Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Aug 2001, p. 22

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I 1uiw~s I I I I I - ' I I I ~ Congr atulation Norah & Bill Simpson 6Oth WedingAZnniversary Au.qust30th Fno Daughter Anne-ense & Husband Robbie, Son Bil & Wife Diane, Granddaughter Je<nette, Tara-L n Toni & Great Grond.vons NichoCa & Camerson and Lynne Archdekin. A specîi thanka f0 Dsddy and Nana. JIm Strain 190 Ontario St., Milton 8786522 Monuments Msrkers - Bronze Msrkers Cemetery Lettering McFARLANE, Charles "Scatty" Pescefully, at Oskville Trafalgar Hospital on Thursdsy, Auguat 23,2001, Charles McFsrlsne in is 9Ofh yesr. Loving son of the laIe Charles and Mary McFsrlane (nea Wilson). Predeceased by is brother Jack. Cremation miii take place on Monday, August, 27th. A Memorial Service will be held in thre Allendale Auditorium, 185 Ontario St. S., Milton on Tuesday, Auguat 28tb at 1:30 PM. If desired, donations in Chares' memory msy be made to Allendale. Arrangements tbrougb, the J. Scott Esrty Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton BIRTH DAY ANNIVERARdY Bilyl 40 L 25 earsand Counting LoeBecky, Amy & Bret GAETON, Efta Beryl (ne. Jordan) Following a courageous baffle wifh cancer on Sunday, August 26th 2001. Beryl Gaeton of Milton, beloved wife of f510 <(Blackie) Gaeton. Loving mother of Eddie and his wife Lias, Denise and her husband Herb Lake and Linda and ber hua- band Greg Fowler. Dear sister of Irene Breen of Acton. Beryl wilI be missed by her grandchildren Tyler and Kyle Gaston, Dillon Lske and Nicholas Fowler. Predeceased by her brothers Del, Mel, Esif, Hughie and Gib Jordan also a sister Hazel Andrews. Famnily and friends msy vsta h McKersie-Kocber Funeral Home, 14Mi Street Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 and 7-9 pm on Tuesday. A private fsmily service will be held. n lieu of lowers, memorisi donations fo fthe Canadian Cancer Society would be apprecisfed by the family. HINCHLIFFE, Linda At the Scarborougb Genersi Hospital on Ssturdsy, Auguat 25th, 2001. Linda Hincblife of Toronto. Daughter of1 the lsfe Sidney and Laurs Hinchlijfe. Dear sister of John and is wif e Barbara of Niagara Falls. Aunt of Scott and is wife SbeIly Hincbliffe and Sherry and Mark Levis and great aunt of Jack Hinchliffe and Jake Levis. Fsmily and friends msy visit af the McKersie-Kocher Funerai Home 114 Main Street Milon from 2:00-4:00 pm and 6:30-8:00 pm on Wednesdsy. The funeral ser- vice will be held Wednesdsy evaning aI 8:00 pm. Interment af Mt. Hope Cemefery in Brantford. If desired, donations f0 the Canadian Cancer Society or the cbsrify cof ones choice would be spprecisfed by the fsmily. Jake & Jack will nom hbave s special guardian angel. n Memnoriama in the form of [ * f donation s fo The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciatad. 't' iffl, MARCELLUS, Margaret (Peggy) nee cKenzle In Toronto, on Auguat 25th 2001 n ber 79th year, after s briet ilineas. Beloved cite of the sate Altan Marcellus (1992). She iul be sadly missed by ber son John and isughter Caryl and ber husbsnd Ken Rosenberg. Lovingly remembered by her arandchîldren Daniel & Luke Marcellus and arsys Rosenberg. Dear sister of Haig McKenzie (Miton) and Jean Gray (Carlisle). Predecessed by sisters Mary, Elsie and Harriet. Peggy wilI be dearty missed by al cho knew ber. Visitation wilt be held at the Rstz-Bechtel Funeral Home 621 King Street W.Kitchener on Tuesdsy, Auguat 28th, 2001 rom 7-9 pm. The funerai service wiIl be heid et the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 on Nednesdsy, Auguat 29th, 2001 at 2:00 pm visitation 1 hour prior f0 the funersi service. Interment t f0 101w at the Milton Evergreen Cemretery. memorial donations to the Osteoporosis Society of Canada 33 Laird Drive Toronto, ON would be spprecisted by the family. CANPD1LILEIAEPIEI Tueslay, September il 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. CampbelivMle Lions Hall Public input is welconie. Board of Directors ta be eleced. WELCOME* -New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Weicome Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby Tracy 905-876-4330 Bridai Jantce 905-878-3541 BuskeaPmofesaid Lin 905-854-4100 ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. snswering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 MOORE, Dr. Thomas Brian '"But for now three things last- trust. hope, love, and the greatest of Ihese is love" 1 Cor- inthians 13:13 As we cope wilh our los., the oufpouring of love and sympathy from the community is a greal source of comtort. The beautiful flowers andi the generous donations in memory of Brian from friends, patients and colleagues is a wonidertul tribufe f0 this lite. We would like f0 express our special ttrsnks f0: Rev. Gerald Rennie for his compassion and heartfeit service; David Mashinfer, Susan Hawes and