The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 31, 2001-21 RECEPTIONISTI Sec- retary. lImmediately, fuît lima. Mst bu computer lItorate Knowiedqe <of ho:ies ans assis. No:: smoking anoîrooment. Salary + bonuses. Fax rasuma bo: 905-827- 6333 or cati 905-827- 2234. PART-timaeuperienced Dental Assistant ne- quirad for busy general dental practice, PDA certificat/on an assat. Dr. Paula Cassin, 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton, On. Fax 905-878-0557 FUURE Scosas auy- cure requires one ECE teacher, on Assistant, Supply teachers, ECE diplomna, Firuf Aid, CPR an asset. Serbes ap- plicants pieuse send cover latter with resumne fo: Carolyn Ruder, 100 Mountainview Rd.S.. Georgetown, ON L7G 4K6, Fax 905-702-1010 $20-$25/HR. National comnpany wlth lots ofWwOIk looking ton Independent Contractons. REMODELERS Lic. PLUMIERS MeutObase wn nehîcle, bools and 10 years espeience. 90&-578-440 PUROLATOR COURIER currentiy seaking pe- manent warsbou» hslp ai aur aurlnglon iuciliiy. Houri- Mon. ta Fn., 4.3am-7:3a, mu bu reliabie, abe la lift up lu 7Oibs on a e- pelilive busis. Sianing wage $10.17/hn. Securilsi clearance nucusuny. Appiy in penson, 3455 Mainway, auli/ngion ni lau 905-336-3230 belons Augusi 3 Hatm Service Advisor top. Adison w/ goont computer & communi- cution skills. We o0fen excellent poduct&CSI rt/no w/ compelitive puy und henetts. Applyto: Service Manager Ph (905) 632-5371 Fan (905) o81-0098 COFFEE lIME DONUTS equines heip ail shifts ana/lubie. Premniumn wages.No eop. needed Pieuse conact Cathy 905-825-4114 2283 Dundas St. W. @ Bonle Rd, Dakville Turtie Jack's Grill House NOW HIRING! " Line Cooks " Dishwashers " Drivers " Servers " Bertenders Plusse apply in pesun: 4155 Falrwlsw St., arllmgts, RUA BATYeEO NMC e EN Il blend of srhan and rural amenities, and a diverse population of 360,000, thse fest- growing Regi anal Municipality of Halton prpvnides services jn publie health, social and community services, planning and publie works, with finance and administrative functions ta support t/se eprograms. L. Supervisor, FamiIy Visitors HEALTHY BABIES, HEALTHY CHILDREN PROGRAM This permnunent purt-time rote will sue you supervisa and monitor the performance, ussignments and workload of fumily visitors sud staff, as well us monitor establîshed achievement objectives. An organized communicator, you will analyse service levels and collaborate with managers ta identify community needa related to high- risk families. Your clinical expertise and experience related to working with high-risk familles, is supported by an undergraduate degrea in Heulth or Social Sciences, including nursing sud social work, and a background working with complex familles, and supervising and/or working with paraprofessionals and multidisciplinary teama. Excellent administrative skills and computer proficiency are essential; demonstruted customer-service orientation is an asset. Please forward your resume, quoting Compotition #H-173, by Auguat 8. 2001, to: Human Rasourco Services, Ths Raglonal Munlcipallty of Halton, 1151 Oronte Road, OakvilIe, Ontario, L6M 3LI. Fax: 905-825-4032. ,...* .- We than* al candidates for tfeir interest. Howeuer enly those seected for an interview wilLl econtacted. FFH Arc you au caergeeiic person, IWHEEL' waaing 50 work sn a fast paccd environinent'? We larc ureiyccpngapplica- ions for tfie followîsg: F/TP/T Ceoks F/TP/T Waiters/Waitm-ess F/TP/T Dishwasher Appty ni person: Fifîfi Wheel Truck Sop 40 Chisholm Dr. Milton Shoppers Drug Mail MILTON MALL lu now accepting applications for the following positions: FUIL-TIME CASHIER Involves weekdays and somne evenîngu PART-TIME CASHIER Involves eveningu and weekends PW» pi*kup mus qp5ctan tUlpsmu" caa Consider driving a school bus: 1. $300 Signing Bonus for a "B" licenue; 2. We puy for your training and medical; 3. $48/day for 3-4 hours on uchool days; 4. Summeru and ochool holidays are off; 5. Our full benefit package includes: dental, drug plan, medical-and lufe insurance, out-of-country insuranca; 6. Bring your infant - no day cure couts; 7. Charter work for experienced drivers. QUALITY INN MILTON Full Tîme & Part lime Housekeepers Full Tîme & Part Time Front Desk Full lime & Part Time Night Audit Shift Work - lncluding Weekands Fax - 905-878-9701 Or apply in person f0: Quality Inn, 161 Chisholm Drive, Milton I n our Buildera Hardware/ Lumber Dept. m m Sunday Only Part Time PrcerlRseceiver Part Tîme position available - 2 eveningu par week and waekends to work in our Pricing Dept. Raecaiving incoming marchandise. Fax resume ta 905-8784049 or drap off Application ta Schuyler Home Hardware 385 Steeles Ave, Milton Dur Community Needs Bus Drivers Do yoa enjoy driving? Join our tsam of professionals who provide sehool bus transportation for our schools. Tran now for Septomber .FmeainingCompesftvWagesFlebli Cali us today 905.877.4448 fffffÀgffffÀzl ww.tsdawschsfbs.wun HOUSEKEEPERS Req'd F/T & P/T, Day shitt nct. weekends. Previous eop. an asset but n01 reqoired. RAMADA INN Oakvill Humun Resources 360 Dakoille Place Dr., Q.E.W./ Traalgar or ph.905-845-7561 o305, Classlfled Fax 876-2364 Phone 818-2 341 o The Ultimate Driving Exparienca Budds' BMW of OakviIIe Requires the followîng motîoated people for a growing and eopanidiîg business. 