Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Sep 2001, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Septemnber 7, 2001-27 CI lssitîed BIRTHDAY MODYTO FRIDAY AI 9:00 AN 5:00PM ALI snnper t - ANNIVERSARY On Sept. 15 lh 2001 the family of Ray & Evelyn Smith would like to invite you il an "Open House" in honour of their parents 5Oth Wedding Anniversarjj at the Hugh Foster Hall 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario 2- 4.30 p.m.& Best Wishes On! spocloas 3 bedmoon semi. Quiet Tmbeda Cresceol nasl parka, schools, shop- plng. Rlexible cloeîng. 905- 875-117 MUSKOKA Properly Fri- vole Sala 14.8 acres. Veer round lod 2 B/nooms, kllches 21l2' Teniho Ski- dooing and benbng 905- 878-1611 OPEN hoose Sunday 2-4, 28 Lome Scots Dose. 4 bedrsom, lange lot, Mesy epgrades. 905-878-6443 GEORGETOWN 2880 sq. t. hlm. eselcetlae offices, 4 privois offices, board mont, necephOsonce eilan kitch- enette. 1500/mth. 905-866- we uuvrnemar-s i - l $5 Grons oad boss ion motios t0 starI and ecpand pour busiess on tarm. 1- 80-505-M86 rLA1 IMonday to Fdayl L am____5___ BOOKKEEPER - Il- lance. Will do lewbvvks, smelî businesses. Knovs P.C. Law, Esi-Lew, Simply Accoeting Cali Lois 905- 854-4098 FREE cneddi repair - lnclud- ed in oor coonseling, diebl resolotivo and secured credit card pmogrem. Cai 1 - 800-866-3258 fon more oi- formation or a Inc cosai- ACTON , large 3 bedmoom $950+ulilities. 519-853- 5080, 519-85-5352 AVAILABLE immedîetely $725 mth i. atilisies. One bedroom eparlmnest in 12- placeti 224 MeOmi St. Appli- cation loess et Bergomas Feint - dowstown Mibton. IN Mîios 1 bedmoom apa08- menîs lmom $650, large eperlmenl, quiet building, sewly decvreled. 905-875- 4989 ROCKWOOD by park. suri- oy ose bedroom. Sel kitcben os 2nd flon aIl sn- clusive. 519-856-4900 SPACIOIJS 1, 2,6&3 bed- nooms. Fneshly painled, bnighl. Cvmpetitive ranI. Badinglos 10gb oose Weil maintaîned. Coovectiotl o- cation 905-333-9846 Noos - .pm. MILISIDE TOWER 82 Millside oive, Milson UNDER NEW MAN- AGEMENT 1&2 Bedroom Apîs. Deluve Beuiding Ideai "OId Town" loca- tion 2 epplbonces Laundry lac les Utilties indvded On-Site Resîdenl Managers Open 7 days. Sae day epprovol Caîli (905) 876-1249 2 bedroom bosse Ion rnto os 1-1/2 acres Il pond, Main SI. Milton. 51 ,200lmonth plus otfles 905-332-6815 3 bedrovom bungalow - evailabla Oct 2001, Down- towa Milton. $1295 plus vOil- fls Cali (905) 875-3750 3 bednsom country bonga- loc. Availabla November 1. SllOOlmoeth plus ublîhes. Relerence reqaired. 905- 854-2294 4 bedrovms, 2 stsrey hoase, Miltos. 2 walh nooms, garage, isI, lest, elililies. $1295 mvnthly. 878-9586 CAMPBELLVILLE - Cen- tory bouse 10 showe, lully lamild no smoking, no. pals. $500.00 / mos1h 905- 854-0959 SMALL home at Wînstos Churchill Blvd. & Siestes Ave. aveit. 0/2. 1 $1250 in- cludes oulsîde main- tenance. Utîlities extra. Lase dataîis of your inIer- est witb yoor phone e in i cdl et Oreenhoase Coul Markiet, 8175 Win- ston Churchll Blvd. and 000 ciii 0e contactl Referesc- as required. MEDELA PRODUCTS -SALES & RENTALS *Breast Pumps II Baby Scales - Breast Feoding Products Better Living Home Health Car. Ill 25-B Commercial Street, Milton 905-875-2458 ~ '- HOLOWY Is COUNTRY HEARTS HOLWY-Isa boy! Firstlime graodparerils Cald Mai St9. apeli and Linda Blanchard are prood to annoonce the binl * 36 M i t . apelil Mitchell Robert, 7 Ibs 2 oz. os Tuesday July 31/01 to0 è 905.8544)002 Cindy (nee Blanchard) and Craig. Also lirsl lime greel le grandma Elsie Poston and Aunlie Michelle (Derrck), 9 OPEN HOUSE . Auntie Jennifer and Uncle Robert. Way lo go Cindy! 9 __________________ FALL SESSION O F PAINTING CLASSESv 9 Mon. Sept 10O1 & Tues. Sept 11~ S 12:00OPM -3:00OPM S 6:00OPM -9:00OPM Site A Beauti l Ili,. Corne choose the classes you 9 Heather Laird and Greg Blanchard are prood 10 9 iet u h annoonce the amoval ol their oew daaghter, Shayea 9 would lk osign upfor frorn th 9 Maureen os September 3rd ai 9:26 p.m. at Qakville- qu vrit of sril on dsly Trafalgar Hospital. She weighed 10 lbs, 1 oz. The 9 luit apes dsly ecstaflc flI Ume grandparenis are Robbie and Renea ;Also offering a good selection of vv Laird of Campbellballe, Ontario and Gordoo and Gerny 9 craft supplies & painting supplies I Blanchard of Charlottetown, P. Uncle Rob Jr. is '9 including paints, brushes & wood '0 bomtios wfth pride. 