22-The Canadian Champion, Frday August 31, 2001 Peter Hodg. Waport 3 Milton Dodge Jeep 2 A fanfastic game played in extrema heat by both PH Transport and Miton Dodge Jeep. PH Transport won the game wîith a hat tick byJennifer Trento. Goaltenders for PH Transport were Nicole Cassasi and Natalya Schouten reho blockad many shots, but were unable te save the tino goals by Kelsay Wimmer. Goatenders rom Mion Dodge Jeep, Reanna Deroches, Daniele Clark and Kelsey Wimmer, did a great job in net. Aso, special mention bo Simone Pallof and Georia Smith fiem PH Transport for somne great pfays. Home Cima 0 Mcrollnk1 M croinkes goaltending saw several great nases, leasing Home Cinema unable to score. Janna Vander Doelen was the oniy player from Microlink to notch a goal, although Meghan Granes had a number of attemptn. Molly Paris playad a great game batineen the pipes for Home Cinema. As mail, Jessica Pickening played very well in midield. A great game by ail players. Palntech 1 Milton Dodge Jeep 0 The rais kept mot of the Miton Dodge Jeep team amay, renulting in the second Men by forteit for thie Pnîntech girls. 18 minutes snte what would hase been the firsf haîf, the ref- eree called the garneis fasor of the Paintech crere. Unfortunately for the 3 giils that showad up for M.D.J.: Rachel McKeeze, Emma Brein, and Melissa Stiabaga thle domnpour prasented esen a friandly match. Layne Camre, Amanda Baker, Anse Wormald, Annie Murray, Cailay Robertson, Caitfyn Clancy-Orhiz, Jennifar Strank, Jessica Spiers, Kaflin Shusera, Laure Camaron ftHANKYOU), Megan Brady, Meaghan Wartick, and Staphanie Wimmer were somnewhat reliesad te sot hase te goou in that weath- erl Good Luck 10 Milton Dodga Jeep sn their remaining. gamae and into the playoffa. Ralnbow Croup 2 Mlton Jîlyceee 5 Mikon Jaycaes' defensise playars Dardin Scholtz and Jennifar Crase played well. Aicia Reid, Kayla HalV/Mallais and Rosatyn Schultz had a hot night in scoring. Super goal- tending by Kayla HalVMallais in the first haff and Amy McKerron in the second. For Rainbore Group, special mention goes te Brianna Fitsimmons and Chantelle Kennedy. Krystnl Kennedy and Ein Lecky scored for Rainbow Group. Better luck seat imeanad grant gaine playad by al MGrbUdor 1l CompotIiv- SMsf Team Gamne 1 Vanter Insurance 13 Paintech 13 Microtînk 13 Miton Jaycees 13 Milton Dodge Jeep 13 Peter Hodge Transport 13 Home Cinema 13 Rainbow Group 13 lighlight August 6th -Ai Bos ner1 Makateel2 Knuckles Sportshop 2 Ksucles Sportshop cassa on astremel strong right heom kckoff, and didn't lat up at il MalthewKrsîn and Shane Wale ranch took a point for ther tanin. Latar is the garrie, Brais Ktchen took a point for Maksteel atlas an esciisg batthe aiound the set. Sean atear, teammate Carne«o Cottratl added another goal 10 his moustisg record to te the gaine ap for his tanin Knucles goales Alxander Mnzzornto anis Coin Badard plad a fantastic gaienesto, nI g many aboIs hrom Maksteel te ars Greg Moashain anis Louie Losutl Deits. Andrew Wiinsson and Caig Nordstroinlsmo hais a grent gaineis set for Malstaut, kaaffrg Knucls hors tnking oser eis. Robrt CollerAJesnnder Mnzzorato niJorisan Witer of Knuces haisagreat gane; homeserit wnsahfull teani aft t ft maistaineis Ngh-qaality playng threughout both halses. NÉk Daigle anis Dan Tostîk pad soi anis con- sstent datasse for