4Customer Service Advisor 4Parts Conter Persan -Lot / Washbay 4Service Administrator 4Technicians 4Technicians Helper Pîase drap off your rosumne ta: Wltske Glibertsan Budds'BMW of Oakville 2400 South Service Rd W., OakvIlIs, 1.611.5M9 B-.. - - o-ngEi CIVI HOIDA 13-1189 Wcrld Technical Support Staff " Customo. Service Rep " Installer Cellular Concepts/Bell World is Iooking for dedicated customer service associstes for Vs Burlington locations. Company offers complete communication shopping which includes wireline, wireless, internet & di- rect-to-home satellite products & services QUALIFICATIONS Excellent customer care, computer skills, product knowledge in communications pro- ducts / services would be considlered an asset. Training providied. Technicatly in- clined individual. For consideration, resume must be faxed by Monday July 30th. 2001 @6:OOom. 905-681-8599 Suitable applicants wl/I be contacted. No phone cala p/ease. BURLINGTON Is recruiting for their Milton clients GENERAL LABOUR startlng @ $9-$1O./hr MEETAT THE Milton HRDC (large boardroom) on Thurs. July 31, 10 arn - 12 Mbon Bing S/N card & 2 references. (1/2 hour I0o egister) Orxi Pus. steox1t.s l ersh. markrro Lnuarn oprodcrs in r Prtsmeîanni eRaeynocad inldsri al pndd - Pacs minrWii <ie n. ar aee rcng anddererilinrs ioen Drivefittiwîn Pane adxi I reme îirnsCofidnc shîfiý wîrk hîtsa iningasevenday a eteko opr rui MArý.iNTENANCE ni Thi psiinreileafîl-ieiene icin c/elerlicîan wti jrh yiinîiiî<f ocW» ea insra iianîifacriring hackgroind wirh kni ,ecei rta îi sorw( e n o dvre ,îiaiery.r on . n1 .Wn This te iii oppilrni y orinorvad ii vi oar delriined r ecl or auihesifisl carrer na Griv)dincîaioîn us-envîrepilrr.o shft lea. s iit n or yîsresililîr ris: e 551 Hin AINEApMtNOn Thi poskinoprtion, a aresa l-inetacern Lnea c/Loensily plastchagsioin ihe 9riiofery, relaî anduspeially nufcarur nulmar aswulla niarbaege ogsfort robeai andindusrial aarkes on NoTh i samerîca has anitppororîly tor wh ar Mouivnatfa:1 cotinental sit o-u - ncleeninandt rbx o cnamnîcalnsi Ils Prasoannel t aparerct an assel 55 aro r. iloOn.vll PLPra cadidCroationaua matufacturr. North Amerca a an hampuitfo .o SURE FLOW EQUIPMENT INC. requires the followîng PIPEFITTER i F dt pipe jois osig blueprnos and lemploles. TIC WELDER- Duies to inclade TIG wld/ng of lighl gaugt 55 PERF and tora/ng assorttd basktts using bluprnos and taplats. Pleasu FAX resumes 10: 905-332-4993 DATA ENTRY CLERKS Requirementu: Computer Knowledge, able to work in teumn environmrrent. good nterpersonul akilis. Fax resumne to: Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton Attn: Judi Woodhouse Fax 905-76-2341 Markeing Co-ordinator A large multi-dimensional organization in the Food Industry is seeking a Marketing Co-ordinator. The individual will play a central role in co-ordinating and execut- ing marketing, sponsorship and fundrais- ing programs. Superior communication and inter-personal ukills are essential to your succesu in this position. As the ideul candidate you have ut least 2 years experience in facilitating marketing com- munication activities, maintaining projeet schedules and liaising with both external agencies and corporate communication groupo. You will be a self-starter and web suvvy. PIeuse forwurd you[ resurne to; Human Resources Oficer Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. R.R. 2 Norval, ON LOF IKO HALTON DISTRICT SOHOOL BOARD invites applications tor PAYROLL ASSISTANT to fi11 a temporary vacancy for one year. The position requires the administration of individual payrolls and will include the cal- cutation osf ournings, deductions and pay- roll reconciliation reports. The successful candidate wilI have mathematical and com- puter attributes and must be willing 10 assiat other members osf the Payroll and Benefit team. In addition, in-depth knowl- edge and demonstrated skills in PC appli- cations especially Excel and Word; Working knowledge of Ceridian and expe- rience in a computerized payroll environ- ment Witt prove beneficial. lnterested appli- cants should forward resumes to the atten- tion of Chris Duncan, Halton District School Board, 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington L7R 3Z2 or email- by August l3th. The salary range for the position is $29426 to $34,616. White we thank al applicants only those chouan for an inter- view will be contacted. DL. Papke, Ed.D. E. Gardiner Director oaf Education Chair of the Board F/T RECEPTIONIST/ ADMIN ASSISTANT Growing Mississauga Company looking for a cheertol, cordial person. Qualifications: excellent telephone mannur, profîcirntin encel, word, Meridian phone sysîfeoeper/ence, short hand, dictaI/on, excellent venbal/ written communication skills. Dulies: swtchboard/ grel isilors, diclution, lyping, mal-iocoming/ outgning couriers, guneral otfice duties, bonking tranel arrangements, onganiiof business lunches.. Fax ymente & nlay sxpsotatloa ta 905-820-9226 or email: ne phose oeils phiase. (905) 671-288 ---------- - 1