Michael Mérath Look oui world, Michael tums 10 years oid on ilugust 23 Happy Birthday to my Junior Scientist and Train Enthusiastl You have a kznd heart and adventurous sou!. You are the joy and love of my lfil. Loee lWaYS, mm -] ANNIVERSARY Open Houseg 5Oth !Wedding Anniversa i fo r Helen & Fred Graham Ail friends are welcome on Sunday, August 26th 1 -5p.m. at LTeRoyal Canadian Legin Te21 Char/es Street Milton, Ontario Býs Wishes Onl$q~ PARRY Seanl and Jennifer (nea Rigby) announce with great pleasure the birth of their firsf child, a daughter. Rachaei Diane Parry bom August 16, 2001, 8:01 p.m., weighing 8 Ibs at Milton District Hospital. Thankful and proud grandparents are Walter & Lois Rigby or Milton and Allan & Jane Parry of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Many haartfelt thanka to Dr. S. Sharma. Aiso, many thanks f0 Barb & June and the won- derful OB nurses at Milon District Hospital. Thank Heaven for lîitte girls. 487 Laurier Ave.,Mlton 878-28811 I24hranswerng servcel I Phone 1-800-891-4862 519836-15221 * e ia rm ly f invites you bo an open house to celebrate hie 8Oth on Sunday, August 26th 2 -5 p.m. ai 105 Miil Street Besi Wishes Only «"i ANNIVERSARY Mom & Dad Love iBarbara JOnahy&Jm S Anne Êko Jhn oan, Robert & Marilyn Doug & Brenda, c Jîm & Teresa, Janice aIl your ÊýGnchldren &Great radchldren JIm Strain 190 Ontarlo St., Miton 8786522 Monuments Markars - Bronze Markars Cametary Lettering PHILLIPS, Lnda Ann (Hewns) With daapest sadness wa announce that Linda Ann Philips, of Coliingwood, (formarly of Mountsberg), passad away suddenly a thie Henderson Generai Hospital, Hamiton on Sunday, August 19, 2001 after s coursgeous battie witl, cancer, at the age of 53 years. Beloved wifa of Wiif Phillipa. Loved daughter-in-Iaw of Tom and Jean Phiiips of Dundas, and sistar of Dawn Sehl of Campbellviile. Deeply missed by her brother-mn- Iaw Barry Philips, his ite Janet and their sons Mark and Matthew, ail of Dunidas. Linda is pre- dacaased by ber parents Reg and Vi Hewinis of Campbeiiville. She will be fondly remambared by a large group of friands in the Campbalivilia, Burlington and Coiingwood areas. Friands may cail at the Kitching-Steepa Funeral Home, 146 Mili St. N., Waterdown on Wedneaday f rom 2-4 aad 7-9 p.m. Funarai Service wiii ha held at Grace Anglican Cburch, 157 Mill St. N., Waterdown on Thursday, August 23, 2001 atil p.m. Interment to 10110w ia Mountsberg Methodist Cemetery. As an expression of sym- pathy, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. PPROUD, Mary Suddanly at her residence in Burlingfon on Saturday, Auguat 1 th, 2001. Mary . Prud, beloved wifa 0f the sate Richard Proud. Loving mothar of Jack Proud of Dakviile and Jean and ber husband Ken Vivian of Burlington. Dear sister of Mima Bullock of Milton. Mary miii ha missad by ber grandchiidran Randy, Elaine, Jili (Gary), Jennifer (Gary) and great grsndchii- dran Alison, Jodie and Kennedy. Fsmily and friands visited the McKria-Kochar Funersi Home 114 Main Street, Milton, 905-878-4452. The tuners! service wil ha held on Tuesday, Auguaf 2lat, 2001 sf1:00 pm from the funera! home chape!. Interment to foliow at St. Lukeas Anglican Church Cemetary ln Palermo. If deairad, mamorial donations fo the Heart and Stroka Foundation in Marys memory wouid ha sppreciated by the famiiy. n Ioving rnemory of Betty Jo Staver, who passed away on Auguaf 20,1996 "In the quiet country aide, where gentie breezes blow, Lies the one we love so dearly Whom we losf 5 years ago To us you were special But what aise is there to ssy Excepf 10 wish with ail our hearta, thaf you were here wifh us today." Vour Loving FamIiy "As you were, as you wili always be treasured for ever in our memory" fer * Sat., August 25 ¶ S:OOpm - 1:OOpm at Lions Club RailÀ 7 <(Thompson Arena)! Food, Prizes, D.J. STickets $10 @ door¶ Stag & Doe for Friday Aug. 24th * 8:00OPm Milton Legion Games, Raffles, CoId Buffet Tickets at the door * $10 each Make someoes birthday extra special by placing a Happy Birthday notice in WLCOME* -New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishîng a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Welcome Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Eliza 905-693-0313 Baby Tracy 905-876-4330 Bridai Janioe 905-878-3541 Lin 905854-4100 HOS or sale 3+ bd1 full, (2) 1/2 baths ramod- elled bath finishad base- ment, aaw fumace, 1 yr. roof 6.25% assumabla oa $203500, 181 Har- vast Driva (905) 875- 2162 MILTON 2 Badroomn Condo, Immaculata, A/C, 5 Appliances, la- door Parking, Pool, Sauna. $186.900. (519) 856-2487 or (905) 693- 0283 TOWNHOUSE for sala by owaer. New wind- ows, doors, fiooring and roof. Please cail 905- 878-4698 ACIO I U noustriai iPark< 13,000 sq.ft. Free standing building. 