6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 31, 2001 êCOMMENT PoIN PINCR tRUG Tories didn't consider L~&iEM ail the consequences FIcSTf The provincial Tories handed out a new set of rules without con- I NcA4Y~ sidering the consequences. FN NA L# This tax season the Mike Harris goverfiment flot only changed some of the rules for municipal property taxes, it delayed initiating the changes until1 after the 11 lth hour. As a result, municipalities across the province were left waiting for non-residential property tax increase limitation and mandatory for- mulaic billing legislation. The wait - which meant collection due dates were pushed back a month - left the Town of Milton holIding additional expenses and lost interest revenues amounting to nearly $80,000. Not only did the delay cost local taxpayers, but the provincial gov- ernment refused to postpone collecting its portion of the taxes even though it was the cause of the delay. That meant the Town had to take the uncollected portion of funds from other areas in the mean- time. Since the delayed provincial legislation caused the extended due dates the Province should have allowed municipalities time for pay- o O UR REA4DERS WRITEL Thanks to ail those who made donations Milton has many hîdden treasures: reader Dear Editor: Canadian Blood Services would like to thank everyone who attended the recent Milton community blood donor clinie. The clinic was held July 18 at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre and the goal was to collect 130 uniEs of blood. Unfortunately, we only managed to collect 98 units of blood. Those 98 units will help save or improve the lives of 392 people. The'next clinic is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 16 from 1:30 to 8 p.m. at the seniors' centre, 500 Childs Dr. Please come out and help us reach our quota in order to sufficiently supply our local hospitals. You can make your appointment for the clinic by calling 1-888-871-7201. Please note that the clinic is by appoint- ment only, and that we will try to accom- modate ail those who attend. We extend many thanks to the Salvation Army for providing volunteers and also thank aIl the regular volunteers for their generosity and bard work. Deborah Edwards, recruitment coordinator Hamilton Blood Services Centre +THE CANADIAN CHAM'PION Box 248, 191 Main St.E., Tie Canadan Champion, published eoery Tuesday and Fiday ai 191 Main Si.E, Mlton, Ont, L9T 4N9 Box 248), is one ut The Metroland Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 Prining.Paieistring & Distrihuting Lir. group o suhorban companies tehicle inctodes: Ataclieikering News Advertiser, Alliston Herair/Courier, Barrie 2P7 ~ ~~j1 Adance, Barrys Bay This Week, Bolten tnterpnnse, Brampton Guardian, (905)87 8 -2 3 4~~i 1. Buringion Post, Boîlngion Shopping Nws, City Parent, Ciy of olk Goareian, ColingwoodWasaga Conneciion, tant ork Miror, Eix EditrialFax:878-943 AdocatelCoontry Routes, Etobicoko Guardian, Flamboroogie Post, Forever EditrialFax:878-943 oung, Georgetown ndependentlActon Fee Press, Halton Bsiness Tmes, Huronia Business Teres, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Weei, Markham Ad~verLisng Fax: 876-2364 Economist & Son, Midand/Penetanegishene Minair, Miton Shopping News, MssisuaBsnesTmn issiaga News, Napanee Guide, Clasifie : 87 -33 0 Naoagaepa ete, NewmraelBtArora tra-Banneer, Northumbherland News, North YVori Miro, akoilte Beaner, Oakinîte Shopping News, Oldtimefs Ian Oliver Publishter Hockey News, Orilia fÔday, OshawaWhitbylClaiîgionlPori Pery This Week, Peerboroughi This Week, Picion Coiinip Guide, Richmnontd Nei Oliver Anecite Publinleer HiYThonhiitlVaoglan Libera. Scahorough Miror, SiouttviiiefUoiridte Tribune. Wendy McNah Adveri.iug Maînager Aderising is accepted on the condition fihalin the eeni o a typo- Kare Smih Edtorgraphical rro, ihai portion othte adverising space occopieti by the erro- Kare Smih Ed:eerneous in.miogBher wiih a reasonabte alowance for signaiure, wcul not e Steve Crozier. Circulatin, Manager charied for, bait e balance otihe ariertisemeni ilii ho paid for ai the appli- cable raie. The pobtsher resernes the ighi to caiegorizo aderisemeeis or Teri C&nas Offce Meager decine. Dear Editor: Some might say that Milton's hidden treasures are the Mill Pond or La Rose bakery. Others may say it's the hockey arena or the parka. But 1 think Milton's hidden treas- ores are the ones that everyone just walks right on by. People dont seem to notice the things that 1 do. It might be because 1 still think of myself as a visitor to Milton even though 1 have been liv- ing here for more than six years. Whenever one is a visitor, they always look closely at things like a building or a park. It makes their trip special when they're telling their friends over coffee of what they have seen and done. For many seasons I have been walking on the trails that wind and weave through Milton. I have found many treasures that make me feel special and I cant believe that I'm the only one who bas found them. These treasures were once somneone else's garbage, organic garbage, although I have found lots of non- organic garbage amongot these treasures of lawn clippings and dead plants. Treasures they are. Now some may disagree with the dumping of organic material along the trail. But I feel that Miltonians too easily pot good things on the curb destined for the dump. At least the organic material is being put to use. The clippings from a tree or bush become a home for a little critter and the plant material becomes food for insectsa tnd other plants. But the best parts'about the organic dump are the treasures that appear the following spring. The first spring that I walked along the trail I discovered a clump of purple crocuses several feet away. I saw my ti-rt native plant, Trout lilies, and among them was Spring Beauty. It was a few years later that I found out the names but just the same, they're beautiful. That summer I found wild black bernies and strawbemres, a huge patch of yellow irises growing along the creek. Over the seasons there bas been an addition of two types of day hules, extra Iawn clip- pings and branches., Unfortunately the purpie crocuses disappeared. No doubt the local squirrels made a snack out of themn. This summer I made a new discov- ery. Growing mixed in with the Queen Anne's Lace and the Purpie Thistie, tali grasses and Milkweed is the bulb heads of garlic. Yep, garlic, someone has dumped a large amount of garlic along the trail. Whien you step back and look at the whole scene it's so out of place but now it's one of Milton's littie treasurers. So if you're walking the dog or going on your daily non along one of Milton's trails, stop for a moment and take s look around because you'll neyer know what you'll fond. As for me, Fll be looking for some more of Milton's littie treasures. L. Elend Beaver Court Pud by Steve Nease icri %-aim tq.1mr Tim Coles Production Manager The Mon Canadm Champion is a Rocycâble Product -r% rlw