The Canadian Champion, Friday, Sepiember 7, 2001-9 S'tcrn engines airc biggcst aîlttraction at rho 0from STEAM-ERA on page 1 l'm glad to, have the H back home." Mr. Hadfield said he was just getting his faim started up hack then and thought the Farmaîl H tractor was a useful machine. "I told Sherwood to find me something for my collection and we'd trade. It was the bcst H 1 had -I wouldn't have sold it. But jt's nice for Sherwood to have il." George Woznuk, an exhihitor from, Cambridge, said people are ofien sueprised at how steamt engines operate. "The steam engines are the biggest attraction, they're what made the show," he said, who showcased his Baker steam engine. "They operate on wood and water. Ive had this one for about nine years. 1 have 15 or 20 of these ai home.' The people who stop by 10 view the loco- motives are very inquisilive, he said. "They want to know how il operates and they want Io see il operale." Besides traclor and steamn engine attrac- tions. the show also feaiured square danc- ing, a Olea market, a working saw miii and daily parades. Another exhihil Ihal diew quite the crowd was the Toy Float. The 45-foot display showcased toy hous- es, cars and trains which rais along a track. A large waierfall was posiiioned ai the end ol ihe model. "It took six months 10 huild." said Cambridge resident Peter Dyksterhuis, supervîsor of the model, adding the model is over 34 years old. 'li's quite popular, a loti of people have stopped hy to watch the trains go around the tracks or look ai the lit- tdc houses. You don't see ton, many of these." Wally and Linda Biemnacki of Pickering proved setting up an exhibit away fromt the others paid off. "More people watk hy this way and stop and watch the engmne mn for a while," said Chupchilt tsfafes Modal hunme open 22 homoes bld a S romali Gary Thoma lua utuuanco 5 km M. id 401 a CM Un Sunday, Sept. 9 2 -4 p.m. 247 Woodward Ave. Joyce Hagevik in attendance Royal Lepage Real Estate Services Sunday, September 9 2 - 4 p.m. 2 Bedroom Condo 81 Miliside Dr., Unit 904 (white building - pinase enter by nnw bock entrance) $1 48,900 Kerr Realty Management Saturday & Sunday 2 -4 p.m. 550 Childs Dr. Unit #29 Sussi Gordon in attendance Relmax Specialists Mississauga Mr. Biemnaclo, who set up his quarter scale gas tractor model along a walkway hetween the tractor and locomotive exhihits. "People want to sec somnething doing someîhing, not somnething static. They want to see somneihing tumning, somne- thing making noise." To demnonstrate, he hlew the whistle which was attached 10 the engine, causing a number of people watching the saw mill in action stop and gaze over. "The tractors are secondary to what people want to sec." Gladys Hume agreed. "People are here 10, sec activity - it doesn't matter what,"* she said. "They're not here te, sec rows and rows of tractors. They want 10 sec the engine running, the steamn." Dale and Chris Forsythe hrought their three-year-old daughter Callie to the Steam-Era Show so she could sec what a steamn engine looked like up close. "We thoughî il would he somnething she would like 10 sec and something we would like 10 sec ai the samne limne," said M. Forsythe, who travelled fromn Guelph for the show. "This is great. Il's hetter than what 1 thought il would he. There's so many things 10, sec." Tim Hudak, mioisier of iouoism, culture and recreation toured the fairgrounds Saturday and rode on a sieamn engine dur- ing the Grande Parade. "1 think il went very well," Brad Clemnents, president of the Ontario Sieam and Antique Preservers Association, said of the weekend overaîl. "We're very pleased with the tumout and with the weather." Pîaying his electrir guitar, George Roui of St. Catharines placed firsi in the Country and Westemn Talent Show Saturday night. eOn ~~ 401 & GUELPH LIN[, EXIT NORTHI L'eu9430 GIJP XNE (AMPBELLVILLE, ON - 905-854-4093 W0 FOR FUN, NOS FOR111011 F100 RESiONSIBL. SHOAI 050110 GA011000111 NIIPIJNI 1-888230-3505 MUtTIE 1.005 0FAGE1ORO01011 scoop? Please ca/I us with your story ideas ai 878- 2341, ext. 234. gu im mi r, Mohawk RACETRACK SLOTS::