The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 7, 2001-29 att0rg 'av-ers ('mv v- ('r ~.He! Wanecl He(pWavvte t-f-lpW IpW Rd eR> Wnte u nM As Casadas /arges( national distributur of medicAt and SO U RCE M M EDI CAL uurgica/ products and services, Source Medicat has Oui/t i/s repu/stios on innova/ire producto. cusi sm/ced togistics and an expeiieiiced trais ot pruiessioraîs Io he/p heath -aie provîsers detîver beller care whi/e increasing eftîcîencîes and reducîsp costsý Distribution Leader - Nights Baing your leadership and communication talensso thrs great oppsrtunity to supervise, schedule and co-ordinate the daitp activities of a production team, within the areas ut shippisg. receiving and/or maiter/ai handling. Yuu have completed post-secordary rdocatros or have 110o2 years ot retated erpeerence and/or training, p/us ma/rial handlrss rqorpmert certification. QIC Analyst Drawisg or paur 1 Io 3 years et rsveotory conrru experîeoce, peu wr/t support the reqoiremeeta ot the Cestrat Regron /nceetorp Costre/. This wr/t revor stock cooe/ls, RAJQA predut be/de asd retes, expîrp reportng, brase cestre/ asd rrpodîspg retors goodo management, location and prodact maintenance, tromPal changes, cobra ard wr/gb/s, asd oura/i rrvesterp rstegeiiy /0 addition, pou map traie empteyees as basic isvestery cor/rot acceasitabiti/ies. A deta/ sies/rd tram ptayer, yea poasesa atresg /eadership, commanicatien and ergaeizatiosa ski//a, and are ab/e te work t/eoible hou/a ard ahi//s at varus soulties. Stock Co-ordinators These temporary positions, whrch pa $1t /56 per heur p/os shrt/ premram, are avaîtabte ai oui Da/evitte and Mississauga locat/os, You w//t pick up costumer aidlera, precess iscemrsg ahrpmens, sord pat/ets, prepare costenrer ordert tee sbrpmest, ard prfrtm rroertoep checks, heaaekeep/sg asd aiber warehovse ftectrees. The abîlty te operate a tow mo/or. and steeo cemmunication ara ma/hematîca Ski//O are essec//at. Distribation experience asd computer skrt/s arr deorrab/e. heu muai be flexiblr and able ta woek shits. Ifaso thrsk psu cas make a rea/ différence, sers poar rasé/to Manager, Human Resaurces, Source Medical Corporation, 1330 Moyernide Drive, Missistauga, ON L5T 1C2. Fan: 905-565-2298. E-mail: Wr thaok ai ap/rcant/u huwrver os/y troue under cosiciriatiur w/flue curilaceO No phone ca/tsor aqeocies pease. Position Available >Tailor I Seamstress Canada'a largeat leather store heu an opeming for a taiBor or seanuatresa. Experience with leather lia preferred, but flot mecesaary. Candidate must be available to work a weekend ahift. 01ý For further information cali mIlI Cathy Coles 519-853-1031 TH. i LD I.D l* . --- - Initial Security requires mature security pensons. Ful/ and Part time. Must be 18 years o/S. Able to, obtain security guard ticense. Excellent for grade 12 or 13 stuc/enta. For interview cati 905-876-5200 between 9 arn end 3 pmn Monday to Friday. Are o han enveeic res WELpacdveviiiWesJsc fcvsseviiy tn ly ars ppila- ninns, eu fo/l ing: /TP/T coulis F/T.P/T Waitrrs/Wniitress F/T.P/T Disbwusber I-/T MainUnance Snipervnesr 7am-Ipnn I-Frt tar Cashirs We pre mm-Ivs as amdfy ranui ness tai pmes - Flexble burs emnlpntntivr waees$7A10> 00ttr.lln Ale tesirlirdulr arunit famil respouiutn Appin speison Firh W riTck SLop 4)Ch shoil. nîe, T/me To Gel Back ls The Work Force! COUNTER SALES PERSON AND SHIRT PRESSER neSd part-lime. Ns uap. neceesary. Jars thre Parkers Tamt rlase appt/ PARKER'S CLEANERS 4./ Guelphn Lise, Burt. se/fas <90)02-UN WOODBI NE. Jeta vue Mohawk neaun aad share iv the escitneet of change witn vine herse racine, garingu, aud enertaininean indastries. We're teekine fer peeple whv are ennhntsiastic cenumnitteet tnt pn-vidiag excelleunt castemer service, antd ant ne be part of eur vibrant Ceai, *Ckmaers Wltn aw~tkýeUene5 denai mli pide iru yer wvrk, yvu wl be rrspvosible for mainnnaiuian