Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Aug 2001, p. 25

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Bid documents for the service tsted beiaw, addressed ta the Manager ai Purchasing Services, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVIi 1 E ON LtM 1M i îttbe- rrerved ntl2 (10 p m OakvitleTime on the specifîed ctosing date. Bîd documents cao bu aven or obtained thraugh the Purchasing Division ai the Corporate Services Department, same address as abave, telephane (905) 825-6000, extension 7031. If long distance charges apply, dial 1011 free i -866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). Documents will be available for pick up on and alter Thursday, August 2, 2001. There la a nan-refundabie depasit ai $25.00 plus $1.75 GST. Under na circumstances wiII Imsimile or laIe bids be accepted or cansidered. Lawest or any bld nat necessariîy accepted. Hatan Regian relies on mhis advertisement ta pravide public notice ofi mis business appartunity and is not abigated ta natify any potentiai bidders in any other manner. 01-P-020 EXTERNAL OFFSET PRINTING SERVICES CLOSING: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,2001 A.B. MARSHALL CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OFFICE 0F THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER www.etnbids.com www.region.haton.on.ca/bids quired. Piease fax (905) 878-3642 or mail te- aume to RAM. Lighting - 300 Bronte Street S., Miton, Ontario L9T 2X6. No telephone in- quires please. GENERAL Help Want- ed - SodeafraServices Palan Tekiogix Inc. - Ca- letena Setvices, Misis- sauge area. Friendiy at- titude, wth goad eus- tomer service akilis. Monda - Friday 6:30 arn - :00 pm. Please cal 90-r-812-6255 and fax resune tla 905-812- 6300 RAIN8OW Village Day- care requirea an E.C. E. teacher. Fax reaume ta 905-878-7552. WAIT Staff Required. Reliabie persan te- quired oniy. Appiy in peraon between 12 and 2 pm. Ask for Dennia. 243 Main Street East. "ORGANIST Wanted" Omagh Preabyterian Chureh, Britannia & Hwy 25. A Smati Coun- try Chureh. Cati 905- 878-8522 MACHINE Operator for Remco Extruder - Roll- builder. Must be able to read biue printa and work wilh minimum su- pervision. Experience preterred. Witi train. Fuit ime days pus benetits. Buringion. Please tax resume 905-332-4808 MACHINIST Aulomaled machine builder re- quirea experienced ma- chiniat. Excellent wag- es. Fax resume ta (905) 693-0867 SKILLED Heip wanted: Licenaed automotive technicien or 3rd or 4th r. apprenties for a busy loa gqenerai repair shop. exscellent wages and benef il package. Cail 905-878-7926, aak bar Bob or Kevin Clasifed Hors IMonday toFridayl 9 am to5pml Lui) Required tor instltinq suspensions ales air& ighting componenta on new tanker traitera. Aso repaira and annuai in- spections on unita in service. Benefit pack- age, competitive wagea. Cail 905"44-7314, fax 905-842-0011 PART-Urne experenced Dental Assistant re- Sured for busy generai e niai practice, PDA certification an asset. Dr. Paula Cassin, 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton, On. Fax 905-878-0557 20% Discount - Open- in Season Speciai. DCMNs Proies- atonal Service. Ait docks tripped and reiniahed ta, new. Cedar Speciai- It Free Estimatea. Lim- ted Bookinga. Cati Now. (905)632-1074 STREETWEAR Positions avaitabie vManager vAssistant-Maniagor vF/T Sains Assaciate Sales. exp. required Fax (905)632-2684, or emait: mîke@aiastreet.cam paper A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGERC0 PURCHASING EVIE tookîng Io CIt 2 positions. CAD Designer - Applicani nerds ta have somte ruperience wiîh Computers asd/or CAO andlor Landscaping Design. SmalI Veicle Driver - Applicant must hase ctean drivers icense aud a prruonalty and tram atitude suitabte for regutar contact wth customers. Please apply with remnme ta liox #3I001 edu The Carnadian Champion, Box 248, 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario M9 4N9 ciChud/eigb's , 9528 Highway 25, Milton, now accepting applications for our fait urason. Positions availabir in: Retail Store Food Service Retaîl Store, Orchard and Barbequr Arra Enieriainment -ra open Parking Loi Attendants Io am to 5 Pm, 7 duys a Tractor Drivers week untit Oct. 3lsî. Information Booth Pieuse pick up application Children's Bithday from aur store. Party Houtesu School Tour Guides Cashieru MOUYMAI1 Moiiy Matd requîtes îmmedîatety a Full Tine person. Drivers license essentiat. Expenience preterred but we wiit train the rigtlt person. tf you love to cdean, are hardworking and dependabte. please cati (905)877-3443 - - -L RE ID? -i. GPAT I E -WR ? I C i A E C AN E Consider driving a school bus: 1. $300 Signing Bonus for a "B" license; 2. We pay for your training and medicai; 3. $48/day for 3-4 hauts on achool days; 4. Summers and achool hoidays are off; 5. Our fuit benefit package includes: dental, drug pan, medicai and lie insurance, out-of-country insurance; 6. Bring your infant - no day care casta; 7. Charter work for experienced drivers. .alRyo oc t(0)8662 WANTED FULI-TIME RETAIL SALES ASSOCIATE tnr seasonal departrnant in large hardware dapart- ment sore. Sales