Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 2001, p. 22

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e-ris---- J 22-The Canadii lan Champion, Friday, July 27, 2001 1/ePedtts UeMi1 P4OSce4CU Game Highlights - JuIy 2 - lý3th Genepa-k HBasna2 *eb5enInaldustsese3 Austis Vughan end Asdreo Schneider Oece he gosîkespees for Gnnsnpadi crîdi Rachel Dais gelais; bosh goals. Adamtsfvansuand leriiiy Farqobarcos did a geatjob i set for Belen oth Adant Pions picking op td iitruik Clark Waleeî and Blake frais playcd a greal gonte foc Behien. osthnimen t isai Cliaio g Wsadys 2 Wsley Domenco asd Josboo Rori oes goalucîders focrfochiicr Nahat astrarci and Braîdon Sarandont oec inet for Wesdyus Nicholai Hoffmnan d Besîdai Genamcd foc Wndys BaIIas-k 2 atsaad Soa.ad t Nichlat Ralph chuîcg a shot out aid Andeso Dodcoi nrotisg uhe frsi goal of dis gaine and hia Oirsi clubhescass Maathsc Leoshan scontd the second amcscirsgoal of the gante foc Halîmadi The second balmas îoc as etiigmthCiry Malas scrutg forSole and Sund ad Sarah Blay of Sali adSond acbeiga shtotauidiianynsharsbeng takn ongoal Peo Daihart played a ceuy eniasici gante1r Halmarir at dîd Ayla Blackbiurnad Jetifer Gamrand for fafs and Sourd Zi5ties 3 fsouinsisDeatal 4 Tbnillcng action fron tdise luth tsocerirtars crth AîdrerrPPince, ChisnWaods aid leisife Haconga coriîg for Zellîrs crhite Chis Wood asd tSarah Machilln mire an goal duy fondrcieo Dental goalies oer Danielle Vis aid BesîdeDon gbarty daoré Pyesh oiih ahattrickad DailleViscrithenle foSubciicr Speriai mnint a fantnda Wstoo If oubcýiiiraid Sfikî Coe o Zeflers for agreat gants piayod itsiahais Village 2 Alca Vosond Jacsfon nn dd anspectacla jbinnetifor Rainhacr Villsge. Wiidys Marisco le an ad Amilya Glesore dud a lanasarc lébi noe Goal scorers for Raishoo Village osres Aur Vos and Tyler roct aid fe Wndyu Besdan Gena Speciol m er gais ouai Brandon Sarada aand Anion Gabeck lai a supedijo donc for Wendyas Belea Iadastries 2 RatishontVillage 2 Gonis for Raiiho Vilages mue Rachel Germain, Chelsea EPane adYvionne Mours Goalandursfor Bebien cres Sean Water eod Spescer Reid, Goal scorers crue AdamEvfansisth 2 lai Bies and Todd Grabamanad leffeey Mride fr Racbo.ake fkotyk hsd mno risg oppotnitiss asd Rachel Germain shccrcd gent deoncmnation on goal and an thi fild Kyle MrParlssr playsd great diefe The Bosesamen fi CesapaskBssaes t The Dolresespeied thi tram0 oitb a thasdessng shci ran Boitt Ecîrson obicb Gruonpathis goalie Wyatt Tuner coudi do îcihirg about Greespari Homsr forurards atacksd barir agalîsi The Doiraiers srasg delessîce play of Heathes Wiliamsi ad Gesydons singes 'MeiDosconesidstiiiC1o Casteonarocras ai bus hesi sîoppisg Gecîpathi sbhaop thocuets Michael Wurees f thi Docoers sred hia Ori olthe sîght afier a peuise pas ran Austis Wilknson The Doiceser' s BPrersanssresd bs secnd goal ofldiegarieafllu sbakiig off aninjaey