20--The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September il, 2001 If you have any questionis these A professionails can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion __ 191 Main Street E. àà Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 GREG J. LAWRENCE B. Sc., D. Cmt. Erika Ristok BA, N.D. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST Doc torf 1NtsUa tIiia2 9seicùse ts,.I350 MaIn St. E., -Ciia urto eblMdcn Milton, Ontarlo, LIIT 1 P6 - Clina tvo - Acputrba ecn (905) 878-6479Hoephy uunur 1A Prîncea Anne Dr., S9 Main Strî 'East, '"Flau Georgetowan, Ontarlo L7G 4W4 vj.fo (905)693-9837 Gre J~. Larec (905) 702-1611 Erika Rlstok BA,, ME B. Sc., D. Ch. Member of the Ontario Society of Chlropodf ets and The Ontarfo Collgeof Chlropolso Q Int puot yeats my chttd bas bad hehaoaof ttcottes In ochoaf, and Q Are tisera any tacfng tipo that may reduce diacomfort has hae diagnosti wtth attention dsftcft bypsractvity isserder. In My foot? What nataropathi c treatasaents can helli? A :Not ail ahoas are created equal and everyone's feet are I A: A085 is a diagnostic tarie that daseribas a chîid aiso ilisplay symotrs ivclud- ~different. Specitic lacing techniqaes cas improve the fil of ahoes to salve common praheiem. Hoels slspping out of the shoe This cas be due ta narrow beels ln wide shoas. Ose solution is to crios-croas tbe laces bacis and forth to croate a tight fit. Some ahoes hava astra eyelets on aither aida of the top eyelets, these con ha used. Pain on top of your foot Thia con ha due ta extra pressure tram high arched test. One solution lo toi thraad the faces under the eyetets rather thon cris- crossing bock and forth. If theoe are absent thon crias-cross the laces unti I the eyelet second from thse top. Create o loop through the top eyefet with no cross avec, then use this as the foot ceosa avec creating o tight fit. Tender Toos This la osoociated wfth avar use. Ta decreooe the pressure, take one olde of the laces and go aide tal aide through eoch eye, let ond place the other lace la the top eyelet on the opposite aide. Width Problom Stoggered eyelet hales oon woîl tor this condition. For norrow foot use only the outaide eyelets, akipping a foc of the othere la the centre. VJMONEY -ana vsnt QCONCEPS M-t F F. n Teli: (905) 876-0940 suac Fax: (905) 876-2934 a vno 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario U9T 1P9 Q: My dsughter and t have been tathina abocut estate ptanning. t'y. heard about setti ne up trusts te nase on prohote hut she salli there lu namething nc ciet and atter-ego trust. Cmn you tett me about thia? A: ti's tienut thut yet are taiig nueps tus plut yor essaie atd geising yoer daughier uevalved. tlius ses diffOcut for ide tIo ansk their parents about theur essaIs planis. A luoi tsf people leane theur estuse osiîh praubteuns becauwe lhry are hesilani ta alis tus Useir sent of iu. Trusts us geseri may -ve proate cuts. as the assets us thein are sou censidemed pans of pour asiate. Aise assets dîslnibted by aimaust nsure conf-idesiaiuy. Your wiut bacames a pubuc documsent one tl in prubuai.d pusur tusit dues suas AI aller ego trust is a livieg Irusu thal allows yesu tus nuone usseis Sihout utecesnarily sniggersag a taxable dispaosition. This trust ust be seluap by dividai 65 yearsalofage or oer. Theterrevsof the trust sius esaie Ihat dusing yus lîfesîme u arc ettll tus erise ail tha uteome and ne ana aIse may eesse the iscamne ar capital prier ta pour deaUs. The lisses arc deemai disputai o u pua voue ieath and the tan payable is ulalanisita bat. iYou may aise set op a joit spauvul mviit Trusts and Probute planning aie important paris of yaae evuase plot- ning stmsiegy. There ure legal. las and finasutut issues itvolsmf and yau