The If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street L. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Flax t*a 878-4943 ~MONEY 14 etreantznin MusuaFud CO C PT :R RSPs GC's »5A.'1 F 's L oeand Dsab~iity Trel: (905) 876-0940 TxSelr Fax: (905) 816-2934 Ti Logu 10wM .11111U 420 Main Street East, Mlton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 Q: You gave un the firsI twe steps in the SIX STEP FINAN- CIAL PLANNING PROCESS. What are the next two? A: As we said lait month the success of our financial planning process depends upon using an objective, sysIematic, and methodical approacht 10enssre that aIt the bases are covered and aIl the steps are pat in place. In sîep one and îwo. we clarified and identified cour clients goals and present situation. Now we'tt expIais Siep 3 and 4. Step 3. We now can begin tc0 idenify any financial problems or barriers to achieving the clients goals: debt management. tax minimizution, income spliting, over spending in an rea. or the riskireward tatus of a clients investesent strategy. Step 4. We then prepare a written recommendation and possible alternative solutions. Depending upon the complexity, tis may be a few paragraphs or several pagea. ln preparing our recom- mendations we try to be mindful cf the clients present situation and not focus upon a particular investment product. I is Uhe pre- sentation and review of the recommendations and their alternatives that help botb the Money Concepts ftnancial plan- ner and the client ensure that both the suggestions and the implementations itrategy malce sense. We bave now lad thse groundwork and prepaeed recommenda- tions. By establishing a good basis for planning, botb you and your Money Concepts financial planner cas proceed to thse action required to achieve your goals. We'll review tbe final steps next montls. Please feel frcee o contact a Money Concepts planner today for a "no obligation" appointment (905-876-0940) to, review the complete six steps now. Money Concepts Group Capital Cerp. and NF. Insurance Agency lue. Q: Sometisinathie nddîe of the nigist my ans goes numb and if wakea me up. Whaf's causing this? A:mhoracic Outlet Syndromes (TOS) are a group of syndromes including Uhe compression of thse brachtal plexus (thc bundle of nerves whicb supply tbe arrn) and thc auxiliary arery. Regardless of Uic spe- cific cause, al tboracic outtet syndromes feature paraîbesia in the arn, forearro, band and fingern. Tse numbness and ingling is often deicribed by the client as 'pins and needles' or Uic ai having 'gone tu sleep'. Symptoms are usually one sided, and may also include edema in tbe bands and fingers caused by impaired blood flow aitbe compression area. Each syndrome is named according to tIse structure tbat is causing the compression. Pectoralis minornyndrome involves the compression of thse brachisl plexus between Ue pec minor muscle in tbe anterior cbest and wbere it inserts into tbe front of Ue sboulder. PosturaI problemi or tigt pectoralis muscles can cause symptoms. Costoclavicular syn- drome resultu wben tbe brachial plexus is tractioned between Use collar bonc and underneathth Ie firt rnb. Tbis syndrome is often caused by a 'military' posture (cbest out, sboulders back). Anterior Scalene Syndrome occurs wben thse bracbial plexus becomes compressed between the scalene muscles in Ue side of tIse neck. lncreased sone or scarring in Uese muscles as a result of injury (wiplasb), disease (artbritis) or cervical subluxation contribute to tis syndrome. Treatment will depend on correctly identifying botb the type and cause of tbe clients TOS. TIse Iberapist will reduce or eliminate tbe cause using soft tissue and fascial techniques on thse involved structures. Thse client will be given stretcbes for tbe implicated muscles and will bc educated on causitive factors, posture, and self'Iselp exercises. Pêe aclt Ryan or »Noin t the Mlton Therapeaic Massage Cinic, if yoa have aay questions concerning naasage therapy or woatd ike ta book an appoinennî 878-0800., Cherish Private Home ChiId Care Milton Community Resource Centre 917 Nîpissing Raad, Milton, ON L9T 5E3 Ph. 905-876-1244 Q. What is icensed home child care? A. Home child care is offered by aduits who choose to open their homes to care for children other than their own. This care can be: informai - unregulated child care arrangements made between parent and caregiver. Registered - informai child care isted with a reg- istry. Licensed - child care regulated by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Day Nurseries Act. Those providing care through an agency are icensed home child care providers. The agency screens and oversees providers and supports them in maintaining prof essional standards including: e No more than f ive children in care, including the caregivers own chiidron under six years. e Ratios of no more than two children under two years and three children under three years. " Quarterly home safety checks. " Monthly home visits. Cherish Private Home Child Caro is a non-profit agency serving Milton and Halton Hulis. We are iooking for home child care providers to join our exceptional team. For information. cati Sue Tyrreli at 905-876-1244, ex. 12. