6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 10, 2001 SCOMMENT DLf~NVkLSN ____ ____ ___ ____ ___NO IAMNED SAMI1 "1 # CCAC debate needs HV to be resolved soon A heated debate has erupted between Halton's Community Care Access Centre, Burlington MPP Cam Jackson and Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh. Last week, the CCAC, which coordinates home care and personal support services for Halton residents, announced no new funding would be coming t from the Ministry of Health and Long-Tern Care for its 2001-02 budget ) Tea CCAC had requested a 20 per cent increase to its existing $32-mil- ~~ lion budget to cover the projected growth. A disappointed Carole Ward, the CCAC's board chair, concluded the lack of new funding will widen the gap between what Halton residents need and what the CCAC is able to provide. In separate interviews, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Chudleigh shot back, saying Halton's CCAC hasn't made the most of available funding. Mr. Jackson (r *was critical of the CCAC's re-opening of contracts with pnivate sector firms that provide essential services while Mr. Chudleigh feit the request for 20 o per cent more funding was out of line and suggested an audit of the CCAC is necessary. It's difficuit for an outsider to determine who holds the valid argument, " ' e~ but we do know the issue must be resolved, and quickly, as Halton residents in need of home care are caught in the middle. O UR R FADER S WRITE Reynolds apologizes for mlsunderstanding (177efioIiowing Ieter was ad4rersed to'Il was in response to efforts by Une Roger Beck and a copy was fied with Town and odtb o sbire and promme M1e Champion.) the programs, services and community Dmeardtor: features that make Milton sucb a won- i.'m wriing ini response 10 your letter to derful comfmunuty. the editor published in the lune 26 efi- It was in no way directed at our rural lion of The Champion. Ihank you for residents. lI fact, a good portion of my shaing your thoughts with respect ho the presenltation was reganuing our urban coverage of my presenhation at the and rural needs with planning and infra- Mayor's Breakfast. structure improvements being directed in I would like to clarify that my comn- a balanced manner. mentu with respect to "people not know- 'm sorry my commenta were misun- ing how to find the Mill Pond," were derstood. directly related to new residents in Jennlfer Reynolds Milton buying new homes along Deriy Dirootor, communty erl1ea Road. Town of Milton +THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Cinadlau Champion, pubisheri every Tuesday anti Frlday ai 191 Main St. t., Mifton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Merotand Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Publislring & istributlng Lid. group of suburban companies hincir includes: Aa4Pickering News Arinertiser, Alision HeraldlCourier, Barrie (90) 78241AdaneBarrys Sa ThisWeer, Bobtn Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, Guardian, CollingmnndAWasaga Cnnnectiin, East Yorkr Mirrnr, trin EditrialFax:878-943 AdnncaiefCountry Routes, iEtbicnke Guardian, Flambornuîlt Post, Freer EditrialFax:878-943 Yung, Georgetown IndopondentlActon Fre0 ress, Hahun Business Tirmet, Huronna BusinesTimes, Kigston Tis Weelr, Lindsay This Week, Maririam tAuvertising Fax: 876-2364 Ecriotnài Sun, MirlandPenetanguisiene Mirrnr, Motn Shopping Nems, Mlnnssauga Butiness Timon, Misinsauga News, Npano. Guide, Classified: 875-3300 Nansagameya Nows, Newmarket/Aurora Era-Bannor. Northrumborland Nows, North Yrk Mirrnr, OakileBoanor, OabvdloSShopping News, Oldimrs Ian Oiver Publisher Hockey Nows, Ornlia Tudlay, OniawalMOty/CtringtonlPnrt Ferry TMisa Woek, Peterborough This Week, Picona Cnunty Guide, Rchmond Neil Oliver As.ocate Publsher HifVrrnhirlllaugian Liboral, Scarirnrough Mirror, Senuto /iJnUbridge Tribune. Wendy McNab Adverti.ing Manager Adertsingi n accepteri nn tire condition tirai.In lire evant ni a typo- Edergraphicai errnr, tirai portion oethte advertlslrrg space nccupled ty tire erre- Karen Smith ndto ouas item, tugotrer mt a reanonable atumwance for signature, wlll nut No Steve Crozier Circulation Manager charged lori but tire balance ni tire ativertisement miii ire pid fnr ttire appli- cable rate. Tire pubUnker ronrves tire rigiri te categunrize adeertinements nr Tedi Cama Office Manager docline. Couple doesn'-t want group home next door Dear Edilor: The town of Milton has under- gone many changes in the last cou- pie of' years and there are many more to corne as the town grows. It is essential that laws stay current with the growth. We have justliearned thal a group home of residents with severe behaviour and physiological prob- lems may be moving mbto the bouse nexl door t0 you or up the streel from your loved ones. Its imperative that you contact your local council member and ask them to lobby to get the laws of the planning and zoning departmenls amended and updated. The lasI Milton by-law goveming these homes was wrilten in 1985. As residents, we need to know if a group home is moving int our area. Corporations run these homes and their focus is profit. As il stands now, anyone can legally place a halfway group home nexl door 10 you and they're not required to noify you as long as the provincial govemment licenses the group, home and it's in a residenlial zone. The purchaser of the group home isn't legally bound 10 inform the vendor of the intended use of the property. Prolect yourself and the neigh- bourhood. When you are seling your home, insist on an assignment clause in your real estate contract. It will reveal the true purchaser and the intended use of the property. We just feel that residents should be made aware of an impending group home coming int their neighbourhood. As a homeowner, you are required by provincial law to dis- close an existing group home in your neighbourhood 10 anyone pur- chasing your home. This greatly decreases the value of' your home. Why can't a by-law be wrilten that states existing homeowners be notifted if a group home ix being planned for that neighbourhood? 'Try building a porch orsa shed with- out notifying anyone and see what happens. Group homes provide a service; the placement of that service in*a community ix essential. We have six-year-old twins and a connecting driveway 10 the proposed group home. Common sense dictates thal Ibis ix improper placement. This ix about chi ldren. As long as these laws are outdat- ed, there's absolutely notbing you, as a resident of tbis town, can do 10 prevent a Maplehurst Correctional Centre halfway bouse from openîng or renting out rooms next door 10 you. Brampton and Burlington are currently updaling their by-laws regarding Ibis malter. We implore you 10, cal your council representative and geltbem busy fixing Ibis injustice now. Stephen and Ronda Boxai! Milton Pud by Steve Nease The Mon Cbloabn chmmion ls à Recr-t» Pmducf Tim Coles Production Manager