shuai cars ail paur lauyer. A Mueey Cconcepts planter meuhd ha pleaasd su heif you esuie Ihai yaur esluie plot meaus att your fisuectai and peevoau cuncents. Pieave eail frus an bligatuon" uppouimeal 905-876-0940. Money Concept% (;reop Capital Corp. and N.F. tasuroace AgeseS Ine. irg inattentiov, impulisarass, and hyparactivity irappropriata for bis or bat ast. Aiispatbic madicîra sft traats symplsvrs rn sarh childras wtb tha melicalisv Ritalir. This tas sida ataects îrciadîsg dmcraasad appotita. slow grswth, and rapid rabeond" chas tve dmug is stspped. As rapsed iv thea Joumal of Addiction and Martai Hasb, tisas is lit5ia information us tisa piysisiagica atfects us ysuvg cbildrca, despita a orewing use amuvig childas as isauso as tws la taur Yeats aid luise dui bas flot bacs approved fou chilsiran undarîbhe aga ut sia). Natumrpatbic dactons aim lu 1meaI the causa of pmoblams raliser than supprassng symptams. A tbaroagh bistoiy-lakinO and assassmnent including pliyicl arami- nation guidas the naturspathic trtnaproacs. Nfargies te sstiatias ta tseds, dyet, and paeseaivets casi hasea a rgc impact as liahasieur. Ose place ta slat io ta lotis at tic amount ot suar your cbild con sues. Natumopalfa basa taie patiets fI tut a ose-wccu Usait doary. Thts sftar ratmis possil contributors to beat prhiseut. Ateately, defecsa of ln - ents sucti as B sitamno, magnasian, and assanlal loto mouid hea alactoir. Herba madicinas cas baI p ta nauriss and calm as avraclte namaout systan. Ecamples are ruera saliva lwild nats) and scalalluria laleriflara Itsuilîn). Hamaspasy ts aisa es tainephuf. Cureful quaslîenîsg cuids lea aemdy Ibat matcheas geai child's unique physica and emalional symploms, retufing ir a bal- ascing affcl Ibal reduces trealîminales Ove pmoflemt bhavisu. cria Risttk. N D usas saurompamhie ftesapies mfletudîva cisci volvsa, hbaa isae, hsmaaparvsandaeupunevmr vn terv8cl aisiuace. Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM DIoator of Vetarinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizzo Hut Plaza) Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 Dellbf. Hawldea B. Se., DUM HEAT STROKE I ehought if on/y appropriate f0 discuss ehe perils of high temperatures this month. We hase had record highs and suI 1 have seen dogs confined fa cars svhile ghejr owners are ia the shopping mail. Wr ail know howv fatal heat stroke (hyperthermia) con be f0 hunan beings. For the pastfew aseeks, on the news. we have heard about people dying as a resu/t of heat. HYPERTHERMIA is. by definition, a stebstantial inu-rease i n osar core body femperafure. The physiological respuaase to ot'erheaeing is swveatiag ia order to release heatfi-on the body. Dogs aad cats do not possess sweat glands an their skia to do so. They c-att on/y cool b ' sweaeiag tltrough theirfoot pads and by paustiag. Whea the -v pant esa-essis-ely aad for long pe-ieads of Orne fhe pH of« te hlraod chansges. This resaIes in aform of sIuai- thot î5 11fe ehreaienisg. Onice titis c-asc-ade of evenes îas eaut ut-t-d. unfot-tuaatel v deatît is imnn t -l'm suere like ne, ' vou fiad this ssabject sery upsettîag, but uafortuaatev if hap- penu alI toua oftea. P/eaae use comnon seisse in the hot gweather. If the lem- perature is f00 hot for yos do not lease your pet in a v-ar or outside. Be assured. if the wseather is f00 hot for vot thea il is 5 fines t00 hof for your pet bet-ause of his ittabil- ifs f0 coeol lsinself. If vot see a pet locked is o sehivie, la a diseessed state, califor assistan-e inanediately- - votejust nigsi sas-e a s-ny precioas life! R B A BS.