-Eyeing that perfect treasure Gladys Polimeni (Ieft) and Joy Vaughan look over a few glassware Items et the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre garage sale Saturday mornlng. Hundreds of Items - everythlng from crafts, linene and china - were avallable et the sale, whlch drew hun- dreds of bargain huniers from around Milton. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Thie Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 28,2001-15 Club looking for curlers 'Me Milton Curling Club Day Ladies are Mondays' at 12:30 p.m. and 'Social loo n l i ýu*cVuWlu, o 1u\ ( a i 2.45- daytime gamnes. For more information, eali (905) 876- Spaces are available for 'Competitive 2900 or (905) 878-0197. OPEN FORUM ON ARTHRUTUS Featuring Keynote speakers: DR. ARTHUR BOOKMAN, M.D. FRCP<C) Rheumnatologist "Crisis in Arthritis Care" DR. JOHN CAMERON M.D. FRCS (C), Orthopaedic Surgeon "Joint Repacement Surgery" DR. JAN BOXALL M.D. Famnily Physician KATHRYN LEACH Arthritis Physiotherapist CHAIR AUDREA LEAR-COSTIGAN Arthritis Society Milton WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 2001 Graham Hall, St. PauI's United Church 123 Main St. E., Milton Displays 6:30 pm Seminar 7:00 pm Refreshments To reserve your free seat oeil 905-3384379 Presented by: The Arthritis Society, Milton e Halton Healthcare Servies Appreciation to Milton District Hospital Foundation