1~. M Faînily, frieîzds shoLked by man's brutal murderiII e from SUSPECT on page 1 help. And in their 17-year-old son, Malt, she sees hier busband's geàtle strength. "I'm amazed at bow strong he's been. He loved his father veiy much and hie knows there's flot anotber person in the world that can share his understandings." 'Me one tbing Ms Parrott wanted t0 give Mats from bis father is missing. "His wedding band is gone," she said. "I wanted to give that to my son. If hie was robbed it was a double sin." Mr. Parrott was a regular customer at the Knighi Cap on Main Street and would often stop by for a few beers Thursday and Friday nigbîs after work. Police believe bie used the walking patb bebind the curling club as a short-cut to bis home. He and bis wife were recently sepa- rated, police said, and be moved out of the Queen Street bouse they sbared. 1I know tbere are places ini Milton where kids bang around," Ms Parrott said. "If Murray happened to, be walking by, he would be the one to sit down and tal.k to, them. While somne people are outraged over bis death, Mr. Parrott wouldn't want anyone to hold any ilI feeling. "After I found out a young person bad been accused, 1 knew Murray wouldn't want anyone 10 be mad," Ms Parrott said, addig it was a stab wound tc0 the beart that killed bier husband. "He wouldn't want anyone to bold 0010 their anger. 1 can sleep eaaier if Ibis is the perton (who murdered Mr. Parroît) because bie can't do this to tomeone else." She said family members; and friends; bave showed an out-pouring of support. "Il makes il barder - somneone wbo neyer burt someone could be burt so badly." Ken Middaugb, who was tbe best man aI Mr. and Ms Panronts wedding, said bis companion was everything a best friend is supposed 10 be. "He was supportive, loving and always there wben he was needed. He was an excellent golfer, cbess and pool player. Tbis was jusi a tragic event." A memorial service will be beld for Mr. Parroti aI the Knigbt Cap Sunday. "It will be a snack and wine gatbering for his friends and people wbo knew bim," said Kevin Dimock, a manager of tbe pub. "People can pay their respects." Mr. Dimock said Mr. Parrott was well respected at the bar. "He would bave given you tbe sbirt off bis back. Tbis bas been a sbock Io aIl of us." Sgt. Val Hay of Halton Regional Police said investigators were able to, make a quick anrest because of the amount of information received. She said an "object" believed 10, be tbe murder weapon was recovered by police. "We bave no information indicating the victimi and the accused knew eacb other," she said, adding a motive bas yet 10 be determmned and tbe case is still under investigation. "We know tbey were in tbe same bar but didn't sit or sociz with eacb other and Ibere isn't anytbing indicat- mng an altercation inside or outtide of the bar." Sgt. Hay said police are still investigat- ing the motive for the crime. Mr. Parrott's funeral was beld Wednesday as Boston Presbyterian Cburch on Third Line. LNORTrH END NISSAN àÊi.. 610 MARTIN ST., MILTON 905-878-4137@ 01Cutébrating our 40 :lniversary The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 7, 2001-11 tru. 2,Ï) 2 NLssae Sen i; 2(0,2 Nissan Patnfinder THE EXCEP>TION SEDAN The "Thoroughbred of 4x4s* Leasee Sentra XE witIl O cos VALUE OPTION PACKAG c Lease Pathflnder XE for $jf imn. for 48 e don.ý î J I WITAUTOMATIC I only 219months, only Fincing' foI 3W 1. fSBntorn48 nths, tocaudes Destination anti Oellvery. No Sonurity Deposit. ny ol$46dw. 12-H 1 .fr OCegn i niinn MF ihC ui y-250-HP 3 5itre O VC V ngn. 24OO5'b 1que 03 200PM 5Of4O sptfoing se Cn rco o le armrest Ad muh.uh Miso~ CD cd, ..Ato.fttn, hisAultoon. digI. Ad nut, . n e The New ,Ip Our 2001 20ÇL issanMaxim Clearance continues LARGER AND MORE POWERFUL i Hurry in for financong as Iow as f on B488 i mai. for 4a montia, *255ýH H3.5-It, DOHC 24-vaIs,ne gim - 4 opool auonntioot, thged hfIor 16« analeot .Autonnalic dinata Sn,56440005wit n.confita,. Power nindoon, 552 r mai i