16' 1clear large D.I. doors, 1.79 acres. Open stor- age, yard ides! for heavy trucks. Dwner wili hold mortgage. Asking $375000.00. Cal! Lloyd Moore Re/Max Blue Springs 905-878-7777 NEED a credit card? Gef a sacured VISA whiie we repsmr your bad credif. Free consulta- tion. 1 -800-866-3258, www.consumercreditre- paimef.con SYNERGY la coming to Milton. Cost efficient, service driven mare- housing distribution, or- dan fuifiliment services. 1From basic storage f0 MRP support. Synargy Logistica lac, la commit- ted to providing coat and cuatomer service ad- vantagea. Contact Gord Sherwood (905> 466- 3343 or email synergy.logistics@3web net CLasslfled Fax 876-2364 Phone 878-2341 IN Milton, 1 badroom apartmants f rom $850, large apartment, quiet building, newiy decorat- ed. 905-875-4989 ROCKWOOD by park, one badroom spart- mants sunay, renovat- ed, at-mn kitchan. 519- 856-4900 TWO badroora. Down- towa Milton on top of Quality Greens. Fndge, stove + Plus utlties. Oct. 1 $850.00 Tony 905-858-8723 ACTON, large 3 bed- room Victorian serai. $1 ,OOOlmth; also large 3 badroom $950+ utiities. 519-853-5080, 519- 853-5352 - CUTE 3 badroom housa on farm north Milton. Yard to maintain, non- smokers. $1250 plus utilitias. 905-878-6237 MILTON basament unit, i at Saptamber. Private antranca, jaccuzi. Ma- ture non-amokar or sin- gle professional. $800 includliag utilities & sat- ellite extra. 905-458- 2821 days, 905-878- 4691 avanings. beige, medium size, near 401 and Guelph Lina. 905-854-0604 FOUND: Whoevar pur- chased to Rubics Jig- saw at 551 Woodward Ave, garage sale - 2 places were found on driveway. Please cal! 905-878-5339 WANTED: Live-in fa- maIe companion for maie senior citizen. Can work out, no cleani'ng. Reply f0 Box #3 0co The Canadian Cham- pion Box 248, 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 AFFER scnool care re- quirad for grade 4 stud- ant aftending Hoiy Ro- sary. Please cail 416- 290-0241 ext. 137 (days) or 905-693-1786 (eveninga) AFTER School chiid- care/housekeepar re- quired in my home (Steaias/Dntario ares) for 3 children, agas il, 10 & 10, Monday ta Fni- day 2:30 - 6:30 pm, commencing Septem- bar 4. A vehicle as nec- eaaary. Please cal! 8ev at 905-878-1181 (aven- inga) or 416-865-8239 (daytime) DAYCARE needed for 3, jachooi-aged boys in our home. C ail 905-331 - 5282, eveninga 416- 458-2440 LOOKING for Mary Poppinsl Day Nanny for il moath old. "Rasort Eavironmanf' n Spey- sida (Hwy 25/lSth S.R.) Fuil-time Monday to Fni- day, Flexible Hours. Our Mary Poppins will be creative, bondable, bas a car & Drivers Lic. Cail 519-853-1911 LOST up to 30 lbs in 30 dayal Natural/Guar- aateedl Dr. Recom- manded! ToIl Free: 1- 866-200-3370 www.uwillbeslim.com BED, King x-thick pil- iowtop, orthopedic mat- tress set. New, in plas- tic. Cost $1700, sali $650. 416-766-9885 BED, piiiowtop mat- trass, boxspring, head/foot board. Un- used, still pkgd. Cost $1175, sacrifice, $525. 416-521-9635 CARPET 1 have sevaral 1,000 yrds. of new Stainimaster & 100% ny- lon carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $349. la- cludas carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 INDUSTRIAL sewing machine, Singer, for- ward reversa, foot knea controis, binder attach- ment. Bobbin windar. $325.00. Industriai Sergar, Rumoldi, three thread foot knee control. Both tabla mounted. $55000. 905-854-2341 HEATHERS Antiques buys astate items, fumi- ture, glass, china, steri- ing Royal Doultons, Cash Paid, Confidential. 905-703-1107 ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlimifed Accasa onily $15.95, great local service and support frora SURF THE NET. 905-873-2602 ClassitledHours Monday ta Fdday 9 arn ta 5 pm -i- fz m