lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 31, 2001 Be sure lo send in your best *pet pics for next months "Champ ion Pets" f eature. Each month 1 picture wil I be chosen and the win- ner wiII receive a $25. Gift Certif icate f rom a particîpatîng merchant. inMal- 5Onio St 01 Aquariums, Fish & Supplies SmaIl Animais & Supplies 4#Puppies, dKittens>#Birds ACCESSORIES e PET FOOD TONS 0F TOYS FRIENDLY, KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF 905-875-0475 Open 7 days a week Mon-Fri 9:30-9:00, Sat 9-6, Sun 12-5 Ro»biisor' Pet Hospital e Providing special care for your companions 0 Serving the Milton community and surrounding area for 28 years New dients welcome! New extended hours, 0pen Saturdays 24 hour emergency care available PROTECT YOUR PET'S HEALTH THROUGH FLEA PREVENTATIVE MEDICATIONS Dr. Emmnanuel Aziz *Fleas can infest every household - A female flea can Iay up to 40 eggs per day D.V.M, M.Sc (Hons.) *Flea cocoons can remain dormant for up to 6 months and are resistant to ail pesticides adAscae *Just 10 aduit fleas can multiply to over 250,000 in only 30 days. adAscae Cail your veterinarian today for more information. 0 teeles Ave. E., MiltnIlc ius m n-r.o aiatOfl -JLUi. s --« - - -.--, --- --- 905-8764636 Fax: 905-876-4637 QOA KVI L LE a ~ &DISTRICT HUMANE 12SOCIETY1 445 Cornwall Road, Oakville TEL: (905) 845-1551 Two Wonderful Animais Looking For Adoption Domestie short haired cal 8 years old ,nalelneutered Srnoke grey Laid back, confident, oui- goi ng Has been ai ihe shelter since May 2001 Ann Sandies PET GROOMING SALO " Personalized Cr» " Chemical Fre Products " Free PickuplDeive' y »KGCL for Seniors " Seasoroal Pet Gifts 765 Byng Court Milton 905-87"-899 nffie.- Meilirc- Mnn -Fri - 9-finm Sat. 8-3um