20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 31, 2001 Classified 9:00 AM - 5:00OPM M,1 IA T)FýDH,' Classified Ads Dpear at... I cppjw 9Vom &q3a( îtoneur auýs Thte Dietrich family uld ike '0 congratulate Arny upon graduating high hon ours (rom Carleton University with aU RA. in Law and a minor in Political Science. Arn was awarded thte King McShane Prize in Civil Liberties. With love front Nom, Ded, Aaron & Shaw LITTLEFAIR, Gregg and Jennîter are pleased to announce the birth of Katlyn Rose on JuIy 10, 2001 weighing 9 tbs, il ozs. Kaittyn is welcomned by bg brother Ryan. Special thanks to Dr Tamnar and the wondertul staff at Credit Valley Hospital. ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phono 1-800-891-4862 I 1-519-838-1522 1 of the1 Jim Strain 190 Ontario St., Milton 8786522 Monuments Maricers - Bronze Maricers Cemetery Lettering -- ,,m ROBERTSON, Audrey Mine Peacetulty at Alendale in Milton on Thursday, July 26th, 2001. Audrey Mane Robertson, beloved wte ot the sate William Russell (Russ) Robertson. Loving moth- or ot Jacqueline and her husband Don Flack ot Miton. Predeceased by sisters and a brother Eunice Toletzka, Muniel Coulson, Jean Cole and Orville Mitchell. Family and tniends visited at the McKerse-Kocher Funerat Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 t rom 2-4 and 7-9 pm on Sunday. The funeral service was held on Monday JuIy 30th 2001 at 2:00 pm trom the tuneral home chapel. Interment tollowed at St. Georges Anglican Church Cemeteiy in Lowvile. tf desired, donations to the Milton District Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society or the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the tamily. tn Memoriams in the torm of ~' donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. Moway. I1 am for sosiay flunday &.Il - f« Frway WAKEHAM, Rachel Andrea At St. Josephs Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario on Sunday July 29, 2001. Rachat Wakeham of Hamilton age 25 years. Beloved daughter of Patricia Wakeham and Brad Holmes of Hamilton and Donald Wakeham and hîs wife Shelly of Calgary. Lovîng sister of Meissa Wakeham. Loved granddaugh- ter of Grant and Hellen Taylor of Burfington and Don and Genevieve Wakeham. Dear niece of Scott Taylor of Burington and Vatenie Taylor of Ancaster. Visitation at Smiths Funeral Home 1167 Guelph Une (one stoplight north of Q.E.W. Burhngton (905-632-3333) on Wednesday 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. where Funeral Service Wl be held on Thursday August 2, 2001 at 1il sm. Cremation. If desired expressions of sympathy to Sheenas House would be sincerety appreai- ated by the family. IMonday to Fldayl MILTON 2 bedroom I9am to 5pm imraculate, A/C., 5 e_ SMALL home at mino m Winston Churchill Blvd. OFFICE space for rant & Steates Ave., Avait. 50 Steetes Ave, 905- Sept. 1. $1250. indludes 272-0648 outside maintenance. Utîitias extra. Leave details of your interest with your phone # in wnting at Greenhouse Cunfry Markcet - 8175 Wînston Churchill Blvd. CARCASH Neaci Ouick and you wilt be contact- Cash. No credit check ed. References Bankrupt OK, Must required. Own, Vehicle Instant Approvat. (519) 856- 4 bedroom, 2 storey 1234 home in Miton, fit-e- place, 1 1/2 bath, and garage. No pets, prafar- ably non amoker. Avait- able immediately. Rafer- onces requirad. 1 bedroorn $775 plus $1,300.00 par month hydro Frstand aest. Plus utilities. 705-389- Frage ana stove. Avenl- able August 1. 416-606- 9432, 878-3635 ACTON 3 bedroomn Vic- torian Semi large, $1000 plus, aiso Acton large 3 bedroomn $950 and very large 2 bed- roomn $750 ait +utiities. 519-853-5080, 519- 853-5352 ACTON large 3 bed- room apartment, $950+. Aise 1 bedroom Acton $600+. Also George- town 1 bedroomn $675. 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352 IN Miton, 1 bedroom & 2 bedrooms apartments from $850, large spart- ment, quiet building newty decorated. 9k5 875-4989 LARGE one bedroom basement apartment. Seplember 1sf. Prefer femate or couple, no smoing/pets. $750.00. Steeles/Trafalgar (Hom- by Rd). 