24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 3, 2001 Classified CU.IFIEPB o N Us! HOURS '.Cmasm'edAd MC)NDAY TO FRII)AY Ca sfe d 9:00 AM- 500üPM anij r al. i.'. m(ý MR'rIcaGESx MOORE"w We woutd ike bo thank our friends, family and neighbours for their cards food, flowers, donations and support. Speciat thanks toiJ. Scott Eaony Funerat Home for their guidance and carng; Reverend Rod Lewis and orgonist Audrey Kitchen for planning Iand teading this service. Thonks to the Women s Auxiiary of Nassagaweya and , St. David's; Martene and Tony Cristetto s Vittage/Market for donating the bountifut tuncheon. Gem Limousine ~ -Service and Mohawk Raceway for their ~ ,kind assistance with parking. We wereJ especiatty touched by thre flyby tributes 6' ,Jprovided by the Canadian Warptane Heritage Museum and the Canadian aHarvard Aircraft Association. Your kîndness and generosity during thi difficult time witt atways be remembered. God Btess you att. Mary Ann, Robet and Meinda Moore, Ken and Phygits Moore, Edand WitBoer MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS Better Living Home Health Care Inc. Also specializing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more. 905-875-2458 BOEHMER, Brad & Uisa & Margaret are pleased ta announce the sale arrivai of Sarah Elizabeth aI Milton District Hospital on Friday Juty 27, 2001. Speciat thanks to Dr. Sharma, Dr. Tam and the OB nursing staff for their tremendous sup- port. LIONEL LEACH Dad August 3rd, 2000 An empty chair stands there. 1 close my eyes and see you there. 1 know you watch f rom up above, 1 wish 1 could give you a big hug. Forever miaseol, always remembered Love Dois n Memoriama in the form of Sdonations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. LCME* ' 085nn frd3 montha AGON .HevinaaàaBey? IW SI-1930 Ettablahing aa nwbusinua? PLEASE CALL US: aUSRIEssÈPROFESSIOSAL BRIDAL à 5697 Pal......... 876-4040 Tay ..........876-4330 cOMMIJNMTYwELCOME LkIa ...........854-1563 DoM...........332-4799 wwwweicomewagon.ca H gi sScisool 25th Reumion Septenîbe20-22, 2001 Vsit our Websitea to register Vacation Bible - School Pre-register now for Vacation Bible Sohool to be held August 20-P.4 at Mton Gospel Hall, 306 Ontario St., one block south of Steeles Ave.,, 9:15 am. until 11:30. -- For ages 5 and Up. There is no charge. - To pre-regiter eaU * 908-878-8019 7th uine Guelph - Emamosa, NHwy 24. Approx. 2,200sq.ft stucco cedar log home. Exposed logs n tamiiyroom+ eat in kitchen wlpine cupboards. Laundry off kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooma. New weii, mature gardens, 2 ponds. 20 acre woods. View tarm lrom kitchen. Bankbam. Escellent site for horse trsining track. Ph: (519)856-4488 BRICK bungalow on large 57x142' mature lot. Buit-in appliances. Crown moulding. Extra large master bedroom IN Milton, 1 bedroom with sitting ares. Semi- apartments f rom $850, finished basement with large apartmenî, quiet 3pc. bath. Double drive building, newy decorst- with single garsge. New ed. 905-875-4989 roof (May). 360 Martin St. 905-609-3576 SCENIC Rockwood, near park, 1 bedroors MILTON 2 bedroom 10517 apartment. Sun- condo, lovety view, irs- ny large rooms, renovat- maculate, AIC 5 ap- ed, Livinglkitdhen pliances, indoor parking (17x23) 519-856-4900 - Locker, Pool, Hot Tub, Sauna. Fitness Room. SPACIOUS 1, 2, & 3 $186900. 519-856- bedrooms. lFreshly 2487, 905-693-0283 painled, bright. Cors- petitive rent. Buiinglon - high rise. Wall main- lainied. Convenient loas -lion. 905-333-9846 - -Noo- 8 .m. 3 bedroors, walkout to upper deck, basement watkout to large privale deckç facing pool, new windows throughout. 905-878-7551 Open House Sunday Noon- 3pm $$ GOVERNMVENT - Fonds $$ Grsnts and boans information to start and expand your business or farm. 1-800- 505-8866. CARCA$H Need Ouick Cash. No credit check Bankrupt OK, Must Own, Vehicle Instant Approval. (519) 856- 1234 BOOKKEEPER Avait- able. loyrs + experi- ence. SimptylExcel etc. Excellent references. Reiabte & flexible. Cati Michele 876-3891 1 bedroom $775 plus hydro. First and last. Fridge and stove. Avait- able August 1. 416-606- 9432, 878-3636 ACTON large 3 bed- room apartment, $950+. Also 1 bedroomn Acton $600+. Also George- town 1 bedroom $675+. 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352 ___ 3+ bedroors detached house in Miton, Avait- able now $1,400. Appli- cation wilh reterences betore showing. Cati Mark Malalieu, Com- monwealth Real Estate Services Corporation. Private uine 905- 876- 0633 (leave mesaage). 4 bedroors, 2 storey home in Milton, ire- place, 1 1/2 bath, and garsge. No pets, prefer- ably non amoker. Avait- able immediately. Refer- ence's required. $1,300.00 per monlh plus utiities. 705-389- 1232 4TH- LinelDerry - Brand new Mattamy home, 1800 sq.ft., ail brick, de- tached. 4 bedroors, 2.5 baths, 4 appliances. No pets/smoking. $1500 + utilities. 