a ciran and saaitary facllity. Expierieuced in industriel andi office clrualue, yvu arr wiing ne wvrk weekmntds aid helidays as rrquirrd aid cemmuncate efectivellyjenltnglish. Ttnvugn these pesintions art uvailable ut our Mohawk location, there mu> br an opporunity for neanfer ne our Wvodbloe location durng the vif srason. /rem appp en ariser ta: Wodbine Eaternntn Grop 555 Rexdaîr Boulevard, P.0. Boxe 156, Rrsdalr, Ontario M9W51.2 Fmrc416-213-2129 r-mati Wa âà M,frS, un -iciea 1-à M-aSa,,,î IIALTON HELPING HANDS MOMS! MOMS! MOMS! -Want iksbl i h..,, RI-- i BI-1. t iANSIA~CT/ i/ON RÉeQItirED l'Ali) IReAININe AI1 I iWNCIi 1 I LANeI 1 i( iiiANv t Forward resumne: Fax (905) a44-5656 250 Wyevroft Road, 12, ,akvitLer L6 K 3T7 Or calI (905) 878-6403 Now Hiring Fuli Time Days 7-4 Mon - Fri No Weekends Drap off resumne @ 235 Steeles Ave. E Milton 900 Steeles Ave. East, Milton FSTOR FROCT MANAGERS Foarth Largeat Pizza Company in North America now hirisg experîenced pizza store masagera for the Toronto GTA. Muse hase an test 3 years experience w/eth a National or Regionat Pizza chais. Yoa mass be a customer - oriented manag- er, who wanta to adnance based on perfor- mance. Idest candidate mast be competi- t/ne, detait oriested, and wlig t tears the business trom the rudap committed to leadership and management by example. Car required. HANDS - ON! We offer: s-Campe/tisie Besief/is and Campensat/on *Ou/standing Advascement Oppa/tanities *Bacsecs Partnersh/ps *Fa/te Franchising Oppantun/t/eo Seod yoor renoms & compensation reqoitrementa le: Box 1855, c/oe Burliogtoo Pont, 2321 Fairvlew St., Burtiogioo 17R 2E3 ECLIPSE Oabvitle's Premier SALON Salon & Day Spa HAS 1ma es EXPANDED1 Internalional Wr eow haoe rexcellent reqaîrro a tot/tîme oppohrt/ies toi Asiatant toi /he *Esthetlcians Sa/lon vods/o//liie *Stylises Asiatant foi the Spa. c r/ o de/arts P/eaae cs// Judy or 905-637-1041 Barb: 905-338333 HYUNDAI 0F OAKVILLE Due/to expansion, sur award wirerg as/o deaierah/p as aeek/rg hîghtp motiva/rd /rdrvîdua/a /0 /in oui /eam. S/reng cemmunicat/onsak//ta & positive aeltitude a muat. * New Car Sales Consultant * Used Car Sales Consultant " Receptionist " Lot Persan Iffyou woutd tîke te joie, our ouccrosut tram Ploase fax routine te (905)845-7211 or mail 1071 Speers Road, GakviIIe OM LOL 2X5 Grow & traro wr/h our progreosive orgaolzatoor Ai Fired Up! Ltd. Local ceramie gi/tware m/r accep/rng appl/cat/ons tr tu//t/me permanent ciaft pro/tact/en posit/es, ($9.50/hi /5 a/art, wr/h a contr/butien hbaaed pis- gression spstem, pie//t sharîng and bene/it pkgt. Sk//ts reqaired are s/rang se/t-in/t/at/ce, /eamwerk, commanication, prehtem-aatc/ng, csnt/raeaa tairn- /rg and manva dec/tri/p tndic/duats w//t es/k te brîng sut /6e/r swr, their teama' ard tht baainecs' ps/es- t/at, /hreagh perfsrmreg many dît/e/est types s/ pro- duct/on and systeme we/k. Heavy li/ting reqaired. Werk/ng hears: Man.-Thers, 7 am-4pm, Fr/. lam-3pm Apply wlt reurne: Mer. Sept. /0/te Phare. Sept. 13, 7am-4pm at /80 N/p/seing Rd, #11, MILTON Prer/oas appt/cas/s seS not appty The Dickens * uNE COOKS FIT-P/T OISHWASHERS p/T * SERVERS (Wr/t train/ Appiy in persan: 423 Elizabeth St. Barlington VETERNARY Hospital ix- qorrea ma/ure pant lime pci- tion toe rucep/rcnsa/kenrai heip, Availahle ioi allei noono, rvunrnga & ate- kenaa/. Fax Resume ans- a8e-r 1660 VAHOOZ N/Mu s/il Oes- /aurasilSpcra Bar a/ posi- t/ans avar/ahie. Ev/i aid part rime houes. Apply in persn ru r2e Chiiiivtm Drive, N/iresn WESTRAC TRANSPORT INC. DWNER OPE//ATORS -COMPANY DR/VERS rursreg Carada & h SA Oakvr/tr & Mruuruoauga baseS transuport company requies, Professional Class AZ Drivers Muat have c/ras abatract, Wr st/n excel/rent pay, remurerat/er, comparp brenetts, C/osa AZ opgrade training avar/abte. e/c JOIN A WINNING TEA4m! Cal Gave Rawn or Wayne Campbell WESTRAC TRANSPORT MC. 1-888-837-5557 or 