d'-ýwo Quebec exchange students learning English language here By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion There's no better way to Iearn a language thtan to surround yourself with it. That's why two arca students are spcnd- ing six weeks in Quebec as part oif the Halton Summer Works - Student Exchange program. Lynn Stokes of Campbellville and Valene Brighton of Milton have been in Quebec since June 30, trading places with their French counterparts for six weeks. 'The whole point of the exchange is 10 improve their language skills," said Lindsay Bernard, Halton Sunîmer Works -Student Exchange coordinator. "As long as they have sonie kind of a base, ai least grade 9 French, thcy'll be fine. "Wc kind of scnd îhemn away and hiope they'll be okay," she laughed. Whi le on their respective exchanges, stu- dents immerse themnsclvcs in the commu- nity by working for non-profit organi/a- tions. While in the Milton area, Chantai Quirion, 17, (staying with the Brighton famnily> is working ai the Allendale long- termn-carc facility and Christine Rohillard, 16, (staying wilh the Stokes family) is workirîg ai Crawford Lake Conservation Area. "t's lfun there," said Ms Rohillard. "I give tours of the longhouses. I do it ini English and in Frencli because sonie peo- ple corne from France and Quchec to visit." Boili exeliange students told The Chamrpion their main reason for joining thie exchange was to cross the Ian- guage barrier. It was a matter of preparing for the future, Ms explained. " know that for my future jobs 1 necd Chna uro English. 1 think ChnaQuio English is a good language to know because cvery- body speaks When not put- ting in hours at their assi,~e jobs, the cxchange stu-Chitn olar dents galber W Crstntoblr tour Ontario and sec the sights with others on exchange throughout Halton. The group bas already heen to Niagara Falls, down- town Toronto. and rented small waîer crafts. "We are vcry busy," said Ms Quirion. "We work 35 hours a week and on week- ends we travel. Il lias been a good iie" rIn addition Io the (ibvious language les- sons, the exchange program provides stu- dents with opportunities they may other- wise not have had. said Ms Bernard. "A lot of then really haver't lîad a job yet and this way they dont have to go through ail of the interview process - we set them up witlî the job." she said. "Anîd lor a lot ol îhen its Iheir lîrst imie O Notice of the Corporations Annual General Meeting IlAUrO Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. The Board of Directors of the Community Care Aoeess Centre (CCAC) of Haton invites any interested community members to the Annual General Meeting of the CCAC of Halton at the Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville The meeting wiII be held in accordance with the Corporafions bylaws. 6:30 p.m. Annual General Meeting 7:00 p.m. Refreshments 7:30 p.m. Keynote Address: Aging in Ontario - What's Happening? Speaker: Dr. William Molloy Dr. Molloy, Professor of Medicine at McMaster University s the author of numerous books and articles on the topic of the elderly and aging. Voting members of the Corporation as of August 17, 2001 are eligible to participate in the electon of the Board of Directors. For further information regarding membership, please contact the Community Care Access Centre of Hafton. Carole L. Ward Chair, Board of Directors Sandra Shadwick Chief Executve Officer R.S.V.P. by September 14th, 2001 to: Lnda Ferras 905-639-5228 Ext. 8796 or Toli Free: 1-800-810-000 away fmom home, so they corne back with a littie more maturity and a littie more trav- elled. It's kind of a new experience in every aspect for them." Ms Stokes and Ms Brighton were unavailable for comment on their experi- ence with the program, but both Quebec students agreed it's an experience they would recommend. I recommend it to everyone who wants to leamn English and to meet new people," Ms Robillard said. "I'm leaming English and I'm so happy." The Canadien Champion, Friday, JuIy 27, 2001-17 Plfease contact us anytime at 878-2341, ext. 234, if you know of a newsworthy event, Feel You Don't Have Control 0f Your Investment Portfolio? There ARE Alternatives to Mutual Fund Investing. Are You Ready To Learn? Cali: Rob Rubino 876-3466 AàR13C DOMINION SECtJRITIES roh.ruhino(&rbcinvestments.com TisUrnwekend only Audiovox MVX-605XL *Analog phone *3-language display iÏ'j wthal-yearJ Nco"ntrac Get a celi phone for just 1Oit. Be safe - Keep your hands on the wheel while Buy either phone and getding j $30-earpiece for just 1OC! Motorola V2267 Cornes with 2 FREE PhoneWrap'm covers ýMwiha 2-year Xcontrct/ 377 Main Street East (905) 878-1113 A3&=-,Ef vvc>rlci Or- -, d-q. ýRhd Wk.. N-- M" MW. .4NIF- ". M - IM de W bM M-M- N4.y - b. -.bkd «M «W e- S.- -Ad-,.q qý* AA ý .- - - - - - - . - - - - - -ý«* or-