Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 2001, p. 26

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26--The Canadian Champion, Frnday, August 31, 2001 C lassified ei.f 9e BIRTHDAY 'HAPPY 4Oth' lim - A.K.A.aMiss Kim SI l ooking HOT after ALL these yearsl Keep Dancini LoveJoye &Mame a mr - wM 1"3L5cmwr MEDELA PRODIJCTS - SALES & RENTALS Botter Living Home Heaith Care Inc. Also specializing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroomn Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more. 905-875-2458 E~ ~ .__._._....................._ -I'ý ARCHDEKIN, Mike and Shed (Finnie) along wiffi big sisfer Rebecca are pleased f0 announce the safe arrivai of Brody Alexander, 7 Ibs., 2 ozs., ai Credif Valley Hospifal on Augusi 5, 2001. First grandson for Alex and Barb Finnie and Leo and Lynne Archdekin. A special thanks 10 Daddy and Nana. DUNDASS Don & Leenne (nee Agnew) are proud 10 announce the birfh off meir fisi cfiild Brook. Joanne, bom July 17th, 2001, weighing 8 lb, 9 oz. Firat Grandchild of John & Rhonda Agnew of Campbellvif le and John & Joanne Dundass of Miton. Proud Auni Joanne & Uncles Andrew and John D. Firsi Great-Grandchild for Doug & Doreen Agnew and John Dundass and Ron Hrdsand. Thanks 10 Dr. Macekeen, and staff of MacMaster Hospital. McLETCHIE Tony & Jennifer - We along wimh big bromher Chad are proud toaennounce the sale arrivaI of AshI.y Anne Heige, 8 Ibs, 3 oz. on Augusl 16, 2001 at Joseph Brant Memnorial Hospital. Special mhanks to Dr. Wu and the nurs- es. NORTiIEN Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Maria 0f Campbelivlla are pleased tb annaunca the birth ai thair son Justin Nix weighing 7 Ibs, il oz ai Milon Distric Hospi!al on Augusi 27, 2001. Praîsa the Lord in gving us a new baby brothe for Carias, Faith and, Amine, We also wani 10 give speciel thais ta Dr. Shernia and th O.B. stff at i MIIor Hospitai for their excellent care. ITAWSE - Tod & Karen (Beaulieu) along wiih big Isister Samnantha are pleased f0 announce the Isafe arrivai of Maddison Emma Tawse, wei9h- i ng 6 Ibs, 15 ozs., et Oakville-Trafalgar Hospital 1for Grandma & Grandpa Beaulieu and Grandma &Grandpa Tawse. CURTIS, Audrey (neeSaul) - on Thursday fagust 301h, 2001, Audrey Curis in her 801h year Predeceasad by her beloved husband Stafford. Lovin g motiier ai Marie Bisa and her husband Jirs Mtuiel Raynor anid her husband the laie Gordon, lervin and his wiie Ann, Marfene McCreedy anc We husband Gordon, Murray and his wife Joanne uaurios and his wife Julie, Mary Edwards and hei husband Doug and Mark and his wife Sandre )evotied grandmother ai 19 grandchildren and 1ý' ;reai-grandchildren. She will be deaply misaed b) ter sisters Myma Bailey, Jean Sevens anc ^eharfoiie Birch; brothers Bill and Bob Sauft and ai ter famnily and frienda. Friands will ba received a ho J. Scott Eariy Funeral Home, 21 James Si. t Iiton on Fday f rom 2-4 PM and 7-9 PM. A servici: will be hald in th Funeral Home Chapel or ~aturday, Sepiember lsta ai PM. Inierment 10 fol await Omagh Preabyterian Cemeiery. f desired doations 10 the Canadian Diaeaes Associationi hae Canadien Cancer Society would b. appraciaec tyme famlly. In Memorianm in the tormn of mi donations tomTe Canadian Cancer Society are deeply n ' Vappreciated. CLB O N US! HOURS Casfe d MONDAY TO FRIDAY asfeAd 9:00OAM -5:00PM ALhh appear at... MCNALLY, Ian Unexpectedly, on