Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Aug 2001, p. 19

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, August 28, 2001-19 www.ArtsM!Iton.com Fail 2001 ARTS MILTON SPOTLIGHT Jacqueline Smith Highland Dance Studio Winning by leaps and bounds The energettc dancers ai this studio are celebrating their accomplishments winning Spectal Dancer of the Day by accumulating the most points. and now includes dancers ranging from 4 years of age to aduits. ut the recent Provincial ansd Canadian Highland Dance championships this Both girls competed at the Canadian Championships in iuly where Jacquteline Smith, studio owner and instructor, is herseif a four-trne World summer. Two students competed successfuiiy with over 120 dancers ut the Chantai won gold, again for the ifth time and Surah, recovering from a Highland Dance Champion, iteing the first North Americati to win ail Provincial Championships ut Torotos harbourfront on the frst weekend pandakeu optto nOi w ek alwntid three divisions. As an instructor, shte has 12 years of experience and has of June. Chantai Watt took home her ftft conserutive gold win for place. With these wins under their iteits (or shouid we say "under their heen invited t0 teacit workshops across Canada and the United States. delihPdrovdefndl hermtiothe c 1sul5, ad udio oweorr"Caqueine sashes?") these two competitors are geaing up for the World She is aiso a Scottish Officiai Board of Highland Dancing Judge. Smligt."hw ute, n rtteccplsment nd sta stu d fo r thqelihe Charnpionships in Scotland ut the end of August. 1 am hoping they will 'Me studio is gearing up for their ftrst day of classes on Tuesday, summer as the students continurd to train for the Canadian coenttu 0doi their Jacqeadrecthigol.hctteyelinite.hv Septemiter Il andl students are iooking forward to another successful year Chumpionsiips." Srah Dewotfe, a runner-uaui tis competitton two brndig"ssJcuen. in the studio and ut competitions. For more information, rail the studio ut years ugo, won firt place in ail four dances for te t7 andl under caegory, Thte Jacqueline Smith Highland Dance Studio opened in Milton in 1998 905-693-8391 or send an e-mail bo: jshighland@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar of Arts Milton events (September - December 2001) i ~~Milton Mail. Corne out and vst the Art.s Milto h adte ess. Show Only: Glory.. Greenuleeves. . Danny Milton btonth as wel as our members' I S HNEFR SUBSCRIPTION Fr/day. Novemher 2 Bov. Jeruaalem uad more'! com8s bootha. Be enerained hy the many demon- SEJIFS1 ouaores 7:010 pn; Cash hue andl refresh- T-ickets: Aduits $25.10:; SenaorlStudent Milaon Codnpos s. atuionsandush/ows! Thnursduy. Octoher 25 ments avoulable; Cutain 8:00 pin$20.10; For tickets, clit (905) 878-2432 Tuesdny. September 4 fmom 7:45 - 10:00 pmn Canada's Singing P" ~ T/i is thse deadlane ta purmoue your 2001 - Thumsday, November 8 MilonChot lss presents... I RFNFFIT CONCFRT & NAenT.ONA 2002 auhscription sertes. Donpt misa oui on Doors opes 7:30 pin; Show 8:00 pin RIrN EFMN FCRI GeacDAnglian ChEch.tiis opportunity for a whoie seaaon of enter- Tickets: $12.00 per reeson Saturday. November 24 ut 7:30 pstn * Main Steeri Milton . tainiment -for a aong! Fuit season éal ikto t:Dlcut o a[9585 reiearaals ta see if you woud lie ta jais Gruce Anglican Chureh, 317 Main Street, vubeontm atsCorsespg 69.Mi ~.Mta aur/mrmonou gou. ormoe nfrm- ittn;(95)78241 nF/mrAtsMiornee/uiinofcoirma-76 MItnMilton;ISpeosnt(.90Cr5on)0 Cras8-2411pre b Le onsng tinusfoeorArstfesSptmhMi0ltonpt rcetin u otow- e tallo 0587- Tict n ttet DetCorus or cat 905875 t, Pnis n/ted Chuechx nsied tion rail 905-876-2401 or in Flamborough. Tckets: $10 2401. A SALUTE TO BROADWAY Benjamin Brintena diacoveryao a collection 1 rail 905.889-0646). Tckets avitable ut Gere Anglican Chuech, lTheTuouday PoInIes à FASM pres- Snatrday. November 3 ut 7:30 pmn of poems by 15t/muad 16:h cenurys-itera. 