MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY calling for SWU director to reign A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 142 No. 47 Tuesday, August 28, 2001 40WR bomD 40 Pages $ 1.00 (GST incude) West Nule Virus in Halton confirmed, say health officiais By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion While the presence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Oakvile bas been confirmed, Halton's medical officer of health says the public understands the slim nisk of infec- tion. Dr. Robert Nosal explained that final word on the blue jay in question came laie Water-use restrictions now lifted Sprinklers were tumned back on yesterday as a region-wide water ban was ifîted. -We are grateful to Halton residents andi busmnesses for their patience and coopera- tion troughout the restriction period," said Patrick Murphy, Hlaton's commnissioner of planning and public works. -The public's support was excellent." lhough the ban has been lifted, Mr. Murphy offered the foliowing tips to con- serve water and save money: *Water lawns only once a week o. Water lawns early in the morning between 6 and 10 a.m. - Only use 2.5 cm of water per week (use a tuna cm ta monitor). " Sweep the driveway instead of washing it. " Shut off water while soapng up cars mnd thm turn it on again to rinse. For a free Household Guide to, Water Efficiency call (905) 825-6000, ext.17787. Thursday night from the Winnipeg lab where ils organs had been tested. He explained dha this didn't comne as much of a surprise mnd that residents appear ta be weli up ta speed on the facts. "People do have a good understanding that this is primarily a disease of birds and that the risk to humans is low," said Dr. Nasa. That said, what remnains is for resîdents to continue their vigilance by protecting themiselves from bites mnd ridding their properties of mosquita breeding sites. In the meantime, the health departaient wil deploy traps in OakviIIe courtesy of the Ministry of Health and Long-Tenu Care ta snare mosquitaes. The uapped mosquitoes will be tumed over ta Health Canada for testing. The trapa, 10 of them ta stait, will ho used ta help determine whether mosqwitoes in the e*»e VIRUS on page il HEATHER SOLIE, AgentF 1 3M0 Derry Bd. W., Suite 204I I (Acmoss tmom the Hospital) 905-693-1400 (JUke a - odn.ighbour, t,.M'Stata Farm-la Usw'e- Photo by GRHAM PAINE Ski11fu1 showcase Milon Youh Soccer held lis annual end-o-season skifse day for boys and girls undor 9 Saturday morlng ai Lions Park. Hors, Brandon Lewandowsl ries to navigat. the pylons wlh hle ieam Sunny Oais inthe dribble end shoot evanit mi Looking for a meaningfui relationshîp'.