j 12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday August 28, 2001 I o ahtue tocal womnan wins $56,OOO in lottery Ticket checked rnonths iciter been checking my lottery tickets regularly," Ms Lyoîs llfi i tiii)îd îîLîtiry aiid G(i.uîg Eileen Lyons is a happy camper. Literally. Corporation staff in Toronto when she clamed her 'Mse Miton resident claimed lier LOTITO 6/49 prize. prize of $56,047 from the June 13 draw earlier this "Summer activities are starting to slow down month. now, so 1 figured I'd take a minute to check tome "We've been camping ail summer and I haven't tickets. I started gomng through the numbers and 2001 AItimu 48 manth leaseOR8FNNCN $279 onIy 12320 down IA CN ~e OR $15 2 SMA CARS i*2 FNAY INS 2001 4 on'g9Odonw n 2 .8 »/uFINANCING 48 mon$990 se R2 R0" Down OAC iburinf ue*ack*22.00 a m"I. OR $850 CASH BAICK Includes: 6 pack CD changer, 14" ailoy wheels, rear spolier and stainiess steel exhaust fînisher rd C>e i Oioyralid1haeCFp, RbCltu aadoia m10,eodio.ogchaa p610.efii M ART16IN Cîa 0O Fl OCaic Oa$208004137 .oùeqos5le CC (0, t e bratOC $5965ng o 6 6401 Aneeereeooîea ie 00 01P 110 El 5CL7IA 1OJ46eahiaea Cee eaeee 10et$ 0LeOOb ea ClCa 0000 THE TRL4VEL TEAM INSIDE LOBLAWS Maria & Connie announce "lBeach Babies Bonanza" is on its way 905-693-9393 Industriat Electrician Industrial Mechanic Precision Machining and Tooling MSCE -Net Certification Network+ Certification when 1 saw 1 had matched fOve and the bonus )liuiiui)l) icallv lippeiI. t ..dlî[ bellic.i 1 ha a wmmnng ticket for over two months and didn't know it." Ms Lyons, 55, and lier husband plan to buy a computer, invest for retrement and pay several bis with their new found wealth. sof nes -Laboratory employees. sign their first contract Laboratory technologists who supply The CBS lab technicians - members Milton Distnict Hospital with blood and the Ontanio Public Service EmployeE hianc çnnlicçhave croe hak towork 1 Innn Lcal 10 -hit he nce ln August 15. Hospital officiais had said Milton would- n't feel a "significant" impact of the strike due to back-up'blood supplies. JAgencies have new homes 'Mse Halton Child Care Registry and Information Milton found a new home at 917 Nispissing Rd. as of yesterday. Thse agencies moved from their cunrent locations as 171 Steeles Ave., the old rail- way station. For more information. caîl (905) 876- 1244, ext. 10. Construction Industry Motive Power Network Technician Web Designer A+ Certif ication Office Administration ~.u...a E le le 'o o . ..~ Z ~ z'g~i~ >J VaA £.f~ Workers at Canadian Blood Services (CBS) in Hamilton ended a week-long strike Friday - voting 97 per cent in favour of accepting a first contract. Correction An story that appeared in Development Centre's Open last Tuesday's issue of 'he House and Trade Show Champion contained incor- October 25. rect information regarding Thse exhibit fee is $75, flot the Halton Region Business $50. We apologize. Your career. Your choice.M Your life. r The Centre's pre-apprenticeship and certif ication programs provide short-term, comprehensive training that allows you to start a new career in Iess than a year. FRE NFRATOSEIN C i os erv - s e. iH0TheCentre Iils Development & Traning rFREESA LT! (Five 36kg bags) and e1 FREE INSTALLATION. When you buy a Cullgan Water Softener eAA~4v 623 MAIN ST. EAST, MILTON (905) 878U2474 &@7 $20 IK IK IK "Il lte,