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. se., D. u. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 1 P6 (905) 8784479 1 A Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. Lawrence Mebro (905) 702-1611 B. Sc., D. Ch. obrf the Ontaro Soc/ety ofi Chropod/ats and The Ontario Collage oif Chropodlata (:My famnily doctor has recommended an Sorthotic to wear during activities. What la the difference between a store-bought orthotic and a pre- scription orthotic? A : Some drugstores and sporting goad stores off er Sdevices for wunners and other athietes that some- times help ta alieviate painful symptoms. Sef-treatment with store-bought devices can provide hit or miss pain relief because they are not specificaily prescribed for one persans problem. They can resuit in harm somewhere else in the body. However, a prescription orthotic, devel- oped f rom a cast of your own feet, will yield precise contrai over gait and function. Oten it s not just the fitness activity that requires an orthotic to contrai foot and Ieg function, but alsa everyday wear. Orthotic devices may require peniodic adjustment. A ChirapodistlFoot Specialist's examination wiIi deter- mine if adjustments are necessary, Chidrens orthotics should be changed ta accommadate the growth of the foot and should be worn throughout the active grawing years,. Those who wear orthatics as children wiII prefer- ably wear them far life. Mast extended health plans affer coverage for a custam- made arthotic device. The clinic offers extended hours.' No referreal is necesseory. 761 Main St. E. (905) 875-0660 jm"ý Mac Mfatt f:What are the benefits of window tinting besides cosmetics? A: Window tinting has become one af the most Apapular of ail automotive accessories. A tint specialist wilI tint your car's windows in your choice of colour and darkness at a reasonably low cost. There are many advantages ta window tinting. First, it cuts down on harmful UV rays that can fade and damage your car's interior. It removes the bright glare from the Sun ta allow the driver better visibili- ty as well as provide a more comfortable ride for your passengers. The heat emitted from direct sun- light is greatly reduced too! Tinted windows also set as a safety feature for women/men driving alone. It acts as a deterrent, since passing cars cannot see into-the vehicle and see who is behind the wheel and if the driver is alone. This benefit will definitely make you feel more comfortabie about driving alone at night. 1 have mentioned just a few advantages. Remember, for a quote or appointment caîl Moffatt Autoworks at 875-0660. O"e Hla n B. Se., DVM Hawins Animal Hospital Dehbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street Sotth, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 Q:What is von Willebrands Disease? A: This disorder is prevalent in many breeds of dogs as a heneditary abnornality. Most aten il will manifest itself in puppies under a yean of age, who have undergone some form af trauma ta the body, whether it be fromn a tomn toe nail, los- ing a baby tooth, a skin lacenation or sungery. However, many breeds have a highen genetic incidence, and a few examples of such breeds are Shelties, Scottish Terriens, and Dobermans. If you have recently acquired a new puppy, at finst check up, consult with your veterinarian as to the ikelîhood of this condition existing. If youn puppy is a high incidence breed, he or she should have a blood test before any elective surgery is perfarmed. This wauid include spaying and neutering. Dogs that have van Willebrands disease have blood that clots very siowiy, which cauid cause them quite easily ta bleed ta death after any sur- gicai procedure. By detecting this disease beforehand, yaur veterinarian can take certain actions ta prevent this type ai biaad iass fram accurring. Farewarned is forearmed. Wishing you and your pets good health and happiness. q.,yy VVVV Vi'VV V' Yin 1%, i **ppp$$it'*yPtt