6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 28, 2001 COMMENT Province is wasting109 money on campaign With Milton students heading back to class in a week, it's worth flot- ing that the Province again seems intent on targeting education as its main area of concem. The latest provocative move has corne from Education Minister Janet Ecker, who will spend $6 million of ber ministry's money on a public relations campaign consisting of television ads, a magazine and survey to sell the Province's commitment to higher education stan-»d Tegovernment shouldn't be wasting millions of dollars on adver- tising when schools are struggling to find funds for education basics such as textbooks and supplies.( Many schools will be bursting at the seams this faîl and students will try and learn without the proper texts and other materials. That's the kind of reality the Ministry of Education should be expos- ing. We suggest it could take a positive step in that direction by stopping s. its recent public relations campaign and put the money back into the el _1_ education budget where it can do the most good. O UR REA4DERS WRITE is questionnaire reaily heIpful?, ska reader CN officiais' statements misleading: reader 1 would just like to respond to the edi- torial 'So have you MWic out thc ques- tionnaire yet?' wbich appcared in lms Tflesday's Champion. Ijiunwcd at the opportuuty to give my opinion and positvely crtique Uic health care Systemt. It's such a bot topic and 1 sincerely wanted to contribute and belp out, even thougb at Uie begfinning of Uic question- naire îs stated Uiat Ontarians "believe we have one of Uic best bealth cam sys- temin theiwonld." 1 stit believed 1 could contribute sorne positive iiput. Have you read Uii questionnaire? You can answer ncgativcly, Mamentrtion Uiat you were not weli tated, etc., but bon- estly cari you? The people in Uic hospitais amc sweet and helpful andi hnma, btt Uia's not Wbcrc Uic probicin is. We know whcre it is, but thc quesionnaire goes ight past Uic pont and totally ignores Uic hean of thecnmatter. Tht way ic questions are posed only leadis you to answcr bow the Ontanio govennen: wants you to - Uia we bave Uic bcst health cane in Uic world. NAkole Doenu AA .2MiwIton Dear Editor: 1 would like 10, comment on the letter written by Ian Thomson of Canadian National Railway (CN), dated August 10. Mr. Tbomson's foresight into when we move into Milton is in the bigh degree of being premature. Is Mr. Tbomson or CN privy to information that Milton doesn't have regarding the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) approval and/or the Enviromnental Assessment approval? Is CN s0 assured that it's taking over our precious agricultural land in Milton and ignoring Milton's and Halton Region's officiai plans, wben even Milton's town council has assured the people that no offi- ciai application form bas been sub- mitted to tbe CTA? CN states "the terminal will be tbe most modem and efficient ter- minal in ahl of North America." According to CN, tbe proposed area that it's optioning currently covers about 800 to 1,000 acres of land. CN currently states it requires a track length of 12,000 feet. Is CN merely stating that tbis pro- posed terminal will be the largesi in North America? 1 feel CN's statements were mnis- leading to tbe residents of Milton and Halton. Michael Conlon Tremaine Road Thanks to ail those who volunteered at Allendale THE C4JVADL/JN CHAMIPION Box 248, 191 M- Milton, Ont. U (905) 878- Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Ass Wendy McNab Adver Karen Smith Steve Crozier Circ, Teri Casas Tim Coles [ain St. E., The Canadien Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday ai 191 Main SIt. E, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metroland .9T 4N9 Printing, Publishing & Distribuing Ld. insup or suburban companies wich inclusies: AjaPickeeing News Asvertiser, Alison Herald/Counier. Barrie Advance, Sarys Bay This Week, Bullen Enlerprise, Brampton Guardian. -2 4 turlîngion Post, Burlingon Shopping News, City Parent, City ut York Guardian, CollingwoudWasaga Conneclion, East York Mrrnr, Erin 87 -9 3 Advocate/Counry Routes tuticokeeGuardian, FlarrborouglrPost orever 878-943 Youg, Gorgtow IndpenentActn Fre Pess Hahn. usiessTimes, 64 Hunonfia Business Tmes, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Marlelam 876-2364 conomsi & Sun, Midand/Penetanguisirene Miro, Mitun Shopping News, Mississauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napunee Guide, 875-3300 Nassagaweya News, Newmarket/Aurora Era-Bannen, Northumberlandi News, North York Mirron, Gainille Beaver, Oakville Shopping News, Olstimers Publisher Hockey News, Orillia Today, Oshawa/Whitby/ClarlngtonfPort Perry This Week, Peerborough This Week, Picton Counly Guide, Richmond ociate Pubisher Hill/TornhillNaughan Liberal, Scanborough Mirror, StoulIville/tobnidge Tribune. 'rising Manager Adnertiserg is acceplesi on the condition that, in the nuent oI a typo- graphical errer, Ihat portion nf the aduerising space occnpied by tIre erre- Edtor neous itm, tugether with a reasonable aluwance tor signature, wil ot hi lation Manager charged tor, but the balance uf the aduetisement will bu paid fon t the appli- cable a. The publishenrserons the ,ight la calegorize adnetisemenls un Office Manager decline. Dear Editor: Summuer is drawing to a close, s0 it's lime for me to tbank ail tbe young people wbo've volunteered thousanda of bours at Allendale over tbe pasitbree montbs. The criteria to be a volunteer in tbe Summer Program at Allendale is tbat tbe person must be 12 years of age or older, and must be pre- pared to come in five days a week - Monday to Friday, froin 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - for a minimum of tbree weeks. It's a big commit- ment, especially during the sum- mer vacation, witb so many otber intercsting things going on in the community and ai bome. Almost every one of tbe 30 plus summer program volunteers stayed tbe course. Some of tbemn stayed for tbe entire summer and one or two bardly missed a day since the staat. Over the summer tbey gave more than 3,000 bours 10 thc Allendale residents - a gifi beyond price. Our residents bave benefited from lots of outdoor walks, outings and picnics as well as bappy, laugbing and energetic belp in a myriad of ways from tbese young people. To al of volunteers, tbank you a tbousand times. We're 50 graleful t0 you and will miss you greatly. Anthea Hoare, coordinator Communlty Resouroes Allendale Pud by Steve Nease J. 'I m The Milton Canadian Champion is a RecycMe Product Produchon Manager