1S-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 11, 2001 efrom DATELINE on page 12 Do you love to sing? The Milton Choriatera, a comunlty choir, welcomes new singers of al] ages. 'Me next rehearsal is held ai Grace Anglican Church fromn 7:45 to 10 p.m. For more infor- mation, rail (905) 876-2401. Wednesday Sept. 12 The Milton branch of the Arthritis Society and Halton Healthcare Services hoids a free seminar titied Criala in Arthritis Care at St. Paui's United Church. Numerous medicai profession- ais are scheduied to speak. To reserve a Seat or for more informa- tion, rail (905) 338-4379. Wednesday Sept. 12 - 13 The Canadian Red Cross North Haiton branch holds a standard rair aid course. For more information, cail (905) 875-1459. Thuraday Sept. 13 The Milton Cotnmunity Resource Centre holds its Mother Goose programt for parents and babies up to 16 montits from i to 2 p.m. Child care is available for sibiings aged 2 to 5 years. For more information, cail] (905) 876-1244, ext. 15. The Canadian Federation of University Women - Milton and District invites ail] university women graduates to its Wine and Cheea Welcome at 7:30 p.m. New members are welcome. For more information or for event location, cal (905) 878-242 1. Explore the meaning of life with the Alpha Course held at St. David's Church in Casnpbeilviiie. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. For more information. cali (905) 854-9800. The Halton Hands in Motion Kniuing and Crocheting Guild meets in the staff dining roomn of Georgetown High School from. 7 10 9 p.m. The fe for non-members is $5. For more information. rail Diane at- (905) 877-152 1. The Burlington chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO) meets at Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr in Buriington at 7 p.m. SSO is a self-heip group for friends and [amilies of people who have schizophrenia. For more infor- mation, rail (905) 634-6797. Friday Sept. 14 The Milton Concert Presentations presents Verdi Centennial Concert at St. Paul's United Church at 8 p.m. Conductor Kerry Stranton of the Toronto Philhannonia ieads thse orchestra and soloists Bruce Kelly and Barbara Collier joi in. For ticket price information, rail (905) 878-2432. Saturday Sept. 15 - 16 Ride streetcara fromn 100 years of Toronto's transportation her- itage at the Haiton County Radical Raiiway Streetrar Museum from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, rail (519) 856-9802. Saturday Sept. 15 Milton Mail hosts its third annuai Volunteer Recruitiment Day. Visit various organizations to discuss how your interests fit their needs. Non-profit organizations wishing to participate can rail (905) 878-3900. Mountsberg Wiidlife Centre hosts Explore the Night Sky froru 7 to 9 p.m. Leamn about the planets and the stars. The event costs $10 for aduits and $7 for chiidren. For more information, cail] (905) 854-2276. The Ailendale Auxiiiary hosts ita annual Chieken Barbecue ai 5 p.m. For more information, rail (905) 878-2706. iPoreparehfor certification Ful-time day and evening programs Continuous placement assistance Co-op placemnent for hands-on wrattendca expenenoee.o.c * Network Technician * MCSE " Web Designer " I-Net Certification " A+ Certification " Network+ Certification " Office Administration * CISCO " Projeot Management " Network Cabling J(4 The Centre I SJotsik "WMe,& lkaelng I