28--The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 7, 2001 zieh3 M>eOs 258rtesv~ 258 U DOYLE, Josephi (tormerly of Margarea, Cape Breton, N.S.> After a Iengfhy and courageous struggle with itinesa, Joe passed awsy peaceful- y on September 3rd, 2001 at Milton District Hospital. He cas 68 years old. He cas truly loved and wiii be sadly missed by bis cite Bernadette (Bernîce) Doyle, son Michael and daaghter-in-Iaw Jennîter Doyle; dasghter Tams- Anne and son-in-law Wolf Dams. His grandchil- dreir Shawna, Taryn, Michael, Jason and Jaîden ciii tressure the memory of their beioned "Papa" forever. He is also Iovingly remembered by Hanis Daisîsidas, Nînki Bryant, step-grandchîidren Cheryl Cartwright, Denise Hoiman, Troy Dams and their famîlies. He ciii be especîaliy mîssed by sîster-in-lac Yvette and her hasbasd Doug Dosenbury. He is sarvîved by hîs sîsters Annie Jase Bennest and Jessie Kocal and many nînces and nephews. Visitation for Joce cas ut J. Scott Early Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton on September 4th. A taneral mass cas heid at Holy Rosary Church, 139 Martin St., Milton on September 5th at 2 PM. The famiiy receîned guesta at their home in Campbellville foliocing the service. Donations to the Mitton District Hospitat Foondation would be grestty appreciat- ed. "Thank you for the gifI of sharing your lite with us. We'l always be grateful and we will always, always love you.' PARROTTI Murray Dean It is cith deepent sor- roc that the family of Murray Parrott, age 53 years, announces the passing of a beioved hus- band and father on Friday, Auguet 31, 2001. Ssrvived by fus mite Pat (neie Ingham) and son Matt of Milton. Loving sonl of Dean Parrott of Milton and the tata Visian (ses Smith). Dany missed Sy his dear friends Grace Wesanger and Ken Middasgh. Fondly rememhered by his sister Bonnie and her hasband Non Haniey of Delhi and their daughter Karen Roberts and famîly and brothar-in-taw Dosg Ingham snd his ifle Terri and famiiy of Niagara Faits. Murray ciii aiso Se rememhared by his specisi great-aunts Kay Mitchell and famiiy of Nova Scotia and Martha Woodcock of Virginia. Friends cere received at the J. Scott Eaniy Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Mitton on Tsesday. A Fanerai Service cas haid f rom Boston Presbyterian Church, 3rd Lise, Haiton Hilit on Wednesday, September fith uit i1 AM. A private famity intermant wiii foftow at a latar date. As expressions of sympathy, dona- tions may Sa made to the Miton District Hospitat Foundation or the chanity of oses choica. REDEKOP, Dorothy Margaret (nee Sharpe) passed away at Milton on Friday, Auguot 31, 2001 in her 77th year. Dorothy wiii Se iovingiy rememhered Sp: her hasband Nick, daughter Carol Clark, grandchîidren Adam and Dawn, great grandchiidren Devon, Nicholas and Andrec and her dear lîfetîmne friend Ruth Burke. She ciii Se mîssed Sy her sîsters-în-iaw, msny nieces and nephews and aul of those chose mies she touched. The famîiy receîved frîends at the Macîinnon Famiiy Fuserai Home, "Shoemaker Chapei", 55 Miii Street East, Acton (1-877-421- 9860 - toli fraie) on Sundsy, September 2nd from 2:30 p.m. untîi the tsnerai service ai 4:30 p.m. Rememhrasces to a csarity rot your choice couid Se