416-453-0177 COUNTRY home near Hwy 407, short term Oct 1 - Apr. 1 . $1100.00lmonth, Some utilities inctuded. (905) 876-4745 EARLY Canadiana Stone Houxe in town Milton. Acreage. $1295.00 monthly. Uili- ties, references, first& ast. 878-9586 ONE bedroom spart- ment with batcony. Available Sept. 1 or Oct. 1. Utiities inctuded, $760. Aller 4 pi, 905- 876-4682 RURAL 3 bedroors farmhouse north Miton. Oit, large lot. $1 250 plus ut ities. Availabte Champion 191 Main St. E, Milton, L9T 4N9 modation for 1 adul and 1 child starting Septem- ber 1 to Mardh. 905- 264-6966 MAN with Show 009 needa place in Milton. Anything rsiler, etc. Cal 905-864-9192 or 905- 639-4705 ROOM near Milton MaIl, suitable for working maIe. No shift workers please. $100/week. Cal 878-0882. tury home, futty far- nished, no smoking, no Rt.$500.00/rnonth. LOST 14 carat gotd soli- taire diamond ring, en- g rsved "VN Prom '88" Reward. 905-824-4292 LOST Gotd & Diamond bracelet. Randait Cres. ares. Sentimental value. Please cai 905-878- 8907 DOES your chitd attend senior kindergarten at Hoty Rosary School? If you are inlerested in providing trsnsportation in te abemoon & eam- ing extra money, please cati 905-693-9672 QUAL1TY daycare availabte. Play centre, hi- brary, crafts, watks. Babies welcome. Cati Carot at 876-0620. RAINBOW Villa ge Day Cate has 2 Toddler Spaces avaitable (18 montha to 2 1/2 years) and a few preschool and kindergarten spaces. 905-878-7552. Ouatity care since 1989. HAY for sale-As low as $2/per bail +up, also top quality horse hay avait- able. 905-659-2265 APPLIANCES - rindge, 2 door; Stove; Maytag automatic washer, dry- er. Also apartment set. Under warranty. 905- 637-8328 APPUANCES - f ridge, 2 door~ Stove; Maytag automatic washer, dry- er. Also, apartment set. Under warranty. (905) 637-8328. BED, King x-thick pil- lowtop, orthopedic mat- resa set. New, in plas- tic. Cost $1700, sel $650. 416-766-9885 BEO, pillowtop mat- tress, boxspring, headltoot board. Un- used, silil pkgd. Cost $1175, sacrifice, $525. 416-521-9635 BUYISELL stair lifts 1 wheelchair lifts, hospital beds, scooters, etc. Cal Silver Cross 905-847- 5504i CARPET 1 have several 1,000 yrds. of new Stainmaster & 100r/6ny- lon carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $349. In- dudes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards)1 Steve, 905-639-2902 i FANTASTIC Saingsl No GSTI Love your fur- niture, hale your co- tours? Sofa & matcfiing chair f rom $788. Love- seats f rom $488. Chairs from $199. Senior dis- count. Free Estimates. Fields Ouality Customs Upholstery, 9-9 (905) 875-4427 FOR Sale 35 foot 1989 Sierra R.V. Excellent condition, 2 bedroom, steeps 6, air conditioned wth awning and a new deck. Phone aller 7 p.m. (905) 691-0358 FOR sale: Bed, nron tu- ton bunk, two mattreas- es, one year oid, excel- lent condition. $27500 Caîl 905-878-5345 FOR sale: GE. Stove; 4 years old. Immaculate condition. Good working order. $200.00 905-876- 2291 FREE estimates .... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft oars? Tired looking wood finishes? ..then caîl Fields for ail fumi- ture repairs and customs wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)-875-4427 WAVERUNNER 1999, 3 sealer amaha Wa- verunner XL700X, wth trmiter. Only been used onoe. $7200. 905-878- 0174 ofId'T Y iAc.m 20ft. Kayak Rectangularl Pool-decking $3,695.0Q! sell-installed (on select-ý ed models) 25 yr. war-i rantee, installationi available at additional~ cost. .i (416) 700-750 1-800-»7564 LIVE-IN rNanny requirea for 3 children. Rural ares. Prefer able 10, cook Asian food. Even- inga & weekends re- quired. 905-854-6288 TREADM~ILL wanted. Caîl 905-876-0128. WANTED live-in watdh- man handyman. Must have traiter. Phone Mike 905-854-7117 TAKE over exislîng lease. 2000 YR. Pro- tege Mazda, 4 door black, 5 speed stan- dard. Lease coat $300.001M0. 2 yrs - leh on lease. 43,000KM. Contact - Rusa Lane Jr. 905-876-0239 99 Ford F150 XLT Ouadcab, short box $22,500. '90 Sunbird 149km, $1,800. Ask for Danyl 905-693-1593 IRICHRDSON ITo lease or purdhasel yorcror truck Iw 2 S a DnRd. 878-2393 ffSALE& LEASiN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LMS LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MIITON 875-2277 Classi0ed Hours Monday to Friday 9 amn (o 5 pm GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. 4 8 ar-Il arn 2096 15 Sldroad Mottat 2.4kmrn Weat of Guelph Lina GARAGE SALE 10 krn North of Mohawk Raceway acroaa from Brookvillla School 11326 Guelph Une Gn rnotora, rota-tiller, cadar raisa, wood tave, diahea, dltes & tays. Sarnethlng for averyana Saturday Auguat 4 & Sunday Auguat 5 ATTENIONIERNET USERS Unlimted Access onty $1595,geat lcal service and support f rom SURF THE NET. 905-73-2602 M "F Bàdý 1 Mario and Liz Catalano (of Milton) .together with Dick and Hi Ida Nichol (of Hamilton) are pléased to announce the marriage of their children San ra & Brad which took place on Saturday, May 5, 2001 m M7