ý,Jewe1ry business can be a real gem of a job Third-generation gemologist truly enjoys his work By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion You could say it's in his genes. Following in his father's and grandfather's footsteps, Mark Brancier is his famni- ly's third-generation gemologist. "I was born acclaimed to it," said the owner of Brancier Jeweller-Gemologist Inc. "I grew up with it." In the early years, Mr. Brancier didn't have an interest in the jewelry business. But as- he grew and held jobs in 'different fields, he knew the jewelry business was for hlm. "Since I was always exposed it to, 1 had a great understanding of this type of work. Looking back now, 1 wouldn't trade what I'm doing for anything. I love my job." So what exactly is gemology? "Gemology is the science of gem stones," Mr. Brancier explained. "My job is to analyze the stones from a physical, chemnical and optical standpoint. l'have to identify the stone, the quai- ity of the stone and analyze it so 1 can apply a price for appraisal." Knows his business He has yet to be stumped by a type of gemn stone or appraisal price. he added. "Ninety-nine per cent of the time it's pretty routine," he said, refemrng to the type of stones brought in for appraisal. Diamonds are pretty easy for the gemologist to appraise because he deals with them on a reg- ular basis, although he did admit he sometimes tinda it difticult to distinguish between a man made diamond and one from Mother Nature. Because the man made stones are created, people sometimes think they should be less expensive then one's made naturally. More often than not, they're around the saine price. -Odd bail" gemn stones, such as Alexandrite might take longer to appraise because the stone is "very rare and expensive". "It can be worth four to five times the amount Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Mark Brancier, owner of Brancler Jsweller-Gemologlst Imc. et Mlton Mail, says the gemology business ls Interestlng and enjoyable. of the finest diamond," Mr. Brancier said. Charts outlining general pricings are used only as guidelines, he said. 'You also have to take into consideration the rarity and quality of the stone." Part of his job is to provide enough informa- tion about the type of stone in the customer's possession and taking the time to go over with the customer the history of the stone. Even though Mr. Brancier was raised with gemology, he stili had [o go to achool to perfect his knowledge in his chosen profession. There are three levels in the gemoiogy field, he said. "A gemologist goes to school and studies the science of grading gem stones, which aliows them to identify stones and diamonds. After working in a retail store for three years, you can become a certified gemoiogist after you pass the exam. 'And five years afler that you can write anoth- er exam to become a certified gemological appraiser. That's the level I'm at." The most popular gems Mr. Brancier apprais- es are diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and rubies, he said. If a customer drops off something for apprais- ai it wili be retumed to them within three days. "When you rush (appraising) that's when mis- takes happen. Most people understand that so they don't mind leaving their jewelry with me for a few days." But if someoe brought in a piece of jewelry vaiued at $1 00,000, he understands why they might not feel comfortable leaving it. In that case, Mr. Brancier added, he would make an exception and appraise the piece that day. According to Mr. Brancier, there's no such thing as a typicai day. 'That's why I love what I do. What I do during the day depends on the needs of the customners." He aiso enjoys the constant interaction with the public. "I'm dealing in a business that's exquisite while making the customers feel good about the purchases they make. That's what the jeweiry business is ail about." Instant to be won ALL MONTH LONG. WIN A LARGE CORONA COOLER Sept. 7th Drop in & fi out a ballot to win. 121 CHISHOLM DRIVE 905-693-9397 PARTd THURSDA YS & FRIDA Y LIVE D.J. ON PATIO! $2.25 specials tiill1pm LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS DAILY CALL ABOUT TEAM SPONSORSHIPS! TUES.y2O & WING S WEDE- 7pmn Fx ROOM SATURDAYS TOP CLUB HITS open @ 10:00 pm FREE ADMISSION Before 11:00 pm 12.00 cover 1 LMJ Laim-mele