The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 7, 2001-19 Sehoo wýorkcrs reach first deal By DENNIS SMITH Special to The Champion Public school clerical and technical workcrs are a giant step closer to their firsi contract in nearly two years. Negotiators for the 32f) employees reached a tentative agreemetnt last week with the Halton District School Board. Both sides are refusing t0 release contract details until ratification votes had been held. The board's executive officer of human resources, Dawn Beckett-Morton, said she was pleased with the agreement. "Hopefully it will be ratified and we'll have another contract in place," she said. She said the board probably mon't ratify te settiement until its September 19 meeting. At press lime, a local union representative said no ratifica- tion vote had been taken. The two sides had been worktng with a conciliator and prior 10 summer holidays, the workers voted 80 per cent in favour o) strike action. However, no deadline had been set. The employees have heen wtthout a contraci since December. 1999, but a major factor in the delay was a change tn unionts. The workers involved were certifted last February as the Office. Clenical and Technical Unit of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation District 20 (Halton). Previously, they were mem- bers of the Office Professionals Association. The new union includes sec- retaries at secondary and ele- mentary sehools, library and media teehoicians, board office workers and somne purchasing department staff. 000 Sanyo 4500 phone Samsung Uproar Sanyo 6000 Samsung T300 Alan the Pengain Sanyn 5000 Audiono 8100 These phones are onîy available from TELUS Mobilit:y. Phones for as low as $24.99*. There's a whole flock of cool phones waiting for you exclusively at TELUS Mobility. So you're sure to find one that's perfect for you. For details and to find oui about availability, cali us direct for Milton and surrounding area promotions. The tuture is triendly. piJTELUS 000 mobiltylw COMMUNICATION INC 393 MAIN ST. EAST, SUITE 1,9 MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 1 P7 905*875m2352 sa. Terry the Penguin SAVEf MONEY ON FURNACE GIL M~ MN cmc oM rmcoes DEPENDABLE SERVICE PAYWITf MU Da&im OPliON AVANLE CULLRM.A1.' Hamiton (905mm) 528424 or TilFme1l400a2634483 -