Gesepaer rai- - listai to pontnsThe Docroeers'goal ootd Michael Wumeeshrés saryand bîauGrscnpaths goalieowiuhis scodalithe gure Gsiiipat'slfoemaed Rarhel Dînees asabetestrike back wiriha goaI jac insîdi The Douones post. The scond hallsaiid mculi The Doîcontecu golîs Taylor Carey isakiiigaefOrs sacs fron a cose range shot. Grenpaek mcaid sou ice op ad écuiaiee Taylor Carcy it The Docone' s goal cié ibsie shotss The Docomus loJstis "Coîo Caalcasaro bard mcdi pald off oith a goal, ohich Greespanr s oustaidiig goalce Rehecca Wood coutld sol stop TNs BoulaBHas-p 4 Wsadya 2 Goal scooers lai Wcdyscas by Bendas Gonu oulh 2lfansaîic shots addisheDicils Haep lacéb Qoîn scsred a copedi goal Speciai menstosgoiiooubtesas griat goal teeéinghby Spescer Ccagagy aid Aise Aiban lior h ic rs Harp ad Ccsrtiy Pilocr aid Caiseson Héhu 1cor Wcndyns Vaslers- as-sîsAdjasiena0 MîBonattus3 AdJ Roinson croril 2goasls fer MrDosalds aid Mike Roncog alliedaige.eî Amy Lîntocir hîd a shut oui for MrDotldc aid Adam Srhentbri ploysd oatiectig gantsei etifer Vaner ifanadfSound 2 BCBC g Domiel Gurniand JaonsPyur Lewréy both d iagresobi plîyiîg goakie foc Sfaod forndJusiasi te atd Merri Daccdomese alto gers golirs for HCOC. Elyrta Wikero, Tees Pobits atd Hiathîr Sader e ore or MVP'r iis gant s Oc e Pioily Mousy Warren Applecon, Qocîn Pocci atd layor Dohooty fen HCRC, MrDosatds fi falesasdSund 3 Stfuog effor by boih firt hl gooliet. Michael Rotîci for McDooldî and Rolyr Ceeceerîl for fufe andl Sound AIJ Robinoi cccrrrd boih ends cf the field fer Mcoeesdi th 2 sroofi haîcco and DrrcRobinoitlsopluyedcrel ForeSalerandfSound,dJoch ferlerccotod lI ibeergooli aid liesRobinr pt in a seoig effort Goalcosi the second hall oer Ambre Hannock for McDorldî and ElyssciWrckefoeSfedfSound fihppers Drmg Mari 7 Sheppr' Dmug Mort cara sdy, and oker the wcuruelekîno ey c re arc i goals for JordînIHoppereHCRC goalce EPic Sabencon pucisopitotherocti- iccemobccngrutocotsWihlp frent loyese Dohsoty eonnieg the hall docro field The play mttîrd doco n the 2îd hall ht plays by Thomas Sionir for Shoppees Doug Mars bepi HCRC goalie Tylsi Kilsies-Galati on is tons.lICRCa Qite Forcis tcklitg aid a gieat ion hy Siephaiie Latit paid off cith a goal. The golies for Shoppees Dsag Mars hadl a greai day cié soins gond goals hy Clissiophe i Mulir 3 and Galion Cols I Daiy Qaeen 3 Vaster IsasranseAdjsten 3 Sconing dis goals for Daiiy Qion uhue Zorhaiy Collites, Aigela Bsalon andAdams Till Gi the opoilion Paul Mosday scoeed Icice aid alogcch playing goalie in the second bal Daniel FahrtonecoedgoalForiDsity QoenMackBgaillie and Kartot Pilote pîsyrd ontstasdisg innici Keons Ceppen bld he fort for Volîr Instoosre in the list hall Specisl mntion tea sgent effort hy Sarab Miller aid Kercn Gesdley. Brasa Cas- Case 3 Tas-osentosal Geap 2 Tornr Dnal conte out ces>treint wth lro goals fi Zachai Wadhais aid Brandon Kewn, bat