The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Auguat 14, 2001-5 7Going for a good cause Proentlng a $20,OOO choque to the Canadien Cancer Society are organizlng com- mittee members for the lundralslng Ladies Drive 4 Cancer Golf Tournamtent, held nt Granite Rdge Golf Club lent month. From left are commlttee members Dot Brophy and Cheryl Devidson, John Perrott and Paula Sahkeç both of the Canadien Cancer Soclety's Miton brench, and commlttee membera Judy Perry and Carcle Sharp. Abseant fromn the photo are ommlttee miembers Pet Scanneli, Mary Van Wart and Sheron McKeown. Over the past six yeer, the tournanient hm als ed more than $70,000 for breamt cancer reserch. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE The ALL. NEW 2002 Chevroket Trajilazer, Oldsmobile Bravada & Chevroket Avalanche ý 4 i i ý.,