The Canadian Champion, Frday, August 31, 2001-11l A rt ----'ýr i<2 «--MeConneli takes his art slowly, but sporty By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion A a child, Michael MConneil was artistic. -Years later, the talent is still there. I love lockey and the Indy races," he said. 'mr gettmng used to domng commission wnrk. People usu- ally ask me to do portraits." Several years ago, Mr. McConnell tried is hand at reigious paintmng. "I cailed my painting Vronica," he recailed. "It waa a picture of Jesus carrying a cross wbile the womnan, Veronica, wiped bis face." Smnce iben, be's worked on pictures of NIL players Felix Potvin and Doug Gilmour, race car drivers Alex Zinardi and Danoy Franebitti and several TV and movie actors. "Dario Francbitti and Alex Zanardi signed the portraits I drew of them," Mr. McConnell said. "So did Doug Gilmour. They were ail excited about the work I'd done." Most of the business that cornes bis way is by word of moutb. "I just prmnted up business cards for McConnell Studios. Eventuaily, 1 do want to make ibis a fuil-time job. Rigbt now 'm taking it slow." His work ranges in price from $100 to $200 for a lead picture, to $500 and into tbe tbousands for an oil painting. "The Vronica painting took six montha. Lead pictures usuaily take me a day (to complete)." Full-time firerlghter Even though be worka four days a week, 10 bours a day. ai the Milton tire station, Mr. McConnell frnds tune to stimulate is cre- ative side on a regular basis. "I mostly work on thikig of ideas for my paintings," he said. "Painting is very stresaful." An example of tbat stress is creating specific pictures for bis cus- tomera. "Stiil life and landscape paintings are boring - I won't do tbem," he insisted. "In order for me to paint, I have to like wbat I'm painting." And if someone banda bim a picture to work on as a portrait, be alwaya adds bis own toucb 10 it. "I tweak it oui," Mr. McConnell said. "Rigbt now I'm doing a pîcture of Edgar Alan Poe. Everyone bas seen bis picture in books dozens of imes. 1 bave to fmnd a way to make iî my own." And bow doea tbe artisi deacribe tbe feeling be geta from bis painting? "It makea me feel immortal," be said, after thikig a moment for ihe right word. "Once I'm long gone, my paintinga wil astili be around." Photo by GRAHAM PAINE MIchael McConnll shows two of hie auto raclng portraits, Indy racer Darlo Franchitti (right) end Formulai1 raceAiex Zanardi. yo rMILTFAIR BOOK ýj