axperianca an assaI. Waga & ban- aits package availabla. $17.000 - $21,000 yearly Please fax resumes ta 90546-000,atM. H"MaiRMaMoe Dur Community Needs Bus Drivers Doayau enjoy dnivng? Jain aur team af prnfessonals who pravide s&hac bus transpartatan far our schaais. Train now far Septomber. *Free taining+ComettiveWages.Rlexibility Cail us today 905.877.4448 JffffgffUZI - I.adtaws&Sobas.ram QS9000 Automotive Stamping Company s seeking energetic individuat to fli the folowing positions: '0epin! lek *8 Line telephone systern* MS2000 proficient* uf3rod commnand 'of the English languagen PayroIII Human Rasource Minimum 3 years esperience a mustu *Knoyedge of CanPay an asset' Shipper/ Receiver nSForklift license required'* *1.2 years experience a musti iFax resumne 905-823-7327 EFFICIENT WAREHOUSE PERSON WANTED Buringlon dîstribular bas an immediate npening fot a F/T warehouse person. Respansible for shipping/ receiving, packaging, inventoty contrat, stocking shelves. etc. Successfut candidate witt have a high schoot diptomna, computer experience. gond arganiza- ionat skitts and ba a teamn player. Ptease submit resumes by Augusi 1a, 2001 ENER-GARD EERGY PRODUCSIC. 1325 Hein. Curt BarII.gtou, GUto M7LSA7 Fax: 905-336-1507 IiIkICASHIER Cashier required ta wark 3 days par week including alternating Saturdays. This is a permanent Part Time Position. Not suitable for a student. Previaus experience preferred. Fax resume to 905-878-4049 or drop off Application to Schuyler Home Hardware 385 Steeles Ave, Milton Busy Building Material Distributor now hiring for Full lime experienCed lumber loaders. Lift truck certif icate an asset. Fax resumne ta 905-876-3230 Milton area The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 3,2001-25 malnc ïoxli nc cr Ic s nr ng arlmarkerer o nsu nLprtilgi n t enKrcan ma- etpaýce e. in i tq n. sepanis Ul s ry ef o In cmpr y s f fq IlAic iin rilWý s 1. e Ire sears rIng Ltec 'energet c nviduat Vwr rive and derermua a L n. jon. us in tlhe titýliwing partrime andtilI rime ousnions... GENERAL OPERATORI Thst rdweill rganized miîtivated individ- uaswiîtrechnical or Hîih Schiul (minimum Gr. 12) Education.Mustite prepared ro wiîtk shift work. This is an onging seven day a week oprto. MAINTENANCE MILLWRIGHTj'ELECTRICIAN This positnon requires a fuli-time, licensed mechanic/eiectrrcian wîrh a minimum oîf rwî yers industrial manufacturing backgroîund with knoiiwedge of trosuble shootin ehniuso diverse machinety. intenqusn This is an îîppîîrtruiy for individuals teho arr determined ris deveiisp a succrssful carrer in a thriving manufacruin, envirinment. Please mAil îor fasvour restimue ti: Personnel Manager, Roxul Ine. 551 Harrof Dr., Milton, On. L9T 3H3 Fax: (905) 878-8077 Requires Industrial /Commercial Journeyman and Senior Apprentice Competitive wages, benejits, truck Cali 905-876-2519 Fax 905-876-3903 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE! ACCOUNTS PAYABLE The Motion & Control Division of Parkerr Hannifin is a worl.dwide leader in the drvelop- maent aej distnibution oI hydraulic and automo- hion products. An openipg existu .in our accountîng drpartmrent at the Milto,? locatîqri. T~succesutulicadI atc will bresponsible for A ,K. A/. sappl ication çolectons.ensure uccunvy an inte rnty of bi'lings, prceuýs cred- itu a ispute flow-up. P rereni will1begiven qo candidates. who pou- urss a c~eor universîty education. arr, n pter lta e, havego omncatirn s i l, aur etil onented nda bletowork in a tram environmçnt. Onîv applîcantu urlectei for an interview will bc contacted. No phone cailsl please. PARKER HANNIPIN CANADA 8485 Parkhlll Dr. Milton, Ontario M T E9 Fax: (905) 876-1958 E-mail:skovehis@parker.cons Attention: oheKovachis OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Fuli-tinie Position Dues: answering phones, shipping, iling, invaicing, A/R-A/P. Musi have gond typing skitls, be energetic & set) mntivated. Sonme knnwledge o) A/P. A/R, Lo- tas 1.2.3 & Corel WordPerfect 9. Own transporta- lion! vehicle. No phone catis please. Starting pay raie $10/hr. Please apply in person with resumne ta: WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1155 Appleby Lino, Unit E-1, Burlington, ON 3hr shîft minîmutaf Fax: (05) 37-052 Attract PuyeiRsPace vour ad iii he Classifieds! EXCELLENT TELEMARKE11NGT MP AR POSMONS EPR Y *Part-tlnîeevelnp 0 ImnedIate OffaIngs PAYROLL CLERK eGreat weddng mirom@M! Robertson tnc. a lacated in Milton wilh eStarting $725 /isaut +bonus e Taining prnvided offices a cross Canada and tn mhe U.S. We Nnnaeting* B Pa ni Fat Gnwig tam requtre an indivîdual for the position af Nonselin * e artofa FstGroin tem Payroll Clerk ta tilt in for a leave af eTELESAJE positions aise avaitabie absence. Preference.wiIl be given ta those Caii or fax rasumo c/oaPPui Rabomu who have ADP experience. NINPJ4IWN Plh. 905-132-2077 Please send yaur resume ta: EoeIogFMîLuu1a.iCa Fx. 905-632-1522 Robertson Inc., 97 Bronte St., Milton, burlington@nutri-lawn.ca ON L9T 2N8 __________________________ Fax# (905) 878-2861 or jE-mail ta dbaldaasarlerobertsonacrew.com

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