Scots longbthack wadi a goal fron CollinStaId and aicîher froint Tddy Lipay, Soattaiesi Dental t Wakefield Wildeats 3 Excelent drIsnse by ihe Wildcats belpcd their goalirs Saantab Logstaff and Megar MrGconis chîcî ashai ont alîhongb Sothrîccr Deotal kepi die prescurer on S-cven Witlrcr cf Wakefield and Megan Wscn and Zachaty Schîon layed an sncep- tîoal gants Scog for Wakefield cris Taylor Nucly. Lobs Duchaone and Ccrtcs Caicr Caanadiasa Tiren2 Hissas Cas-pts 2 Lcon Robnni sorcd hosh goals for Caoadîas Trelesenty Lacai aod Cosnor Poince scccid goals for HinnCarpcis Scpbia Cîcînto and Allyson Mac Donald bstb cante to ile iibis gants wtcdisonte ceiy etcifiog offensie playing for Canadiai res Thoms Hyde aid Cassidy fibacera of Canadian Tirs bad a nantir cf gent offenive plays tontcce the bal op the field. Rachel Sîthen playcd goai Ici Ccoadcar liresis the firi halff iis gains She crac blprd ot by Aaron Mller crho put on ai acetone dis- play of defensîýc play by sttppig the nighty ateinpts of scorng by Ryan Kion. Tltsha Arsod aid Gregory Foi of ths Hition, Carpett aaeS fphca Ciinro dtd'tappear ontedaiy belp feuin ber defenco fihe cru acresonteis goal for Lutadtas Tire ce lai second hall, stoppiig shos ater ibot frers the feeomned His$in Caips plyors Stes nMayes kspslha nigbiy -Catadfiaslires easr fris cnig asthie goalie for Hitai Caupeis ih ths fust hall Rebucca Hion nos oîly played an ercllest défensire gants idur- iig the flric qoartes bolt he alto aajpped Marty abiosies dis godins for Hinîo Carpete i tbe erondbal f iasaN'sFood Mas-ri Solid goaltcndcng b> Pacnîchs Qine Wilson oald Taorn Fîotch led tea smeain rnnaég thatont Pinisch plapersaCasanodreSlyoka and Dylan Clatcy-Griz oiedd ry hard on tdisfiildaiehelli inur he wni O a sapedi play flisa e rncekick,Paituha Alyssa l3odian clehratad itir 1ilgol athipenies ai ha a brilliani soron carestMchninêerisconisnt bl is scosng cithi5goals, Prahsgoahaptdsrs yabMoni dalénHarrts feided off esany godsboaaîcrhcl in set Gssdtife FianaClaN 4 MiltoaaJayesca 2 laycses* sipu Mathew McPhaicoraed early intedris e on a spnedy rush, bat Brandai Bodim ua soid i goal on al ahur corisg chances is Oie iraI hall Odlile countentd nitb snte long néses cf dieuir w,enidita ongoals by Gaie Moedycb, fainise Kalisanmd Caisesai Sînkal Mtlon Isyrees'fiat hall goaie. Contney Johnson, oas oninlandtng ni thesfild aicrell, as mai bu ineale Taylor Dredgc Gin the GoadhifsImain, Cscidy Poarson aid Sydney Scodlack shcnted lotsacf spii and gril. Chansal Hasri, dîsplayîng Osne goalie aklîs for Cloodîle dornt; the seonod hall, allocred oniy on goal by Christansi inheisrc Siiuaiily. Jaycoes'goalie AodresntGaacesao onlymiiaonae cf Oie miny shotss aigoal, Bydren Oas Zetes 4 loosnPina-LomnaielisHydre Gaiand Cnne Ramsdn fis Zllers ted scoe aitheshall Gpposigshes intha2nd hal asithe îestitcreassd iileisily oflplay lcsied haéh goalies Wbile Ryas