1~ 4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 4, 2001 You must stop in both directions r RE "ME M B-E R Men you see o school bas with red lights fleshingu Town will conduet retail survey to plan for growth By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion With several developers waiting i the wings, the Town of Milton is taking an early look at its retail strate- gy. Councillors approved a motion August 27 to undertake a retail sur- vey previously scheduled for 2004 -in order tu better prepare staff for several anticipated devel- opmnent requests. "We know that the municipality is growing and is becoming more attractive for retail growth and we developed in 1993 - trce years alter the last survey was conduct- cd. The hicrarchy focuses on retail operations in the downtown core. whule still considertng other areas f'or more localiied services. -We have recently been in dis- cussions ss th retail developers who are interested in developing lands other than where the retaîl hierarchy is,« explained Mr. Iovio. Thyhave been presenting some detailed information on their own that varies quite dramnatically fromn the information we have. Given that ur retail work is so out- of-date, we're requesting that we procecd with thin siudy as soon as and nccds. Councillor Richard Maibocuf thrcss lis fuîll support bchind doing the earlv rcview. He said he's long been awarc of the need for more retail opportuni- tics in towi. "My wsife attd rny daughîer would be the lirst to tell you,- he jested. Also supportive of the initiative, Councillor Cindy Lunau stressed the importance of including infor- mation fromt neighbouring munici- palities in the survey. "Development along thse border of Burlington certainly does impact on shoppers here," she said. rs Ur ii in .er sue a soe possible. We need to know wnaî mhe ot properly and in the night locations, The study wîIl take about five are doîng when we look at o saîd Mel lovio, director of plan- montbs to conduct and will meclude plans. DnJ3r/ ad development. an inventory of existing retaiVserv- 'he survey, Mr. Iovîo said, w ýýnodrto strengtben whatever tee space, a survey of Milton resi- look at aIl the factors affeetti realarrangements we have in our dents tu îdentîfy current shopping shopping and retaîl habits Lmofficiai plan and in the future, we'd patterns and future desires, a Milton, îneluding exîstîng ai lkIostudy the data. retaîl/service space demand analy- planned developments in oth Aîherarcby of retaîl lands was sis, as well as 'big box store trends munîcîpalîties. eedCross branches merging The Milton and Halton Huis branches of the Cattadian Red Cross Society will amalgamate by fAýtit;l &11Mthe end of September "We*re closing thse location in u ute01, AfflDAHalton HuIs, saîd Susan Lynch,. *t .* ot -u MW»..4 w s i mbranî.h manager fui the îîew Noirth Halton brancb ofthc Canadian Red bas yet to be detcrrnined, Ms Cross Society. Lynch said the laîest the brancs -Wc suticred a loss of tunding at will close is September -30. the Halton Hilîs location and we'rc The new location for thc North in thse proccss ol restrueturing.- Halton branch is 100< Nipissing Altbougs an exact date for tile Rd.. unit 5. -We're eontinning tu clusure uf the Haltun Hilîs braîîeh uffer thse saine services,- she said. STERESA'S . GARDEN CENTRE 88 Deny Rd. E. Homby OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9ain-7pîn " Zuccî i e eos " Cona.ros&mr