55e cao a 25th wedding aonioer- sary gift for Robbie and Renea Laird. '9 -VENDOR SPACES AVAILABLE-V - for Sat., sept a * 7:OOp1Im at Lions Club Ral (Thomnpson Arena) HICKETSI i1IS AT TmNG JIi RENOVATED lums moroOR J) Ion ranI. Fnidge, stove. Oea-l demain prelerned. 905-878- 0225 lvO fo ent - $500 montS, plcasenlet- &Sta mosphere. 905-8754748e ROOM oear Milton Mel fo soiteble fo coing male. l o No chif w orkers plcase. i $100/cask Cali 878-0882 FOUNO Cet, mootly U MleuLg. orange w lb ch te pews. »lt U , ler stniped fai,deLaced. St y S eta 905-876-4320 Stra,.p LOST leaSer poch wdth 8 .ln. glasees, cell phose, charg- Lo a s1, er. Record fvr telm 905- Losf rz , 878-824_ lots of fuln Have Colad TiCketS at the. Deer> FOLK AfrT PAINTING Beginner & Inntem dlat Fn. Sept 7, 1:00-3:00 PM Sat. Sept 8, 1:00-4:00 PM Sun. Sept 9, 1:00-4:00 PM Ask about our 6 hour Beginner Glass BELVEDERE, Maria Rasa AI the Milton District Hospital on Mosdsy, Seplember 3rd, 2001. Maria Belnedere of Milton, loning sialer of Mike and is ife Heidi Belvedere and Joe and bis cite Rosa Beivedere. Ssdly misse by ber nieces and nepbewo. Family and friends visld aI tbe McKersie-Kocher Fanerai Home 114 Main Street Miton f rom 7-9 pm on Wednesday. A Vigil Service was beld Wednesday evesing et 8:30 pmi. The Fanerai Mass waes celebraled aI Hvly Rooory Roman Csftholic Cburcb on Tbunsday, Seplember 61h, 2001 et 10:00 am. lslenooenl fol- loced aI Milton Evergreen Cemetey. HAYDAR, Hel (nee Saladzik) 1924 - 2001. Peacefully aller a long coorageous boUlie wilfn cancer et Toronto Grace Hospital on Seplember 2 2001, in ber 76tb year Pnedeceased by ber beloved busband Emil. Loving motber of Lonrelte and ber husbsnd Pele Shermel of Milton, Eooily and ber besband Andnew Mfil of Tononto. Oenoted grendmolher of Nadia and Dians Shermel, Leslie, Sbaron and Cbdislopber Msgn. Predeceosed by brothers Pool, Ted and Josepb. Sbe ciii ba sadl miooed by ber sîslera Tooîa, Stasia and Mary and many sieces, nephecs, fiaends and aIl cbose lises she touched. A vety special "Thank Vos" lv aIl the surves and staff of The Toronto Grece Hospital - 11h floor Palliative Cane Unit for the conderful support and Ireal- ment lbey provided 0cr motber. Fusera services cere held at Cbsrch of tbe Epipbany and SI. Mark, Toronto on Seplember 2sd. As an expres- sion vf oympollny donations may be mode lv thne 'Toronto Grecs Hopsital - Palliative Cane Undt (11h Floor> or o chairty of orlschoice. SINGLE1ed, poiucI40, Miltos homeocon, el~y Boatîng, Molor Cycîing. Skîng Tennis, Fîvys Music, seeks wann hearled lama lniendohîp Reply Soc 415 Pp.nkinslid Ont LOL 2J0 able mother of 2 yoong boys. Sam Sherren area. FoS'/PaOt lime, boloreal school. Good, looing home. Walks/activites/ Ion. Raler- ences. 905-875-0595 REULABLE Oaycare avait- able. Wilson & Woodward oral Pleaoe cai 905-876- 4978. orlbopedic matOress sel. New, in plastic. Cool $1700, sait $50. 416-766-9685 BEpillowlop mattress, boospding, headbool board. U.nased, stilî pkgd. Cool $1175, sacrifce, $525. 416- 521-9635 CARPET 1 have seoeral 1,000 yrds. of new Stain- master & 100%/ nylon cor- pet. Wit do livingloom &I hall Ion $349. Includes car- pet, pad & istallatioo (30 yards) Slave, 905-639- 2902 FANTASTIC Savîngl No G511 Lave yvar lomilore, hale your oooom? Sofa & malchîng chair hrom $788. Loveseals lrom $488. Choirs front $196. Senior discount' Free Eslimales. Fie"d Osaly Cvstom UIp- hvlseny, 9-9 (905) 875- 4427 FOR sale beaulil oak dn- ing mon suite. 6 newly up- holslered chairs. Pertec condfiin. $1200. 905-878- 1516 ORLANDO - Beach ara 7 day/ nigbl holel slay. Paid $600, seait $199. 416-390- 9398 TH1E cold ceallier is com- il5 hoc about lrealîng yoorsell to0a Dennîs Saso faux fur. Blond, soîlable Ion sie large, $250. 905-878- 9416 HEAT888RS Antiqaes boys eslale items, lannîlare, glass, china, steeling, Royal Dotions. Cash Paîd, Conli- denlial. 905-703-1107 WANTEO - Passengen 10 chare gos 10 Vancouver on orarooed Sept21/01. 905- 878-7009 In Memonams în the forti of donations t0 The Canadîan Cancer Society are deeply appreciated.

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