Decrici aid John lansadrea helprd ta cîe the hifion Hydre Gse's end lorelyt fiSiinelî's play foi Zelleen hlped bar tan telo3 lie goals Zetes Wakefield Wildoatss Goal Scorurs for Zelleen crere Madincîsfnac, Nathsn Vs, Jocelyn connicl.Gorge Staiford, Tysci Mochalok (2) and Cossir Rantsden cieh a bat tick. conig for the Wildcaîs crin Taylor Nnely, n set for Zellees cre Rachel Fînher aid Rrod Nicholsn Thi gralcer for the Wldcat s ees Lobe Duchaone, crhc deon- îcrac orcime excellent clearng kcks, aid fiecor Whîtlccr Parich Pulntan mode a soyedi effert for the Zllorr Iront VaaDongen Lasdscapisg 2 Hydrentas1 Geat gcaltrodîgbhydlrr Wood aid Clay JonetIore Varcîngro Hydre ot 'sJenniferWrîrîld and Rachel Lrp bhid oneeceln aîtcrhilestrndcegonet, nct biliiog docri Rcss Morgan aid Dasim Lecof VaeDoegenreacb îoock agoal hy, Jusan Pinror- Lrcmarcil a brkacray goal fcrHydreinGo rd gantrhy Ryoo eroos aid Lindray finclair for HydrerOse Brooks Blcrderrcand Daniel leAyrîkeyoycphereaîcrrk Whaîoboc- tIr frit BrinerMiloar' Mitos Hankepes 3 Farahs FaodMari fier fiiocooand Dorell reobloy cadr a ialaeottetopithe Hickryrr acrempt. bac Vicceria Drnile.Logt Littlr. and Tyler McKîcrrr Trîgîr fîdcmoh oeilAcdrwDocîdret cerkrd bord te bld the lire itly lttiog ira olfmI mAdamt flait Foîssech 2 Canadios Tire 3 Daniol Armicogo aid Koîlyr SeII pîcyrd o teroific gants belpîîg te fend off tsiiy gecd actempts by Canadian Tint. fcating foi Canai lires mefric Sabeodis midi I and Liana Rohertsao oié 2 goals. Eus Miller pisyed excellset defenai lis Canadiai es Goalias for Canadian ireiai me Thoinu Hypde and Suivna Filsintisi Thay plaped a Vgntealgne afoing only Oie 2 poalas hy Painiechas Mackenzie Robeasnn Oiongh dis Pons. The Paiosach formaid toc nf Hayiiy Wisee Kaie Ceco tand Cassaides Siymka mu speclacolar, Gootuifs Fisansa ClaN 8 fsasikiese Denteal <liais 3 fiîrosg goal sindita front Gondlifcs Tom Harris and Sydney Sailcir Gcodlilea aoffensive cons feue ScotFord Ilndisg iib 4 goais cié snglos feue Cagenai fiorball, Brandos Badias. SaisisRais and Das Maîdych Goadifesn Caisson Surirail msade cotinsai patis and lothviewc ieiedgreal defenire plays feue Zachaty fichies Sonihiie gcoalien Bradon Holes and Asdrecr Fantai ilKenfe wcree i siy.aySondiics Ryco Aahley badt 2 goals ih Megai Wain scoisg aie. Mto Sa aona2 Mlthons Haneyen 2 Goalics lai Milton finioco crue Danicel McMaln and Juai Coolie For Milon Hambeyen Vicoria Dniis and Loas Little creson goal daiyScosng forfioiocowas Caeron Zoccaîo and Juas Conhs Keit Fuisain scresd hosb goals forée Haobiyes forte gagne fpccalientioiicAiiMoldafyiyTriîgé& Cole Hooick. Vantes- mss-rassisAdjasers t Adeslsas-e 4 Corner seokers'and the poirskicks'gars distes di iesas Nicoe Peleir, RshecrcoKng aid fabria Laipnich 2 goals) ichadi n dic rîngers Chyann Gaylouidtheontrifleeîhntg fed a pclctipasa by Aisanda Matoniocelcoent goal tesdig hy Taylor Robinson