Monday, Augusi 27, 2001, Ian McNaily in hie Bisi Y, ear. Baloved husband oi Nancy. Devoied aiher ai Annetle Rankin and her husbend Bruce, Mîka and hie wîle Debbie and Neil and his wia Jen, al ai Milon. Cherished grendpeai Amenda and Scott Rankin. Dear brother ai Claeaend han husbend Omar Poirier ai Amprior, Ontario. Ian wviil aiea be gneaaiy missad by hie relatives, friands and ail ihoae whose lives ha iouched. Friands wene raceivad ai the J. Scott Early Funerel Home, 21 James St., Milaon on Thursdey tram 2-4 PM and 6-9 PM. Vigil Prayars wara recited ai 8:30 PM. A Mas ai Christian Buriel will be 1,eld f rom Holy Rosary Ceiholic Church, 139 Martin Si., Milon on, Fiday, Auguet 31s1 ai 10 AM. Intermeni t0 10110w ai Evergrean Cemeiery. As expresaions of sympaihy, donations mey be made la the Heari & Stroke n mamory 0f Chnie Heipel who diad iragioelly Sept 1 st, 1995 Wa sti1l hink 0f you avaryday We sti11 misa you wth ail our hearis Lie will neyer be tha sama. Love Ded, More, Bred, Peuha & Bob, Robyn & Tyler S25th Reunson - epesba20-22, 2001 Vlsit our Websit.. AUCTUON SALE THURSDAY SFPTEMBER 6.20101 AT530PM. SHARP FOR DîNA SCHOUTEN 594 Eliot Cescent, Milton, ON Sle onsstgofgntique & Ooooold Fumotu,ri. G.,.China,..Blueoraol Ppuysold. A nice clear se witb ortie excelent iantiques. Plait to aeti. WaoI ol,1r rîgrî. TERMS: Coa or cheque oith proper ID. Ormer or Aucirreer aroi mo essbIr ror mrveole 43OR.yfale. DOHERTY'S AUCTION SERVICE (905) 878-9002(905) 854-3577 AUCTIONEER: PATRICK A. DOHER 71 s e a1' ùl 7hlinki1L ( i1 28 Lama Scots Dr,Mil- ion. 4 badroora wih vary large loi 1 S2x55fi. $274,900. (905) 878- 6443 MILTON 2 Bedroora Condo, Immaculale, A/C, 5 Appliances, In- door Parking, Pool, Sauna. $186900. (519) 856-2487 or (905) 693- 0283 MILTON New De- iached, reversa ranita own, $210K, 519-853- 0894, WAN R.E. PRIVATE - 4 bedraom - 2 1/2 baifis, large loi wth pool - naw wind- ows, roof - Dorset Paric (905)878-9448 SPACIOUS 3 bedroore semi. Quiet Timberfea Crescani neer parks, schoois, shopping. Flexible closing. $1 79;900 (905) 875- 1177 13,000 sq.ii. Free standing building. 16' clear large DlI. doors, 1.79 acres. Open stor- ae, yard ideal for hesvy trucks. Owner wil hold marigege. Aaliing $375,000.00. Cali ly Moore Ra/MaBlueI Springs 905-878-7777 $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds $$ Granis and boans information 1o sient and expand your businesa or ferra 1-800- 505-886 NEED a credif card? Gai a securad VISA whila we repair your bad credit. Free consulta- lion. 1-800-866-3258, www.consumnercreditra- paimel.con 1 Badroom aparimani avellable Sapiambar 1. $775 par monih in- cludes ail ufilitias. Pleasa caîl Tony 875- 1110 ext. 244 ACTON, large 3ibed 519-853-5080, 519- 853-5352 IN Milon, 1 bedroom aparimanis f rom $850, large aparimani, quiet bu ig ejdacorai- ed 0-75 989 SPACIOUS 1, 2, & 3 badrooras. Freshly painied, brighi. Cam- piltive rani. Buringion high rise. Well main- tiînd. Convenieni loca- lion. 905-333-9846 Noon - 8 Dm. FOR Rani - Bachelor eperimani, separate kitafen, non-smoker, firal and lest. $675. 905- 878-3621 3 bedroora houes on 1 acre baside Kalso park. Soma drywall neads ta be finished. Availebla Sept. 9ih. $950 plus ufil- ies (firsi and lest) 905- 878-8501 4 bedrooni hausa for rani. Octobar 1sf, $875 plus utiliies. 905-877- 9852, leeve message. CAMPBELLVILLE - Caniury house 10 shara, fuiy fumishad, no smoki- ing, no pets. $500.00I monih. 