spprecisted bp the famiiy.1 POWLL, LORNA il.NE Ang, lniiving. id Ila id, ill ain lithtoul die: its %vl wil one on Icihe road agaîn. Thanks to everyone F. Sfor their visits toi the hospital, ~ cards, Ilowers, fruits & gifts. Thanks Brad for the Big Mac & chocolate milk shake. fThanks Doug & Scott Adele Leslie (Thank You For the spectacular farewell. Hope you've ail had a wonderful summer .jYou're otten in our thoughts. SSpecial thanks toi Sandi & Bey, Luana, StiIl obsessing without you. PS. N.B. still does exist! . Special hello to friends ait t Baldwin and Wl. Mu ch love aond fondness, Kelly, Meredith, Zac & Mackeszie to thank my family and friends for making my 8Oth birthday a day to remnember. 1 Andy Graham GAETON:Th aml ofthe late BrlGaeton wesh bo extend thetr many acts of kindteos & support given bo them during the recent passing of Iheir dearly loved wife, j mom and grandma. A special thanks to relatives & - friends for the many carde, phone ~ kcatIs and food brought 10 our home ( in memory of Beryl. I - lackie Gaeton & Family SMITH, Margarei Frances (Fran> - At ber ras- ---- i/rance in Milton on September 5th 200f, in han "e" 58th pear. Fran Seloved cite ton 36 pears, of Donald Edcard. Loving mother of Maureen, Deborah (deceased) and Derrick. Dean sister of Eleanor Rumbie, her husband Bill, of Medicine Sp niieces an/r nephews Fred, Monica, Hal, Barbera, Stevan, Robent and Sheltp. She cas ,ïJtnprj pre/receased Sp ber parents Nellie un/r Jîm Carrolt of St. Colombes, Quebec. Will Se sa/rip misse/r Sp mother-in-lac Brigid an/r sister-in- ~ou tacll Veronica Houde, her husband Serge, of De/rn are/ ru meeting s our nec do sie /953 Montreal. Witt Se ssdlp misse/r Spt ber manp other relatives an/r friands. Visitation 7 f0 9 p.m. eon Fr//rap, September lth uit the McKersie- rKochen F userai Home, 114 Mais St., Milton, 905-878-4452. Funensi service f0 Se bel/ris the chupel sf1:00 p.m. on Satanrap. September 8fh. Following cremation, interment ut the Milton Energreen Cemetery. If desired, memor- ai contributions f0 the Cana/iani Cancer Du ohn CmirK nA/e e Society cool/r Se appneciated. ogKce CalieKhrAnewohr REMEMBRANCES * Pre-arrangment Options in th tor ot Grief Counselmng Services donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation * Cremnation Services are1 aprce L114 Main St. Milton 878&452 48 arer , vMilton 878-2881 In th Agrcultral a uRoertiSt. Preiein sart a 43Pr.Ms Toua norsur oritr Ator n seed han h /rn H(lton Job011 no nen$1000 00i Corepo nAR1 2îe 004 875 lin 184 . 416 Brant BUSlIN ESS 450 ox boksu 844ft STt UTm a eso Assistant Resource Development Manager MAOU Canada, a natîsnaliy recugoîoed asti-drînkîng osnd drîoing grusufoofs orgusoaftions, requîtes a full timre Assistant Resource Deoeiopment Manager hased in Mîssîssaoga, ON. fepnrfing f0 tho National Resootce Deoeispmenf Manager, inferesfed candidates ciii posseus a pust-secsndarp dipisma or degree an/r have a minimum oi 2 yeors tondraising esperiesce ir a non-profit enoîrosment. Possessing excellent commu- nicatin an/ r ngonizatiunoi skiiis, thio îndîuîduai ciii enecule on/r pion key compnnients of MADD Canada's natinol fus/raisioq progroms. Euperience cîfh salin- iting dnatîions trom corporation, iourstions and indioiduaio