Maksteel, reNia Cols Ncholson, Forme Pafersos and To Masse shomed i n mmid-llld. As esciting gaine nght uni the lest rehistlel La RoseBakery 3 Brlan'u Auto Repair & Tire 3 Whle spectators ras 10 grais umbrelas, these teanis began thaîr gaina and brasais the elamesis. Malt Russell for Bians Auto stateis the scoring, assistais by teammates Asdrei Lupoao and Thao Villeneuve on formard. Kye Hall folomais suit for La Rose rith hîs tean cheernsg him ail the way. This was al the iscestîsa Jordan Haggart seeclai to put osis as well for La Rose. Bians Auto tanin mambers Chase Bail and Nicolas Fiake eshibiteis grant kicks te cear the bail and Thea Villeeuve used the opportasity bo score. Blair Hammosd and Nicholas Hasinan kapt the bal awny froin thaîr La Rota set anis Wade McGuinss mosadin 5toi score for thaîr teani, despte the sreift movsnof Bians Auto gonlie Josh White. Wth Jobsiathan Camick and Michael Vader on his teani, Dasid BruchaIt gel a breank may 10 score the ie goal for Bians Auto arounis excellent goal ten- der Quinn Ward of La Rose. Gil nd r1 Preot Automation 3 Kodiak Power Equlpmeot 2 This gaina mas mail playais by beth I as and excitisg for the fans, Scoritg for Psoject mare Simone Lau, Lauren Grant anis Fiosa Sinanas and Koiiaks Cais Browns and Magan Gowan repliais. Congratulations Monique Lizos os defensisa play and Laura Strallon for al the corser kcks for Projet Automation. Speciai martien 10 Kodiaks Michele Seraini ni midid, Magan Jehsston os defence and Cailin OConnor os grant goaltandling. Greant soccar gils. Gil nd r1 Tim Ifrton's Naseagaweya Vet Lab Bath teanis playais grant. Nasegaweya scores goal. Emiiy Warzonak of Tim Hortons thes iec gaine. LaIes Nasngaweya, scored the insing gi scorers mare Haley Wilson, reho tcorad her first g( seasos, and Cassandru Lokiois. Courtsey F ainasoma sn set for Tim Hortons, as mail as Emily1 Nicole Kopera for Nassagameya Val Lab. Bot pinyais an axciisg gaina. Good luck sn the playoff Naeagaweya Vet Lab Linico Industrie Lînico Industries' pomertul forwnriss and fulibai Iroflad the gaina. Datslanding efforts by the lvy goalies for Nassngaweya Val Lab kapl the gainef tisg eut et reach. Kahn Baîsesue 2) and Kalý wera the goal scorers for Linîco. Players dasamvir mention are Danille Soerbolin, Alyssa Hendlers( Paftlrsos, Emma Turner, Brooke Waller and Nicc Good and-to-end pay made for as eslerlaining gt the spectators. Gois iack tleeryona sn theappin Bos ner1 LOblws Miltowne Collison Wif h hlidnys lakisg Ihaîr 1toi on belh teanis, tri Ihal did make il le the gaina put on a grant shc, crewd. Loblares Market openeis the scoring eailyi by Dasid Haioga and il stayais 1 - 0Dliii the half. ln dia eftIhe 2nd haif, Loblares poured il on weau the Miowre Collisien datasse resutisg is goals Haringa rith is second, Michael Fargusena Holzschuher. Adain Dualleo and Tyler Sebes e shut eut for Lobleins. Hanter Tale stois tlubat pipes for Mitomne Collision. Also having n grant Mitowne Collision mare Zak Shofts and MatIr Greant job eserybisy Za ksPharnnac Drlan1s Auto Replair & Tire Bassnoe rais anis bursîs ef spaad - but the a m ohone, lad Znks te the reinaI thaesd et the gu speclacuar an the arnmbow Itsait mas the play thase tino teanis. Zaks bagan iith a goal by bru Fralarcaseli. Peler Halls, wilh teainiate Ryan Bilans Auto morked hard te keep the bail mosîsg fiaid, but Zaks Ryns Wade and Tyfer Bartliss kep ing the bail for Austin Vnnrosffuin te score. Bri gontandar Josh APPRECIA11ON DAY For Coaches, Convenors, and Reterses Saturday, Sept. 15 Details to FolIow L Girls Undu id1 Team Ganf Miton Jaycees <Purple) 5 Milton IDA (Blue) . 