and Loah Sfibaga lai Adculairesand tbe grest coin msade by Katie Chadlesanad Astaicua Maezoao lai Vanler Honorablîeenions for Adeaulaises Teresa Puqcualio a id Vanluts Lassa Anne S choeider as bath piayees entainithedis owd cidi sanns aiecoise kickrs Walace Pontiac Baiek Cadillas fi Mettais f5 Eleai rPiea Lunai scaisd ai aoenoiss 4 goals and Carly Vtescsc scised aie for Wallace HayeUsent gos a bat trick, Anther Vons ad Kteriss Dafiiracarièait neforpeeetlasn Goal dortes miii 10 April Soslîe and INaudin Stockailfor Wallace aid Katheefie Dafilria aid Megan flaliba for Meiloon Cien iGrkees fi MsPNail Cienpraosio 3 TonigblowasétheCbeopeacurs copchalengshbetceeiDr Murray MrPail adDr. Hauil oies Gals forMPhailpeaidedhby Carly FlîrS an ad 2 frain SoabhSiocirali Drean delensirs pay ran Kaidys McPhai aid Ema Jléson Alan gent offesvs plays feois Meaphan Necrman and Bnitny lilstma-Siîgh Kîistisa Lace led the Chiro Kickrus miha 5goal' Gentteaausiork and assisapioridetu hy lacqailys Aggcc, Dasieile Beston, Bnoaiay Laen and CassieBrowni 2 fe1Piza 5f HutPlymsouthiwmshaot players and mas noematcîrb2Ici 1. Aery Heany irberfirsl gagne thefiyeuxplayed hard Nauaie Pamta and Cassandra Wiesner erre lein snet lai Hot. Dotai 'Connor aid Mallaiy Byue misre an goal doty for 2 lai I aihDovaiOConnor aid Brietasy Dlsinscsrisg Vtraia Mro ran 2 for i1ocasastar and alto Caldis Daridson and Care urMray werieexcellentLaoen Kely sced2 ad Alan RamsadenscirsaiflaiHosi MtPeFN lCtirops-assie Vanter Ilessa-ae Adjumssirs 2 Whst a gante for Cadly Falleston, scoriig 6 goals for MrPhail' Giber g al secrts laiMcPbadiwrs Kaitlys McPhaiand farah Stockail For Vailsi Insoranre, goals mertssrend by Cheyanse Grey and LaarmaFaik Gond goal lenduîg for MaPhail hy Meagbai Nemnanad Bnutainy lilstes-Sisgh. For Vaideu a buggy iigbu lai goal tesders Rehacca lahnoon-Fissie ad Kristea Issor Etcellent eidfici pisys for McPhail hy Pisia Johnssnand Laea Cailsos May offesivrechances forHuierMakeii ceiing icty close ta ascorisg. Nosemcrthy plays by Victoria firbuehi aid Saisaitha Rabse for Vanie. Meeflus-as4 MéM Meati 3 Qoicir goal hy Mefonms Haylu GDrec leS MéM Miat goalîs KesaWade aiale chance, M&M s'Melisco Gahal oa sflarg oith the testcf the dilune as they held off thi Metfon aOtacb ef Natalie Ferriesas and Victoria Wamcr, Meilose s'Anthes Vis patsed the bail tbeoogh tu Teresa isher oho bit the bacir cf the net ooitahard druve, M& M Mnatcboucdhark oiib a goal by Altcia Casey, ohich beat Mefrtis - lista Matn Meifores hsd a grec ieffort os defenco by adislePinisBa and Chaises Lister wo dog octb goalie henaou Mnoiers kuping MéM s'fcecacds front scciig Jlotu bîors thi hoîf Metons' Hayles Desonotchud bier scod cf dis gante dospits the efforts il gealis Keira Wodî M&M Meats caste ot flying inothe second haîfivalh i gcai by Roue fBoyle crhîch Mitfernt geais foi Giddilsr rad do ectihîg ahout, Milforesi