1 Detucoutrs (Main Strceet and Peggy's entst. St. Paut's United Chuech. Mais Street T/me MiltosC/oria:ers wil 8e pleased ta 1 * Jacqueline SnalttHt#ghlnd Dance (Milton Mai>R)ATSHWI A. Milton -e/conte special guest /arpist Julia Seeger g Sudo promis... You are cardially me/tied ta a special beneif Octoher 264:00 -7:00 pin T/is funt/caiser features performances fram Thias pragrampi will 8e coplenienred by 1 * FIRST DAY OF CL ASSES FOR THE concert ta celehrate the national reicase of (Ment the atists!) Les Misera/mies. P/antom. Sunset Bled. uaid selectiansfram Canahan composera as s-ii * SE&SON Fat/er Mark Curtis'newst recording THE Octuher 27, 10:00 a.m -5:00 pn Lion King. as traditianaifavaurites.1 * Tuesday. September il CAU. An eciectic range of muic. heauti- Ocinher 28, 10:00 as - 4:00 pis Tickets: Tickets: $12 Aduits; $10 Seniors/Students; 1 * For mare information. cai 905-693-8391. fully lended in a way t/atais uplfing, Lobtaws MiltinsMarket (Upstiis). $15.00 adults; $12.00 seniors/students $6.00 Chitdren 12 & under1 i moln Conced rt Usenahtnn nett... saat/sing. melodic aid wora/ipfull Elegant. Nipissing Rond, Miltos Tickets outiets: Jo'Leens, 224 Main Steeet Tacket ostiets: Peggy's (Milton Mail); 8 I VERDI CENTFNNIAI, CONCERT t/oug/mî pmcoking aid deepfy moving are T/me members of t/e Fine Arts Sociey of EastM/hton anad Dmry Park Aduit Detacouri's (Main Sret * Fr/day. Sepember 14 ut 8:00 pst juat somee of t/e ways ta describe t/is Miltan (FASM) invite you ta î/eir second Community Sale/ Office Fur more information, cati 905-876-2401. 1 I St, Paunis United Ctsurch, Main Street, recordingl s/ow t/is year. Drap in and bmowse t/raug/m Cas-tadas Sngh-tg Wost prese-nte .. (tn Ftamhomough, cai 905-689-0646.) 1 I Miton t/e dispiay and enjay a cup of coffre. SAR UES iwtmFR, MARK Canad' Stnglng Pd" eat ents j I 1 Vepri Siciliana ... Macbetha.. La Farza del . For more information, cai MargWilkes £LlKIi& AND1 EVERY DAY IS CHRISTMAS' > I Destina.. Don Carias.. 1,a 905-878-6255 Wndnesday, November 7 ut 7:30 pn Sanday Noveasher 25 ut 7:00 pstn I Tavita.. Fîstif. Ada. RioietoMlaon Concert Peentataon pros- St. S/musa Anglican Chnrch Ehenezer Un/ted Chureh ' I Tickets: Creative Jaurnal pres.nts.. ents.. 1450 Liichfaetd Rond, Qalaville 12274 Guelphs Line, CanapheiileI I Aduits $25.00; Senior/Sîndesi $20.00 INTRODUCTION TO TUF CRFATIVF PERCUIN SECTAII.& (905) 845-8351 (519) 856-9768 I For tickets, cati (905) 878-2432 JOURNAL- EXPRESSIVE ARTS Fniday, Octoher 26 ut 8:00 pst Ecperience an exciting, anspirationalfuil An exclusive C/ritmas concert s-ar/ Fr. * CI ctive Journal presents... MIH St. Paut's Un/ted Charch. Main Street, bond performance a/t/m Fr Mark Curtis, Mark Curtis in t/me Halton Regian! Enjoy I INTRODUCTION TO THF CRFATIVE Octoher 13 & 27 M/lion Sean OBrien, C/ristabe/ Pinto-Johmnson ami an ansprationai evening of original andfes. 1 I OIRNL.EPRSSVFARS 10:00 am - n Fearuring t/me Toronto Percussion Ensemble Scott Woods as t/ey introduce Fr Marks tise tarots to give you a C/rismas experi- JORA-EPRSIEAT Loction in Mlion teu he annoancemi Tckets: Adults $25.10-, Senior/Siadent ses-est rerording THE CAL).. Speciaai uest esce thiat s ahaalutely brtliiant! Satuday et15Cs: 2 erssio;pe2e9trto $2000. For tickets, cai (905) 878-2432. performance by FORTE. from St. Sintons Satrdu Spt 5 &29requirnd; Cai Camtlyn Skelty ai Anglican Churcm__________________ 1000 asm - noons 905-875-2788 *1i I Location n M/lion tu be unnounced