4 Subway (Green) 3 Petro Canada (Red) 4 t for wek .ndlng August 21, 2001 Boys Und* Wine Loeuee fMee Pointu Teum 12 2 0 36 Loblares 9 3 2 29 Newe Mechanicat 5 7 2 17 Hatton RentAUt 14 4 6 4 16 Spokes 'n Siopes 4 8 2 14 Domino's Pizza 3 il 0 9 Miltowne Collision sfor woek .ndng August 13, 2001 Winu Louuee les Poin t 13 0 0 39 7 5 1 22 6 5 2 20 6 5 2 20 4 7 2 14 4 8 1 13 3 7 3 12 1 9 3 6 1 - . . . . . . . . . . q Whle junI couiisn't be tli anough for the seat goal by Mark IThompson et Zaks. John Russell, Theo Vileneuve, 2 Jehnathan Cnmick and Malt Russell et Briln Auto playais i the fraI oulstanding ball - holding back any more goals by Znks ,d up the anis keepisg the play nround Zaks goallenders Tedd oal. Geai Camnpbell and Tyer Bartliss. Michael Paterson et Znks joi et the usad strosg knee kicks te direct the batl and Brad Sharpe Fiat reas kapt il nmay frein thair set. Meanrehile, Nicholan Riske ami Rige and Michael Kinisoet Bnan Auto werked mith leammrales th teanis Michael Vader and Chase Batl te keap the batl mosisg up ff. the tfid for Anismi Lupoao of Biln Auto and Ryan Browns et Zak's t elthla oser. David BruchaIt et Biln Auto sare the may and scorad, despite Phiilip Broren and Samnuel o Gantes of Zaka in bot peinait. Congratulations le Imo 3 Iremandus.tanins ami thayre lababoas play. ck's con- No uooieeGrsU d r1 frein gel- gsy iLak Petro Canada 1 on, Alicia Mlo ayceee8 le Ginny. Mifton Jaycees shomeis supeior skills Saning Iis gaine. me for ail Goal scorers for their teannmre Maura Fazie (2), Min Fazie oh. (2), AMe Wilson and Vaierie Fazie (3). Dana Lesta of et al Canada scoreS thaîrlose goal. 4 TmNHortons 4 0 BiLine Systems 2 e playars Bath tanins played bard fer the fuit 90 minutes in an axcif ire for tha ilg game et g-ssida soccar. Numarous goai-scoing os a goal chances wrer threnrted by the outstandisg gonftlnding et n the inid- bath teanis but the Tim HorIons teamn manageS te ing dores outscora the BUse Systeins tanam annad a 4 - 2 sic- by Dasid tory. Tim Houons goal scorers mare Malt Hollnrid (2), and Josh Jonathan Van Es anis Bradley Couains. B Uina Systams' amis the goal scorers mare Jaif Kchan anis Robbie Wilson. ,teen the game for aeCole. B ysUn I 10 ie Milton 3 Kitchener 3 Summes hofidasa playais aos ihîtheaBoysUnier10 ~brht Rap teain.The short squaisof Mihon dis n sertifine job i ht keeping the score close anis mas uniucky reith aboIs fln lae. Au the ponts. The beys gava ifthare alli eth asrent. Manye ebalmeen the beys, reho dat sot play Iheïr normal positions, played enris, Math asoaptionali n thair roles. Speoi mention teErilc Yorke Knight etfreho mas oufstanising aI left back anis diS sot letaIlny doms the pant hlm. TIhe ose taiiy for Mites mas by Ethan OConnor il ndsanc- reith n beauful shot froin a rabonisoet the Kitchener kaep- ianns Auto as frein Brasisan Whitisg. Speciai thnnks le Dason OConno for rounding out the nopaisfos tha night. iCompeffl1e - July Standings ne WInu Loua.. Ileu Pointu 5 0 0 15 0 3 1 1 1 2 0 3 1 2 1 4 .omef» Fbd todI v 13 Gam 14 14 14 14 13 13 1