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Csunselling & Psychsfherapy Individuels, Couples, Children & Familles m x., 11084, Sth Lins, Milton, Ontario Eilayne .Tne (905) 854-0801 I: arn in the precet of separating from ay spoase and mediation hie. heen segevted as a osas af reselvise nor diKfresces. What is mediatien and hec cas tl hep me? A: Whes separating/divorcisg, tltcm arc idecittons to 8e made megarding divi- sion of mosey. assês and chûl] melated issues. Ofien, eacli party gels a lawyer and thte o lawyms rmach a seulement. Mediation isa process where one impar- tial mediator warks osiîh bath parties together o saoluntarily meach a mutsally acceptable seutlement. A qsalifiei mediator wîll help bathi people eqaally and will essure thlta bathi aides are heard. Mediation has maey beneOts: 1 'I s less espessive - 1 mediatar is less castly dasm 2 lawyers and your lawyer cas suitl apprase Use final setulement. 2. Itus leas adversarial -yaa orU il oai tageUser. 3. There is a amr pasitive oateame - evetyone is happier becasse they have wsrked sut Use solution Usereselves. 4. tlit mare fair - everysse gels Use necessaey information and Usmats and caer- dcimenast appty. 5. A sasse af persosul empaowesest - yau have segstiatef yaas sose settiement raUser ifias haviag laeoyr ehUe casrt impose taso yaa and s, yae ure baUs mare likely ta fattax Usraugh. Thraugh Elayne Taner & Assaciates t have develaped assaciautaons ihpre- fessiseas Usai t knaw ta be highly qaifird, skitted, asd espeeiesced la Usair speciaizei ameas t bave dane the screeeisg and finascial segatiasias for yaa. tf yaa ould like ta kasos mame about mediatian ar osish ta ha refered ta a mediatar t hase confidence in. please cantact me asd t waald be hauppy ta ausist Etryse Tanner uc a egiatesd nembe, af Mhe Caliege af Prcfessiecrl Soeirl Wa,*ers, wish mmsy peers af professiacrt eaperiece in inclividui, fmiy & mritl coucceOicg. Ifer afjte bs tea MUini as rmate rurleU ma uasfsuu Use dowinsas ara. Fartber questions oselcame - eaul 905) 854-0801 Canfidentiatit uaranteei. I nner sanctum 15 Martin St., #3 (Carrnage Square) 905-876-0551 Weady Saeamut wamtèot Q: 1have avery busy /ifesty/e candl have heard thai yoga lis a goodwayto ear Iorelx an dél wth tres, utI amn very inlexible andl fot in great shape. Woe/d I beneflt front yoga classes? A: With the damands; of worc, home, fasnilies and friands; our lives have hecome very full and husy, leaving hltim re foc our- selves. As a resuit, stress lavels have attained an ali-tine high showing up as headachas, stiffness in the joints, fatigue, sleep- lessness and nunerous stress-related symptons. Hatha Yoga is physical movement conhinad with mental foras and an awareaess of the hreath, developed thousunds of years a ta keep the body healthy. At Inner Sanctum, the yoga pro- gramn hegint hy taaching you how to relax and hoot to "undo- tightnest otithin yoursalf. By gently working thraugh ail the dif- ferent muscle groups yaa develop ant awareness of how your body movas aand acquire the tools ond kaowledge to he able ta work through and release tome of tfie tightness and tension in anaer to feel more relaxed. The estence of Hatha Yoga is very parsonal ad conpletely nuit campetitive. There ts no pushing or forcing, the goal is to hring tihe hody to a place of confort, once if ts confortable tt can relax. and fron that relaxed state the movement cames. Yoga gises us pernission to ha exactiy where we are tn any gtven moment. therefore allowing people of ail aget. fitnets levaIs or ahilities toi nove anad work at a pace that is hast for then. A regular yoga practice wîlt imapact greatly os your overaîl well haing and how you handle day-to-day strass. Thînk of a yoga clats as tha gift you give yoursalf. lacer Sanctcm lis a year-round yoga studio efféring classes, work. shops anad privait sessions. For more informauien contact Wendy Sameaut, 9054876-0551.