T/a aakhpwi mî o eîi arI mCanadaos Slnglng Pd"ee presents... I Cosi. $25 per session: pre-registratios Tinate reatp ia'ty('/her oresot yburreTHE 50W & TUEttALLtAQ agSînr rnns. I required; Cati Carotyn Skeliy ut yoaa have t/sut), uaid prepare you for dealang Miton Players Theatre Group pres- S ÇR oehr la :3 mCRISTMAS CONCERT * 905-875-2788. uit/s creatuve baols onusn mi neSt. Matthew's On the PlainsFsayDemer7u7:0p I Tiswaksop -ii/e/ y rr-ai cur gtotap tenue to/leruataabotathe Crestaae NORMAN IS TUAT YOU? 2 i/sRu t. atninMilton Sentors' Activiîy Centre, 500 Chalda * innate creativity aid prepare vou t -a dealany. Journal Metod n afun, entposerisg expe- ity Ron Clark & Sam Bohrick, Direcini tuy (05 632-1233 Drve, Miltasn I sith creatiae bMarks loin us in a satait tenttai sot kshop. Susan Cranford Came ami enjoy an excitiaag concert of Cc/ttc. For more information, ru/t 905-875-168 1. I Jour nu ethod tsafn. eoutte raige. AMpeet..MlionSenior's Activity Centre. swing, goasel, baiiad style muasic ami o/a imne MitnYuhCos ret.. JornaltIrhop.n fnemoerngexe- FSfl.lJ21Q1i.500 Chilis Drine, Milton jiaiaie tunes s-it/sCanadaas Singasg Fraest. Fr CHITMASVtitChOrusEReT .. I Orbiter -sop.20 13 &U /0DIO atTO 5:0R p So. >,oatmot-e au-as fi-m amati osn Ohio ita Mark Curtis andi Canadas Fdd/e Championa, CUIMACO ET Hilton Vautti Chorbr 1s pr14ne0t00..m - mles5a:u0intteBa ppeiVatha-u ScotWoords a-ho ja isatst-ifotcesto pies- Knox Freshyterian Citurcit MitnIuhCorspeet.. Titere s sosaet/atnç otra-veryoase as t/sa - - a nth igApe.Yuhaea est aflas-fihled. toe-tappisg shats t/s oit a Mais Street, Mion I MEET US AT THF MARKET FREE do-tt-yourself toaur of lot-a/ attiata tjo/s yaaa/oaeyour ou-s aparimnts- alonf/ S-ti ant iatto miss. A ra/y Ceic drig/shitot Fiday. Deremiter /4 ai 7:00 pst. Suîurday Septemiter 29: 8:00 ar -n sua ad arttsatt stadtos in t/se Milton uaid uit/s vatr sif/tfitoaat ot/ser -andi sho ui etruuatn tr!Jo/ns t s s are t/ese p/rit0f Chraatmas iw/ah Mltos Farmrvs'Maeket Csmp/se/f sil/t- usea Os-et 30participants .i shotus tata useaet-teaily? Dad i uahis w llav wt/n mr!te seautyaus agiefarofyaoattg to/ces. la (nfront of Knos Preshyterian Churcit) tastara/lh ast-s lertasnaa/ftos-s "phobtas us atefl as/tas oaa-s Milton CCoet Presentaflons pres- s/Ill/seaataf//at ta hc eeebererl! Cot etmmeso h itnYuh ti orxilb hmigtroiia rratictal/a of isue, ente... Tickets: $15.00 ais/as: $12.00 sesiors/stu- g Chrsnd ec tiemes afotrarhMiltuoat oa/s puisa/sf/s, stase sa wood sutlpture, . fss- Dinnev Teatre- MIt TON'S NIGUT AT THE PROMS des * /sausaaiby irea o ttarap-stt l soa-ang. fottety asd motre. Saine loatiaotnsdet Noebe onet.ASaie oBjawaý hv dmnsrtin, hchae nictd n Sa/ur/ay, Nov. 3, FradayNov. 9 & Stuvday, Fr/day. November lb ut 8:00 pst Trkets outirîs i No-mre rtn.A alt al e s ttaai- te etomnsasas.ih are iaai:ttei Nov. 10 -S. Pauts Un/ted Charcit oTxens. 224 Mats Street East, M//ton anald Fo areifomi/s90/5Dr-8d7y/6t/etoa-so.Mu0402utubeu. Bar Opens 6:30 prn Danser 7:00 pmn Main Street, M/ton Drury Park Ado/t Commsnaty Sa/es Office i * ut 905-876-0402. ~ Lisure Cestre, Finaas. Art/at/c Fruste. Tant Canaisn 8:15 pin Solo/st: Stary RobinsonFomret/mats.c/De/dSyv I Saturduy, Septestier 29 P/sstntc., MiltonttSeiors Actavtrs Centre Tckts530.00 per persaon Ru/e Brtansia .. Landi oJHope oaida 0-7-42 j Miltos Ma//laid Lo/las/t. I T/se Milton Comnatasty iesosatae Cesnte is For more /nformat/on, rail Gwen Gent utaitw w A tN ltnc m fo u n i eE e t ae d r I hosting the Cornmunry Opeat Hotase ait/e 905-876- 2837 I 8 w . rs Oonc m f ro ro fne E e t ae d r 16--:. ---- --- . --- --- - n ---- --- --- ---- --- - - - *.--- *--

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