TrrasFîsher rcored hesconod goal cith a fire fioikc chich beu M&M Meats goalîs Kaai Lorgstaff M&M Meats Mienîs Michell cris excellentio dîfenco buepîîg Mtfeiu fer- wardsîcway M&M Meoîcereploed ooh Kînie yles'second goal cf thi eîght, Sorsabis Maippiag fossitns Mitaishsiterapy Ryl Paoloand DoenimcoPatqalno icddienefr oelis ih Teeom çlny aod Miobrow Campybell i geai fer Mltor Pbyicthery Aidrw fiant mored rîrly fer Beenalîst îh Phviet Tees Kecler iiîg tho gainte lotr r y Kîre and Phillip Jodcruy aelo becogecolaird for hirtsuper efrsforfinfietalîs aod Mikoîl Pogel ard Caleb Hhlot kryc ithe pressurer or for Mlto Phyi e Milton FbysissNkeapy 5 Stars - Milton 3 Mitchell Wcesnnes Mailient Camephell, Cuinees Gibecet and iCoerdan tialzschaher playnd fastusi'cin net SinonHocd CanesGlinne altaya dedre tebil. halettard lai "dri Scacife aidHaey Lipsay plapnd vrsy sieessg gines aid Caléb Hnhdet aid Ryso tisagian hai theie hast gains Saay Oasais ItsenetCorporationa TD Internaianal Tat 5 Nainerous sécu n est sfor goalien Iesh Daviau and Bradley Benhaes for Sanny Oasis and Jonailthais mand BienaiByrke of TD lnteinational. Sasjay and Cody played oeiy nrong for TD mie Sanny Gasi's lef Thomson played a steong defennive gaine aed iidi oshoa Dariao'n consistent long kicksanad puis ta Brandon Haggse aiforanny Oasis gave tibm the single goal cin. CtN Trucks 0 Lindsay MceLaren-Remias 3 Grent jch by Linsay McLaren -tenan goal tendurs Michael Haringa and Jasai Nicholson.ficoing for dis Rein annse iere Math Vaider Dolet. Michael Hainga and Macasick McLaren. CFIN racha lJefftey Wtet, Caineron Hyctrr aid Ricardo Radaka played a gent gaine. FiliN WIseeI Track Stop t Blase Pass msanis 6 Ecan Blanchard lead his min rit t dieu goals. Kyle Bronks was clone hehind ridr ton, follooced hy Geai Peegason nith a single Bath Ffih Whuel goalies Fli Hicks & Seon fihikatasi wre bept cery bany Jeffeiy Newton camne thenagh fers Fti Whecl io the sec- ond hall oath a goal on Cody Peeton Suite Fana player Bryan ltacca-Madge and Fcfili Whccl playee Tyler Hickry thocced encol- lent effort, 2 fars1Pizza 2 Sunsy Oasis IntereteCorporaion3 Grealdfenseifit SuyGOsnistalloccedfitephetstennettof 2 for 10 io coreelait once past goalie Tyeu Gartto Baidon Higgart of SatnyGOasisscored 2despite geeat effort fiom 2for I goalie Tyle Walibau Sonty Gants goalie Joshtta Garcao held off grest effamt fronTommny Gsngaof 2for I1tcho setaupagoalhbyBraodon Gsthaii TyleiGaeiooffiny aessicoredithemwinning goal jast dlippceg il Paot 2 for I goale Simton Hoffmnan. Milsas BeigNes Aeadeasy 3 Fiti Whsel TracN Sop 0 Milton ltoghi's Moni Millur tonb a pusait the penalty aiea and slstted the hall past Ncgd Whitiana in ohal iaeied onito b0 heh gante assîsi Acadeinys Masihai Kewans gst redit for a Fifth Wbuel defensire oiscos mhtch reeolted in aton goal, Christian Roberts put the gaminot of eeach wsth Milton Heights Lhied goal of