ô - The Canadian Chamion, Fniday, September 7, 2001 - COMM ENT THE OJNADLAV CHAMPION Box 2048, 191 Mn Milton, Ont. L (905) 878- Editonial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Wendy McNah Karen Smith Steve Crozier Teri Casas Tino Cotes Assa Adver cirnuî Produ PUTICAL COMON GRUNVU..0 ain St. E., lThe Canadian Champion, Publistied eveny Taesday and Frîday at 191 Main St. Eý, Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of Tthe Mntroland 9T 4N9 Pninting, PuliIshing & Distributing LtdS group of saburban comparues wtiich inluSesl AîuuiPickeninig News Attuentisen, Ailinton Henuid/Courier, Barrie AdacBannys Bay This Wnek, Botten Entenprise, Brampton Guardian, 23 4 1 Bonngtn Post, Burtîngton Shopping News, City Pantnt, City ot Yorki GSuaran, Cntlingwnndo5hasaga Connntctinn, East Ynrk Minnnn, Ern 878-4943 YonGogtw needn/co Fe rsHlo uiesTms a-n - Hnnia Businnss Times, Kingston Thtis Week, Lindsay This Week, Maktiain 876-2364 Econnmist & Sun, Mland/Penitanguishene Mirtun, Mîtun Shopping News, Missîssauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanen Guide, 8753300 Nassugaweya Newns. NeanmaniietJAutnta Ena-Bannet. Northumberlandt News, Nnth ornk Minnon, Sakvîlte nuaver, Sakailie Shnpping News, Sidtimens Pubishier Hockey News, Scîltia oduy, SshawulWhittiy!ClatîngtnîPng Penny This Week, Peterborough This Week, Pîcton County Guide, Richmond ciae Publisher HillhotnhiltNaugsan Lbnnai, Scarhnnaugh Minnnn, Stoulttnl/Snbtidge Tibhune. t:sing Manager Aituentising is accepteS on the condition Suat, in tht event St a typn- Edr gaptacat eren,, titan portion St the aSaertising spane nccupied Sy tEe ennn- Edtrnanas item. toiletter witS a reasonabte allnenance tot signature, will nt Se lation Manager 'hangeS ton, Eut the batance ot tht aluertinement will E laid ton ut tht appi- cable rate lThe pubtîsher nesenven tite nigt toni catetonize aduentisements ne Offit-e Manager dectine, ation Manager The Mahn Cana-e CsaaPn i a Beepetabie Pedant Conservatives better start thinking twice Recent news reports should have the provincial Tories looking-nerv- ously over their shoulders. The swell of support that twice swept the Conservatives to power seems to be withering - like gardens in the waning days of surrmer - and they've got no one to blame but themiselves. In a recent poli, nearly 900 Ontarians were asked who they would support if an election was held tomon-ow. Fifty per cent chose the Liberals, 35 per cent picked the Conservatives and under 10 per cent supported the NDP. What's more, the premier was considered highly trusted by just 30 per cent of decided voters polled - down from 40 per cent two years ago. The majority (51 percent) rated their trust in Premier Milce Harris as low. It's no wonder support is declining when we hear about problems like the lack of fundmng for the North Halton Mental Health Clinic. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, the Health and Long Terni Care Mmîistry-approved budget of $523,8 14 for the coming year wiII force the clinic to mun a $60,000 deficit in order to provide basic serv- ices. Services include community-based psychiatric assessment, treat- ment and follow-up for adults and seniors in north Halton, including Milton. According to Halton Region, the approved budget is $54,538 less than 1992-93 levels. If the Tories expect to collect the fat raises awalting the next provin- cial election's victor, they had better start paying more attention to the community's immediate needs. r ""-J--" -~ -k ~ ~~pX7a1r 77 SOUR READERS WRIT E Hilton off the mark in regard to Drury Park development:- reader Dear Editor: I'm responding to Ted Hilton's state- ments about.te Dnan-y Park subdivision in bis letter tu tise editor August 17, in wbich ise praised tise development of tise property for tree preservation and other work ai lise site. Tise developer ot Drury Park is flot pre- seving trees and upgrading sports facilities out of tise goodness of bis heart. Tise new track, for example, was required by tise Province as pars of its deal tu seli tise land. Saving a portion of tise trees is part of tise site planning process, a negotiaîed contrac- turai agreement between the Town and tise developer. Similarily, possible benefits toi tise tennis club depend on tise Town providing land to tise developer for access at Childs Drive. Nobody is giving anyshing or getting anytising, for notising. Ibis is business, not charity. lIn my opinion, many of tise concessions being muade by tise developer would not bave isappened if flot for tise steady involvement of tise Friends of E.C. Drary Park and Milton's deaf community. Mr. Hilton mentioned tisat it coat money for tise Town and tise developer tu attend tise Ontario Municipal Board bearing. 1 would oemind ii tisat tise Friends of E.C. Dnary Park were also a party attse isearing. it cost tisese citizens bots time and money toi be tisere tu belp tise Town wits its case. 1 sisare M. Hilton's wiss for us to ail be good neigisiours after tise construction is over. Rigist now, bowever, I can tisink of nots- ing more neigbbourly tisan for Mr. Hilton tu also tbank tise Friends of E.C. Druory Park and Milton's deaf comonunity for iselping preserve tise lovely setting tisat bes about 10, move into. Richard Mürzln Man 's senseless slaying hurts entire community A cowardly, despicable person took tise life of an innocent man in our cloae-knit cormnunity last Friday. 1 didn't know Murray Parrott - sti a young man at thse age of 53 - but people say ise was a caring, gentle person wbo would purposefully cauae isarnoi n0fo one. My sympathy and tisat of everyone at The Cisanmpion goes out to bis family and frienda as tisey atruggle toi deal witis tise tragedy. Tise senseleas loas of M. Parrott flot only chsanges tise lives of bis loved onea forever, it burts lise entire comumunity. Such a brutal, ran- dom attaek brings our mucb-valued sense of safe- ty into, question and tise fragility of life to tise forefront. We've sadly discovered before tisat our nor- mally peaceful town ises't irmmune toi sucis acta of violence, but that doesn't make themn any eaaier to accept or understand. Evidence so far suggests Mr. Parrott may bave F o h jut rn nth rogplace a tise wrong tasse editor's desk whe a illr dcidd t pry o anunsuspectisg victimi - one wbo was simply ready t0 calI il a nigst. We don't know wisat tise motive was, but rois- killer could bave been worts ending a man's life beoy seemns likely. for? TIsere really is no legitinnate answer toi tisat If thisa was tise case, wisat in tise mind of tise question. Police bave a man suspected of M. Panrott's slaying in custody. If be's guilty. aIl we can do now is isope justice prevails and no otisers will lose a spouse or par- ent to, tise vicious brutality ise's capable of in tis town or anywisere else. But one tising tisat can neyer be bast is tise fond- ness people bave for Mr. Parrott. A testimony of tisat affection will be displayed Sunday wben tise Knigst Cap on Main Street wiil bold a wake on bis isonour. Mn. Parrott was a regular attse pub, but ise was more tisan ordiaay in tise isearta of many of tise staff and patrons. Fa.x to tieo editor toôVr room at 878- 4943, or drop them off any- limeo at 191 Main