phrases that are modeiled for him, it would be advisable tor refer your child for a speech and language asseasment with a Speech-Language Pathologist. If you have any questions or concemrs, please cali the Haiton His Speech Centre for information on assessments, mndi- vidual therapy or possible group therapy. Supporting independent lifestytes & worry-free househotd lma li Paai emnkulav- maintenance 90"-76-4999 or 1-877-206-7084 DAWN CASE mioub IT'S THAT TIME 0F YEAR ..we stir lookiog al how is piepare sur homes for the winter. If yoa have an ohder home like t do, you are lookiog ai the doors, windows, eavevirough and famace saying to yourseif, 't should do somelhiog ahout the win- dowv and have ihe fumnace checked whîle the weather s si/ oice." Theo, if yoa are like me, yoa will fiud yourself saying, 'il hase lime: l'Il gei fer if later." Il iv diffica/t enough wiih oui havy family and work lises ihese dayv witoo haviog to think ahout wioîeniziog oui homes ioo. tI iv woiih il io iake the îîme.. By heing 'energy a/tri' when il comes to renovating or keeping op youm home, you cuIt mcease your energy nd cnt savings. Getting the fumnace chec/ted and cieaoed now wi/i noi on/y increase ils efficiency and reduce your cosus, hut il wi/i a/vo gise yoa peace ut mmnd t/tut il iv operaig safe/y. Consider insia/ling an eiectrmiic thermostat. If wi/i he/p for reduce yoor energy con- sumpiion further. Lt il iv lime for replace yomi fomace, consider a high-efficiency /teating sys/em., For tone drafty doors and windows, you eau redace drafs and cotd spotv hy juat mep/acing vrais and ran/king wheme needed. Lt yo need replacement windows, but yon do nol have enong/ in t/te budget ihere are optionv. A reputabte coutracior who mns/at/s replacement windows and doors wi/i avna//y have a sanieîy of payment options asti/ah/le. 0f course, yon con alwayv m/ly on the hnir dryer nd plastic metiiod to seai off those mea//y drafts ameas. Something e/se wie vhoaid ihink ahout shile ive gel our homes ready for ihe sioler %h fa/i reases preseni a heaaîifal scene anti ihey fa/i off the trees and int0 your ravesnroagh. Cleanîng oui the eavesiraagh iv due smart ihiog îo do. /î sili reduce the 1v/t of posihle damage hecaas of h/oc/ted spoais. etc. nd il cao sve yoa money on t/t long mon. How iv t/te otf holding ofp? Now oùtif he ihe right ttme 10 replace those old shin- g/es. Bewame nf//tm w/to conte /tnocksng ai yonr donc offening moot mpair sersices. Renmemier! Cnnducting a prape c/teck of thte conanetor can sve yon tinte, mnney and lhint Dr. Ton!j Wan'.q V Tooth TQikI Towne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc. .... (905) 876-1188 Canker suis - Puosih/e Canses and Prev ention Theiiocciiol ciokvîvoie i siiisîiiviivovv5sui iiciv i, ivavic ilii vît,-i.1, , detirn.îvvu %0ial lvlitviiil w ,ore, i ieîsvir c i., \vli ilî haii and inehii ois 511 v g i iike s.iiioi ouiilip.v oý ihv g lvlv l.s i it-\5 t i ii viii iîîiili(.viiii tt, v ii e arevvoi\,viiiiv li w Ir\ lii vii iii l i ci 'lle ifs cli iî o lii i lvi,,J ilviiieiiiivivii ivv 0ok,1 ov il.lsiviiiîiliiviuiii lvii v.uikeioevs. \iii, 1Wî l lvvvvvi ilitiio nia: i 1(,1 icie soires in cci- -p/,siv.i traiumiaovuv.iasiioiiiivîvcrzealosiiubrushing iiiciicck iing caino,iarsivuiiivîss.hotîiiîvis virî/uiiok.cisiicsdrink,(fruit Jsacesi. - 'e sua dis ,. huidihl> ioystiiiic i dioirder whicii shiouli ho diagniosed /ý yîour phsiciao. Usuaiiy caiikoi vires clear wîlthin 7-!4 dys wîthooi locaimeoi. Try yoor hosi Iu slay anvay fruni tiîgs îhaî seemn lu îrriaîo ithe siieo and keep yoar movih as dlean as possiblie wîith sali waler runsesor Are san (orali auliscinve t. Dormeg tis lime. howeser the cao/ttc sures cala he painfu/ especiaily shen peuple eaut or drink. There ae pain relievint medications w/tics cao be pare/taseO ai ur local drng stores. T/test inclade coonpouands sac/tas Zilaclîn or Oragel. P/ease consa/t yuur phyvicuan or denlist regarding any onoulh sures ituat resu/it in excessive or pruloged pain or irritation. They cani /t/p prescri/te trealments Ihat cao fother eave ite pain and may ht/pi redurce ite amont ut lime t ltakes for te a/crs tu go awvay. Cherish Private Home 'v Child Care 917 Nipianung Rond, Milton, ON LaiT 5E3 Ph. 905-8ý76-1244 Q. What are the benef ifs of being a licensed