905-854-0959 HOUSE for rani in iown, $1300. 905-875-1717 MILTON - Availeble im- madiaiey 4 badroom, 1 1/2 washrooms, al broactioom, femily rooni, backyard ail fenced. $1395, plus irai and lest. Ref. raquirad. 905- 854-1023 NEW luxury Milon Mai- iamy iumishad iown- housa la shara wiih alh- er single profassionel. Privata bath. C.A.C., ce- bla, parking, no smolc- ing/pais; $700 par manth inclusive. Firsi and Le, Sapiambar 1. 905-330-9834 HOIJSE fa shane in Mil-1 ion wiih one othair. Pro- fessionel maie pra-1 farred. $500/month in- cludes ululies. 905-693- 1910 ton Manket on Augusi 18. Phone 519-853- 4334 SINGLE Dad, youlhful 40, Milion homeownar, anasBoabing, Molor CylnSkiîng, Tennis, Piays Music, saaks werm heeried femala fniendship. Rapiy Box 415 Perkinsfiald, Ont. LOL 2J0 WANTED: Liva-in fa- maie companion for male senior citizen. Cen work oui, no cleaning. Reply 10 Box #3002 c/a The Canadien Cham- pion Box 248, 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 DAYCARE fuit da posi- tions aveileble oni Woodward Avenue neerj Robert Baldwin and St. Paters Schools. Phone (905) 693-9100 DAYCARE raquired for 2 children in our home tram 3:15-6:00p.m., M- F. Baldwin Public ISchool area. Cali: 875- 3291 HOME chiidcr provid- or has 2 spaces aval- Martin & Steeles erea. Cetl 905-876-3557 for January/02. New barn, irragular hours, non-smoker. $800 par four. Raierancos. Phone 905-272-3704 MOTIIER'S Helper re- quirad neadad la waich 3 children (agas 3 1/210o 2 manifis>. Moming hours. Liglil housahald duties. Pleasa oeil 905- 878-6541 REGISTERED axpani- anced daycare provider evailebl, C.RR., First Aid. North Miln. Raier- encas and recaipis. Please oeil 905-875- 3112 RELIABLE Daycara availabie. Wilson & Woodward ares. Please oeil 905-876-4978. RESPONSIBLE young mothar wante opportun- Kiy la ahowar your child wi1h T.L.C. Deyoere aveileble FT/PT. Caîl 905-203-3113 MIMv n fm 20ftKayak Rectanular Poi-dacldng $3,695.00 saii-insieliad (on select- ed modela) 25 yr. wan- rantea, installation availableataiaddiiional coet (41817111118 4 Michelin flreý 215- 7OR-15 XH4. Used 1 monih oniy $275.00. Compaq Presaria Comn- puter, ioaed wih print- ar, 6 months oid. $1 200.00 OBO. 905- 669-0007 APPUIANCES - iridge, 2 door, Stova; Meyiag aulomeiic wesher, dry- er. Aiea aparirnn sel. Under warrsniy. 905- 637-8328 lowiop, or0ipeic mt- irasa sel. New in plas- tic. Coat $1100 sali $650. 416-766-95 BED, piiiowtap mai- iresa, boxspring, head/fooi board. Un- usad sitl pkgd. Cosi $117b sacofc, $525. 416-5e1-9635 CARPET t hava saverai 1,000 yrds. of new Siainniestar & 100%o ny- lon caret. Wiii do living- roorn & hall for $349. In- cludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Slave, 905-69-2902 FANTASTIC Savings No GST! Love your ?,r nitura, hala your co- ours? Soie & meiching chair frora $788. Lave- seais from $488. Chairs from $199. Senior des- count. Free Estimates. Fields Ouelity Customa Uphoistary, 9-9 (905) 875-4427 ORLANDO - Beach area 7 day/6 night hatl ta . Paid $6D0, sali PIANO saleaie John Et- liot Theatre, Geor~ iown, Sept. 6th ta 9 Theatre pianos, usad and new Kewai pianos ai manufacturers re- ducedpe. Sler tin $800. Dot muIiss l opportunity. For more informationCoeil905- 873-9796 BIRTHDAY appy 1th 1B1rthday "NATALII ~Love Mom &Dad,S --la il . .. .. .....

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