the enitg. Kyle LychandgBill Godditgton comihued for the thai ont and Atdtcw Aleitck kepi a cleai sheet inte ilst hialtfor Fifih Wbel, Sean Sibatant played a sallar gaine for FiBth Wheel ssocing dowti iany Milton Heiglos aotackun owhîle Petr Gaeeod- Matin and Beanedon Cole alto had gond purfoomnces for Fiat Whsel Milton Heiaht's Hagh itchie bouncod back froin a hall ai the check ealy itire second haîf and joisedl his teaistats Ncholas Martoich inhaiig agonddaming. Lokpaet Aato 8 Tas-sua Chis-okida 4 Goal scoers for Lorkpoei cce Daooy ficheiteerand Nîcholas Garcia ith 2 colle adding tu Oie total crue Beadley Ftasionn. Caneeon ParantGeegstrowrnandTristanoStevenson, Kocin ThomsonadlJason Maiphy wilt2 goalsapieco foundlth ackof dis ntlfor Oie Chirolcida fiharisg dis goal heepcog doties lai Locrpo cre Danicol Miklir and Caineeon Paeaot oith Michael Wagg and Rfyan Bondeccyn tendis6 the set for Toaiei' Chceokcdi. fhere wiai snie etcellent soccur played wtih Coty Laiog, Adamt Borelît and Jaidai Plonede leading Oie tray foe Lockpots Top pet- foines foi the Chceokcds mure Baidon Zomser, Zacbaty Little and Paul Matens. Blase FPa ssa lisasse 2 Good crdcfeoot Sai Faon's goalies Cachas Camiphell aidK yle> Broohs and leosi CHN Tuck goalies Maihan Grenanad Mat Jacirlin. As excellent goal by Saie Farina frai Blaichard. Goal lai orCHN wcre Marbon Green,. Ricardo Radaka aid Math Mcfmna Eocellent playisg hy RuelilJolivet, Cody Pearson, Geeg MacDonald and Cainuon Hsyio Ercellent effort and tBais- worehfeonGOnFeigasno Liadsay htcLas-es-gessas 3 Bsesatia hlappiisg Solatioias 4 Boreai opened op oith 3 goals eadly on hat Reaan eld ot lai Oie tesst of the gaie. Goalies for Reaan cres elfi hepeed and Math Vander Dolet. Goal sconees creuesin idisg-Welih Michael Haringa and Mavricb McLaren. Goal tenders foi Boecali cre Philcp Jodoray and Darid Hopkinst Aident Bacon 601 a hat tricb and a aingle for Kyle Paul TD lIernatioanal Test 2 Apple Aiso Glass 3 Goals by Tyler Riocr asd Sonilay Moodcs for TG International TaIns and Tyler Wtsonrand Sean McGovero for Apple Auto Glane. cr as'tasntîl tbe final frcr minoces that Apple Auto Glases Sean McGccernt îcored os a ponalty kick 10 clcncb tbe gants for hit tein! tr long goallscding by Andioryfnereda andoathnEam for TD ond TyleWatson andidk bBaisrecd for Apple Acto msade for an soitne match' Brocli Moînar cf Apple Auto Gass aid Willcams Lecrio and leffrry Ptocre cf TD diîylaysd gocal hostie Came Reports are published in Footnotes in the Canadiain Champion every Friday throughout the seaison. Home team coaches, remember to get details fram visitars team immediotely af fer every game, Send your game write-ups ta myscf ootnotes@stn. net or delîver them ta 599 Vanier br. by friday of each week. Some write-ups may be edited due ta space canstraînts. >e .'îî)7 ŽSSýl ueHaflinit *1ýý

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