905-795-5521 RAISTON PUNIRA CANADA IC., a /ead/rg pet food manatacturer /sca/ed on Mîssîsaoga, as recraîtrsg toi a LICENSED INDUSTRIAL MECNANICI MILLWRIGNT. Wrl sperate orsa 24 hour, 5 day haa/a rn a snrerîzed enirnment. Tht wurk wr/t se/oude trsab/eshou//ng, maintenance, repaîr and prorect wvrk rnc/adirg hrgh-sperd autsmatud packag/ng and procuac/rg apsema and eqa/pment, a/ceg wr/h bu/td/nga ard mechacrca servicesa bVrk rrvctves se/-ap and service ut baggers/ acates/ pa//etrorra, prucraa & eqo/pmer/ prsbtem-a/v/rg, eqa/pmrr/ rupa/r, hpdraa/rc/ pieuramic pcwer, pîprrg, wr/drsg, fabricatien and maehrring, Cand/datea must 6e liresd todustîria Muchasrca/Mri/wr/gh/s wr/h 3- S pais rodesera expueri ecce. /Lrcecved Constraction Mm//wrrghts wr/h appropria/r exper/ese map a/se be evra/drîrd). Rt/ae of pap wr/t progreas trem $21.75/so $24.71/hi s hift prumram /brweek/p shifR rota/rus). Submtt restose ne tller than Sept.121O1, te: Raiston Purina Canada Inc. Attention: Humas Resources 2500 Royal Windsor Drive Mise/esauga, Ontario L5J /KB Fax: 905-855-5920 JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT A ms/or, ma//r p/ast manufacturr i sceukrrg a Janior Accoaritanit tori r/s gnserng Banrngtos/ Dakv/t/r facm/îtp. Position: Asamst /he p/art Accsantarnt da/tp aid Ccrpurate Ces/ru/tri at moi/h end. J/E's, Bank Recenc///atmer's, G/L scesenrt recocii/at/e's, trvestarp Manage- ment, Prouct/i recerd/re, Standard Ceai, Job Ceat. Oîaitications/ Exporience Ecre//ud mn t/net tuete ut CMA or CGA. Sc/md compater ski//a (MS Ecel, wurd). Dne or tee puais accovstrsg ecpéene rn a masetacurirg eru/rurmuent We s/tr pre/essiosa and pursonal gise/h oruter and a compétit/ve compensation package. Pieaee send titllr rosisseis te Box 6351, c/o Gakailie Baver, 467 Speere fload, Oanvile, Ontario, LIII 3S4 A/thnvgh ar apprec/atr /6e interest ot thoe chu have submifRed reaumea, srp thoar cand/dates sr/reted tor as interview w//t rrcervr a rrp/p. PART-ime administraive aassiart sreaed fci sa/y,- ceahic aveinrs o/tice, Re- cepior, data misr, hirrqg, c/c. s/e/hi. StîrO resame to 9h N/ain St/ E., Mi//as LOT lN-t See Us at The Halton Job & Career Fair on Wed. Sept. 26/01: Adecco Employment Service Ltd. Ash Temple Ltdi rire /s Cusi orer Service Repv-esentatlve Ma/unnity /eavu position, /0/ltitme, Des/a background reguired, Piesse tas lesame te. (905) 632-2011 OUEST SERVICES AGENT Ah/r/to wsrk a car/ah/r scheda/r ut daps, ergs & wkeda. Ecp. or edue. rn Hoapitai/y Gaest Serv/ces pie/erret BREAKFAST COOK WEEKENDS wr/h 1-2 pis restauran/ huie coekrng rexp MAINTENANCE HELPER Ah/e/to work 20-30 hrs/werk evgs & wkrda Exp on bas/c piambîng, etretrca wsrk & Gesera maintenance. Fax reaume ta: Hamar Resevîcua RAMADA IMM Galivitte tac: 905-845-9450 "ORGANIST Wan/edt Omagh Prusbprerian Church, tnitannia & Hay 25. w Smsl Country Cha eh. car ans e7e-8522 EMJ magnetics BCL Magnetica, a corS c/att leader in /amîrat/cr c/ampîng techrctogp, carres//y has tht fot/oc/sg apportanty: Accounts Payable Clerk Wr arr /ook/ng for a cet/-s/arting îndv/da/ ta jois our Finance Depar/ment. Ycur carîcus resposîhtîties eît/ rsc/ade match/cg inca/ces /0 panchase onde/s, pack/ng t//ps and purchase reqaîsîtiona, esanng that amcuntc and accut nambers are ccrrect and en/erîsg snorces sn our computer cs/mtm Dack up/to tw//chboard is a/cc reqared. Appt/cao/s mat poccees a h/gh schoo d/p/cma and be rery accarate dea/ng w//h ramberc. The ab///y /oi proes (ange cvomts of papercorh in a t/me/y tash/on /s cri/tcal. Good organ/za/ona and snterperconal ski//c are alto requiseS and prer/cat eoper/ence in a compa/erzed accoantng deparmenti c pre/erred. BCL offert competi//ve eagec anS fal/ beneft/s. Qa/f/ed candidates chou/S tend their reumes by Monday, September 10, 2001 to: BCL Magnetics 5045 North Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 5H6 Attn: Human Resources Fax: (905) 335.9084