905-878-0363 EARLY Canadiana Stone House in town Milton. Acreage. $1295.00 monthty. Utt-i fies, referencea, firaI & IWs. 878-9586 ULEAN tumrisfied non- smoking room. Shara bath, ight cooling. Suit quiet working femate. $420 .00. Cati (905)>299- 0226 LOOKING for accom- modation for 1 aduit and 1 child stsrting Septem- bar 1 f0 March. 905- 264-6966 PROFESSIONAL cou- pie seoka 10 ranI houselapertment in Mit- ton ares. Saptem- ber/October Would consîder short ferm leasse Cati Kevîn 519- 741-6535 LOST 14 carat gold soli- taire diamond ring, an- q raved NVN Prom «8" oewsrd. 905-824-4292 LOST: Key ring 15 keys. Juty 19 around 6:30 am. Plaise cati 905-854- 2416 OPEN HOUSE at KIDZ KORNER Registrations for Fait Classes for the Scribbles Program Wed. &îg. 1, 2001 4 - 7 pmn f50 Nipissing Rd. RAINBOW Vilage Day Care has a few spaces available now. Quality programs for children 18 months f0 6 years. Also taking registrations for September. 905- 878-7552 BED, Kng s thick pil- lowtop, orthopedîic mat- tress set. New, in plas- tic. Cost $1700, sel $650. 418-768-9885 BEO, pillowtop mat- tress, boxspring, head/toot board. Un- used, stili pkgd. Cost $1175, sacrifice, $525. 416-521-9635 CARPET 1 have several 1,000 yrds. of new Stainmaster & 100% ny- ton carpet. Wilt do living- roomn & hafl for $349. In- dludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve,905-639-2902 FOR Sale 35 foot 1989 Sierra R.V. Excellent condition, 2 bedroom, aleepa 6, air conditioned with awning and a new deck. Phone after 7 p.m. (905) 691-0358 FOR sale: Bed, mrn fu- ton bunk, tube mattresa- as, onse year otd, excel- lent condition. $275-00 Cai 905-878-5345 WAVERUNNER 1999, 3 seater Vamaha Wa- verunner XL, 700X with traiter. Onty been used once. $7200. 905-878- 0174 MLCOMIE AýGON *New in town? * Gffig mini id in 3 moof h or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US: Communmly Wslconie Lînda ....854-1563 Doris ....332-4799 Bridai & Baby Tracy ....876-4330 BssinesssProlsssional Paf .....876-4040 wwwwelcoaewagon.ca WANTED ive-in walch- min handyman. Must have tradter. Phone Wibc 905-854-7117 for 3 chtre ural ares. Prefer able to cook Asian food. Even- ings & weekends re- quired. 905-854-6288 TREADMILI wanted. Cati 905-876-0128. ATTENION INTERNET USERS Untimited Accesa only $1595, great local service and support from SURF THE NEL 905-873-2602 TAKE over existing tasse. 2000 YR. Pro- tege Mazda, 4 dcor black, 5 speed stan- dard. Lease cost $300.001MO. 2 yrs - left on lasse. 43,000KM. Contact - Rusa Lane Jr. 905-876-0239 99 Ford F150 XLT Qusdcab, short box $22500. '90 Sunbird 1491cm, $1,800. Asic for AUEO BELSNMOY Make i IHRDl To e laseoMurhs fl878-23931 NO Feel Career Explo- rations is a 3-Week Course designed to help y ou plan your ca- reer. Funded by HRDC. For more information/to register cai Grace at (90 5) 3 3 3 3499/(905)878-1240. DOMINOS PIZZA is now hiring Drivers. Must have own vehidle. Eveninga and wee- kenda. Apply in person any day affer 4 p.m. to, 17 Wilson Drive (at the corner of Main St. and Wilson Dr.>, Milton sltar 4 p.m. E.C.E. and Assistant teacher required for lo- cal day care. To start Augual/September. Subonit resumne f0 258 Commercial St. Miiton L9T 3C3 FULLL-time AssemblersI Material andera re- quit-ad. Please fax (905) 878-3642 or mail re- suea faRAM. LUghting - 300 Bronte Street S., Mifton, Ontario L9T 2X6. No telephone inquires -lese. GROULNDSKEEPING, maintenance &. ring crew wanled imme- dialely. Knowledge of homses an assaI, Non- smoking environment. Salary + bonuses. Fax resume to: 905-827- 6333 or oeIl 905-827- 2234 WAIT Staff Required. Raf table person t-e- quired only. Apply in pet-son batee 12 and 2 pm. AsIc for Donnes. 243 Main Street East. MACHINE Operator for Remco Extruder - Rolk buikier. MuaI be able fai read blue prints and work with minimum su- pervision. Experience preferred. Wmll train. Fuît time days plus banal its. Bufiington. Please fax rasume 905-332-480 MISSISSAUGA Auto- motive Accessonies In- stallers hining 1 licensed electrical Installera and practical installera. Wilt train. Must have dlean drivers absfract. Please fax resume to: 905-625- 1124 or cai 905-625- 1100 SKILLED Help wanted: Licensed automotive technician or 3rd or 4th r. apprentice for a busy localpgierai repair shop. Exceltent wagea and benefit package. Cati 905-878-7926, asic for Bob or Kevin Vl,()WIý1-R IIISIIO, 1 nl