The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juiy 27, 2001-19. f fý-ampbellvi*lle's Vanderjagt is eager for kick-off of upcoming NFL season By ROD JERRED Special ta The Champion I s easy to spot Mike Vanderjagt's home from the test of bis neigbbours in the rural village of Campbellville. The place- kieker for the Indianapolis Colts of the NFL bas the football uprigbts in bis backyard. And during this ofiseason when hes nof spending time at home with his wite Janalyn and their two-year-old son Jay Michael. Vanderjagt spends a lot of imie kicking footballs through those uprigbits. A graduate of White Oaks Secondary Sehool (WOSS), Vanderjagt is eagcr for the NFL sea- son to start in September so lie cati wipe out tlice bitter memory of' ast year's 23- 17 ioss to tise Miami Doiphins in the AFC widcard piayoiT game. The ioss ended what hiad been a near perfect season for Vanderjagi, is third- and besi wiîh tbe Colts since leaving the Toronto Argonauls of tbec CFL. Miss still haunts him' In the regular season Vanderjagt bad made 25 ot 27 field goal attempts and bad converted all 46 extra point attemnpts. But in bis last play oftise year, witb the gaine on fine in overtime in tbe playolîs, Vaîîderjagt missed fromn 49 yards outs. Wide rigbt. The would-be lbero went back to the bencb, belp- lessiy watcbing as tihe Miami Dosiphins, on the ver next series, puncbed it into the end zone lor tihe 23-17 win in the AFC wildcard game. It didn't malter tbat earlier in the game, Vanderjagt bad kept is team in tbe game witb tbree successful field goals lrom 50, 32 and 26 yards out. Ail that mattered was one miss. More tban six montlss aller that lateful miss, tbe memory stili botbers Vanderjagt. Prior to tbe recent Bell Ceiebrity Golf Ciassic at Rattlesnake Golf Club, bie sbook is bead when asked about "the miss," and iamented, "Tbey say you're only as good as your last kick." tIt bas remained witb bim during tbe off sea- son, but be's trying 10 iumn it around to bis advantage. -I tbink about it a lot," lie said. "It bas fueled my drive during the off seassn.- It bas also left bim focused for the coming season. Whiie tbe Colts tinisbed second in tise AFC East witb a 10-6 record, Vanderjagt admits some members of tbe team lost their focus at limes during the season. Photo by BRENT POSTER Indianapolis Colts placekicker Mike Vanderjagt relaxes during the NFL off-season, but cant wait 10 gel back onto the football field. "We bave to be focused ail 20) games tbis year," lie said. The nmental aspect of thIe ganse is important to Vanderjagi, as il is witis aîy placekicker. 'A lot ou guys cao kick a football 45 yards, but tbey can't do tl wben tbey hsave to," be said. A placekicker bas a unique position on a loot- bail team. He is used sparingly, watcbing most of tbe action mosi of' the game. In a game tbat stresses îeam play, tbey're almost solilary out- siders. But when a placekieker is calied mb oa game, the oulcome is usually on the uine and bes aiways under tbe spotiigbt., A lineman can miss a blocking assignment and a munning back may stili break away f'or a long mun; a detensive back can lose bis man and stili be saved by an errant pass and a quarterback may overtbrow bis receiver and stili be saved by a fantastie catch. Their mistakes cao be overlooked by the fans in tbe stands, but wben a piacekieker misses a field goal or an extra point, ail eyes arc upon bim. Once tbe bail is snapped and beid in place by the bolder, success or lailure rest enlire- y witt the ktcker. Its a btgb-pressure posttion in a igh-pressure league. I t'y to stay as loose as possible," said Vanderjagt, of bis mental preparalion on the side- uines. And when everthing goes rigbt, "I try to enjoy the nmoment." Practices in backyard Pbysically, Vandejagt's olîseason consisîs of practice sessions in bis backyard, working out witb weigbts and running on tbe treadmili. I do not do a lot of leg exercises," said Vanderjagt. -1 dont want to, mess with wbat I've got." Wbile the Colts training camp starts at the end oft this montb, Vanderjagt bas aiready attended two oli-seasoinitni-camps, one nsandatory and one voiuntary. He spent two of tbree weeks attise voiuntary camp. Alter tive years in tise CFL, mostiy witb tbe Toronto Argonauls, Vanderjagt attended bis lirsi Colts training catnp in 1998, aiong witb the num- ber one pick in NEL draft, quarterback Peyton Manning. Since then, tbe Colts bave turned a moribund franchise int a soiid Superboswi con- tender fueled by a superpower oltence. Hoswever, tbey've yet to get over the bump of winning tbeir lirst post-season game. Vanderjagl wants to end that drougbî and be probably wouldn't even tnind tinding iimself back in a similar situatiotn as last year - witb the game on the uine in overtime. "I dido't enjoy the way last season ended, se, 1 Isope to rectify it," said Vanderjagt. ON MANY INSTORE ITEMS INCLUDING... m R V 'S NO ONLY uio Digtal Dolby - dDecoder UL~ TRG ICSPowetul Stereo mode. S~IOS &Servic ~J0[W lOper channel OVO/VIDEO CD/CO PLAYER $29anI~ DVD- Audio ready CO R/RW Ploiybock - SudS n MP3 OecoOjer desigoed for high sound salsComponent Vdeo Output - ilo ue Enhancer Iî î 905878776s55 OTAIO TET -(HE*. ETE - - - - - -