is o requirement tfo thîs positîon. Moil, ton or e-maîil pur fesmme tn the Nainal Office. (Ns feie- phase ca is ciii be occepfed. Ns ogencies please.) Application /readline: Sept.14/01. Dawn Regan, Natinal Resource Deoelopment Mgt, MADD Canada 6507C Mississouga Rd., Mîssîssaugo, ON L5N MAS Fax. 905-813-8920 e e-mail: dregan@ma/rd.ca We thank dit canîdidates ad/ advîoe t/raf un/y t/rose under considration wI be confacted. ANDREWS SCENIC ACRES Stadents, Homa-makers, shift-workers, seniors, for full an/r part time positions - Septeeber and iarhicularlyOctober. Farmers Markets, Bakers, Schooi Tours, Tractor drîvîng (traîninq provî/rad) Apptication forma avaiiab e at the tarm 905-878-5807 Vehicie Inspectoro and Drtvers Requtred for Toronto Auto Auction Factory Sales Department. Training providnd. Vaiid drivero ticerese, abstract required and a minimum of 3 peurs driving experience. Fuit time oubside work. Apply to, John Panas 905-875-2915 Resume 905-875-3219 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH inow hînîng fulltiomn 8am -4pmn, f 2pm - am. Thensuccssful oppliconts musr be flexible, highin moited and abie vii mîrk the ,îccasî,înat wenkendu. Yiîun inotînunionaf skiffs coutd carv yîiu an averoge hnîurty wage of hnrwnnn f10.00 and f5 OO0/hn mînh a base pay of '8.00/or. Pieuse appiy in peeson ut 40 Chisbuim Drive No phone catis pieuse jCASHIER Cashter required to work 3 days par waak including aitarnating Saturdays. This is a permanent Part lime Position. Not suitabie for a studant. Previous experiance preferrad. Fax resumne to 905-878-4049 or drap off Application ta Schuyler Home Hardware 385 Steeles Ave, Milton ents required for Hunt- eriJuerper show stable. This is a permanent position. Aul hum duties such as tee/ring, muckîsg, fum-sot, huthîng etc. wiii hal expected. Wodrk- ing students cull haoe hums- as tonrde an/r schusi. Con- tact Bervie ut Michael Grnl- yen Stables 519-856-9840 un tes resumne f0 519-85e- 2309 COFFEE TMme, 405 Martin Street now hiring al shifts Apply cithin. FREE training. Drioe 4 Us. Schesi Bus Onloar's Wanf- 1ed. Cuif (905/ 877-4448. Laidiaw is an equai clapot- fonity Company. fIELP munted. Mature Fant time heip. Must un abie f0 curk flexîie huns, some temssni, evesîvg & ane- kend shifis. Applp wîth ne- sumne fs the Manuger ut Sus Dingo OîSts ai Mitun Mail. LANOSCAPE & Pool Con- struction compuny iuokîsg inn enîkers tu jin u soc- cessol teum. Cai Tum ai miiiswcreek. 905-878-3852 LANDSCAPE Contractnr suc hîrnns Experînsce in uandocupe costruction, DZ lîcenon, eotuipment opera- fin une excellent usseis. Lead hasd and fuuurer po- sitiuns unîilahie. Fax 905s 629-7985 un 905 702 9878 LANDSCAPE Main- tenance & Cunstructîion csmpuny nequines enenge- tic mndii/ruais ru usi u team. Must Se hanrd asîhixu and nelubie wîth positive ut- titude. Wuges start ut $9.0e$10.e fil. hase/r un expenience. Cali (905)875- 0640 un fao resumne f0i (905)875-3577. PART Timre cosk. Sutunrap anr Sun/rap ASie f0 cush ton 15 peuple, 3 meais per day. $11 per hsur. 905-875- 3214, Helen. Fax 905-875- 3635 PONY muihers Wanted. Weeke-end wunk. Hsrse/ poso expenînnue heiptol. Ages f3 & op (9es) 878- 454f STOPPIS Cieunens ntafuins presser, tuii-timne, nu expenesnce secessay wii trein. Mon/ray