private home child care provider? A. 1 asked caregivers, currently providing iicensed private home chiid care, what they Iiked about working with an agency. The top three responses were: the professional support and guidance avail- able, guaranteed payment to the provider, and access to resources and programi ideas. In addition, working with a iicensed agency offers: - poiicies and procedures that both parents and caregivers foiiow. - required and necessary forms. - information to assist in maintaining heaith and safety standards. - professional deveiopment opportunities - assistance in obtaining equipment and program resources. - iiabiiity insurance coverage. - access ici grants and other financiai incentives. - access f0 subsidized clients. CHERISH Private Home Chiid Care is a non-profit agency and a programn of Milton Community Resource Centre. For information, contact Sue Tyrrell at (905) 876-1244 ext. 12. aen TANNINO SPAzj PHILLF 3505 Upow MM NUdIR, IhInta (05 315-505C Q: Why do some tanning facilities off er stand-up tanning booths? A. lt's a matter of choice. The fraditional lay down tanning bed is a terrific way to develop a tan. However over the last tew years the tanning industry has introduced stand-up tanning booths. These 'stand-ups" are a super alternative to beds. Stand-up riooths provide shorter session time and the idea of standing can feel less claustrophobic for some tan- ners. Also clients feel drier, less sweaty after tanning in stand-ups. Another advantage is that the tanner is exposed f0 the light rays from 360 degrees giving a more complete tan; we suggest that tanners who insist on the relaxation of tanning in a bed tel enjoy the occasional stand-up session now and then f0 even out thei r tans. Stand-up booths are just one type of tanning equip- ment off ered at Sun Haven, please try ail of our equipment, then decide which style of tanning best suits you. The relaxation of beds, the beneffil, of stand-ups; al SUn Ha ven the choice is yours. 8vLflf MM ý Open to mdn/ght, 7 days a woek Carniage Square, 265 Main St. E MICHAEL 905-878-3311 WONG Q I pal/rd a ca/t muse/e an hour frgo daning a soccer garne, shat vhou/d 1 do? A: A popaiar oeilfheip ireauiuni scheme osuoises the foluoiiwng mnemunîcs P.R .1CE. Prection -/mmuhiiainp the iraumit areas is of paramuoi importance hecuse il serves iwo immediair porposes: (il to preseni fanther injury. (i)i tu promote heaiing. Ao eiasîîc bandage wrap asoaiiy serves ihe parpove. Rest - Resîlof heips îu redoce afiennaih sweling and pain. Speedy heaiing hinges on gond resing of the iniare t issues. A sofficien period of mesîing iv conducîve to saiisiaciury issae hea/sof. Rapîd re-injary is asaiy the mesaii of an insuffieirn resio period. Iee -Ice packts or cuid compresses arrestiînflammation, sweiiing, spasms aod pain. Sweling redaces uvygen sappiy to sarroonding tissues; iherefore, the sooiner the applicaion, the qoic/ter the damage conirol, Appiy coid ireaimeni iniermiiienîiy for i-2 days tu redace sympîoms if necessary. Hea =treaiet May he in order ai a laier stage of recosery when sweiiing iv nu longer a factor. Compression -Compression supports the injnred areas aod impedes Ove degrre uf motions. This praciice heips tu accrieraîr healing, ta dampen sweliiig and ta alievuate pain. T/tus vhoald hie ased for Oie duaiion as long as ihere us sîiii pain and vweling. An eiasîîc bandage wrap couid hoe ased agaîn, hut il shovld hoe emphasized fihait the wrap shouid ho fi l u ou meighî. Eiesaion / n case of sesere swei/ing, eiesaion ut eoiremîiîes ahose the iesei uf the heaot iv sumeimes necessaiy especialis a nîghi. For minur muscle pulls. anover-ihe-cunier drog soch as iSaprofer coaid ho used for pain andt inflammaioun. For servons oho hase sahstanîîai /truising, wîih a hisiory of gastro-intestinal pru/tiems or hieedinp dîsmrders, il is recummended Io ose acriamînsîphen foo pair unly. Do oi ailemptIo iie 0 ccilsalicyiic acid tochidrenaunder 16. Stretching beote evercîse iv a good way to preseni mac/e pulls; aod il vhoaid hoe ineurporaied as part of the exercise regumen. Fromt von on, a/iow n ueimiîc houl- doge and on instanti ce-pack in yoar sports hng, as Ouest mu> prose sa/a/te. Lasi words of au/vice: tl il doesol io ooc gond, see the docior! ~- t-