Heather Pasmore for pro- viding the beautiful music; Ian Pasmore of Blue Springs Funeral Home for bis gentle guidance and cars; IGA. and the many oth- ers for their generous contributions of food; Bob Jeffries for aIl the things he didnt have f0 do but did: Rev. Pieter vanHartan for his tboughtful words at the committal, and the Daughters of Knox Ladies Aid and the Ladies Auxillary (Acton Legion) for providing the de- licious luncheon at the Acton Legion. follow- ing the service. A remartrabla man is gona now, and this world seems a littie lessened somehow becausa be is flot a part of il... a ltesas vwise and great, a littîs less good and brave. May if hslp f0 know that he will neyer be forgolfen by Ibose whose lives he touched. And may your own cherished memorias bring you comforl. Anne Moore and cbildren Paut, Laura, Susan, Mary and Rebecca. 28 Lome Scots Dr., Mit- ton. 4 badroom with very large lot 1 S2xSSft. $274.900. (905) 878- 6443 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom sami. Quiet Tinîbaries Crescent near parka. schools, shopping. Flexible closing. $179.900 (9051 875- 1177 13,000 sq.ht. Free standing building 16' clear large DlI. doors, i1.79 acres. Open stor- age, yard idea for bsavy trucks. Ownar wilI bold morIgage. Asking $375,000.00. Caîl Lloyd Moore Re/Max Blue Springs 905-878-7777 NEED a credif card? IGet a secured VISA while ws rapair your bad credif. Free consulta- tion. 1-800-866-3258, www.consumnercrsditra- 1oaimet.con ACTON one bedroors iapt, $550/mth plus. (519) 853-5080 (519) 853-5352 ACTON, large 3 bed- room $950+utilities. 519-853-5080, 519- 853-5352 IN Milton, 1 bedroom apsrtments from $850. large apartment, quiet building, newiy decorat- ed. 905-875-4989 3+ Bedroom detacbed bouse. Laurier Avenue. Availabis Auguat 27. $1400.00. Mark Mails- lieu 905-876-0633, Commonwealth RE. Service Corp. 4 bsdroom bouse Mii- ton, 2 wassrooms, ga- rage, large lot. Firat, aest, ufilities, $1295 monthly. 878-9586 BUNGALOW for rent. Close f0 achools, GO. $1250 par month, firaf and last. 905-878-3791 FOR rant - Bachalor apsrtmsnt, separate 1ktchan, non amoker, firat and last, $675. 905- 878-3621 FOR Rant, 3 badroora home in downtown Mil- ton, October 1, $950, 734-944-1360 LARGE 2 bedroora apartmant. Lower levai 0f bouse. Main Street Miton. Available Sept. 1. References requirad. $l200Imonth plus utili- fies. 905-332-6'815 NEW luxury Miton Mat- tsmy furnîshed town- bouse f0 abare witb otb- er single professionsi. Private bath. C.A.C., ca- bis, parking, no smok- ing/pets; $700 pet month inclusive. Irai and aest, September 1. 905-330-9834 NEW semi-datacheri 1Mstfamy home, avait- able Oct 1. 3 bedroom, 3 bsthrooms. Central air, central vsc. $1200 plus utilities. Outaide smoking onily. No pets. Raf erences reguired. Cathy 905-338-376 1 off ice desk, $50 080. Must sali. 905-693-9755 BED, King x-tbick pil- lowtop, ortbopedic mat- freas set. New, in plas- tic. Coat $1700, sali $650. 416-766-9885 BED, piilowtop mat- f resa, boxspring, bead/oof board. Un- iused, stil pkgd. Coaf $1175, sacifice, $525. 416-521-9635 - CARPET i bave several 1,000 yrds. of new Stsinmsster & 100% ny- lon carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $349. In- cludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) HOUSE f0 share in Mil- Steve, 905-639-2902 ton witb one ott'er. Pro- fessionsi maie pre- Mr terred. $500/montb in- o al tm cludes utfilties. 905-693- Cniudo h 1910 nxpg.. CliýIsifi(.d Fax 8 /6 2304 WANTED: Lîve-in te- maie companion for maie senior citizen. Can work ouf, no clesning Reply f0 Box #3002c/ The Canadian Cham- pion Box 248, 191 Main Street, Milon, Onfario L9T 4N9 BEFORE and abter achool child care avail- able. E.W. Foster. il iyears experience. E.C.E. Susan 905-876- 2227 DAVOARE Availabla - 12 mos + up. Mon. f0 Thurs. Full days or part- time O.L.V. ares. Excel- lent reterences. Cal 878-9482 OAYCARE raquired for 2 cbildren in our home from 3:15-6:OOp.m., M- F. Baldwin Public Scbooi ara. Cali: 875- 3291 OAYCARE wanted. Laurier/Coulon ares. 2 boys af Hoiy Rossry psrt-time. Fiaxibiiity as- santiai. 416-523-6323 HOME cbildcsre provid- er bas 2 spacas avail- able for Septamber. Martin & Steelas ares. Cail 905-876-3557 LOOKING for Mary Poppins! Day Nanny for il month old. "Resort Environmant" in Spey- sida (Hwy 25/lSth S.R.) Fuli-time Mondsy f0 Fnî- day, Flexible Hours. Our Mary Poppins miii be crativa, bondable, bas a car & Drivers Lic. Cal 519-853-1911 MOTHERS Helper ra- Squired. Approaimafely -20 bours par week rneeded f0 wstch 3 child- a ren (ages 3 1/2 f0 2 montbs) Light bouse- b old duties. Pleasa cali 905-878-6541 RIEGISTERED esperi- ienced daycare provider available, C.P.R., Firat Aid. North Milton. Rater- 1ences and receipta. ilPlease cali 905-875- ýt3112 RELIABLE Osycare availabla. Wilson & Woodward ares. Pleasa

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