f0 Fnrcap Appiy in persun tru eu5 Main St., Unit 4, Milton KIDS KIDS KIDS Ages 2+ WANTED for TV & Munie Jobs! Ns Feesuli Mua/ Wma 16-65 peats seere/r fut some. Nu extrus. Parents Ca/i 416-221-3829 UNION ENERGY FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES SALES PROFESSIGNAILS for gas tîrepioce & 880I retail soles. Positions oaîal. Oakviiie & Mîssîssougo. TECHIICAL SERVICE: Take charge, prohiem soleer tor inhome gos tirepiace & 880 service colis. We are a Union Energy nompany o/fering bene/rts on/r a c/roi/enging work envîronmen. Fax resumnes Attention Nick: 905-639-1506 S We are a dynsmic, csmmunity-hased wocukpiace, sot-fut profit, chi/r cate ~'centre as/r Sheridan Coiiege ECE student placement sife. hic oe We are seeking an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR fu meet the needs of uur chîidren, infants fhteugh pte- schuui, av/r theit famiiies, Reporfing fo a Bord ai Ditecturs, the ED supports 14 staff carîso fut 57 chul dten. Doily operof ion uf the Centre is t/ris persen's soie responsihiify, A fhoruugh kvucie/rge of the ONA, passiun fot the field, on/r commun sense are essentiai. Tbe hesi petson ciii have a /regtee in chu/r 510/ries, or au E.C.E. dîpioma, 8 pears esperience in tbe fiel/r, incis/rîng eeperîence supervîsîng oChers. A.E.C.E.0. cerfification cu/ Se an assef. The ideai candidate bas 3 years experiesce managîng a sîmîiar centre. Au equivaient combînaf lus ut educofion and expetience may Se cunsî/rere/r If ff00 enjuy people at ail ages sud stages an/r cud like fu iead sur feam, ctite tu us tellîsg us ail about yuseii Fiesse faxopur cunerîng ietter an/r resume hy September 17, 2001, fa 905-568-3512, Atan- tisn: J. Smith, Choit, HCCC Board, Re: IC-2001-07- ED. No te/ep/rone ca//o p/ease. We (hanh ail candi/rates for their interest On/y f/rose oe/ecte/r toroan interview wi// fte contactedr nî~tî t ni O'~ -j 1 - fi Raisia Chemicais Thw ck«hf pprr d h«àwe. HR Coordinator I Personal Assistant Ralailo Group is a grsming international company that pro/races an/r distrîbofes Payer chemîcais. Fo/rs, Besecoi ingre/rients, Anima/ tee/ru an/r Maltu. Raîsîs Chemicalu, Amerîcas, is a division ut the Raiuio Group, masi- ufacfoning an/r /îsfrihufing chemicais fa paper mulu fhruughut Canada, heUAas/r Latin Amerîno. 84e are currnntîy senkîvg ou HR Coor/rinafun/PA fu fhe Presîdent 10 mark ouf of aur Burlîngfun hea/ruuar- fers office. The primary /rufîea of fhîs position inclu/e, hot are sot limufe/r. fo: *Compiefe urersfan/rîng of HR Folicîns an/r Procedorno, Empîsymeof Stan/rards, compensation, henefifs an/r paprol relate/r fonctions. *Excellent communication sillu (verbal & criffen), alung wifh ahove-anerage adrministrative as/r PC okilîs; *Ability f0 cork au a team member or mîthut supervision. The qualifie/r candi/rate cilI have 5e pears*amin. nuperiesce, preferahlp sne in HR. Yo are /retaii-orienter, es(sp wsrking mifh sembers as/r are abie fo han/rIe a variety oft cunfidential muffent. hilingual in Franch an/r Spanuoh an asset. This position ufferu as eocellent compensation package scie/ring Sesefits. To spply for thîs position please send your reaumne in Word or txt format to alan.whltehead@ralsogroup.coml RCCI /o prou/r fo Se an Eque/ Opportunity Employer