If you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionhals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street L. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 nr ,,, &n. 979-4943 Dr. Tang Wan'e SToothITlk Towne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Foods That Create Bad Breath About 85% of oral matodsr (.e. Ialitosis) oiginales rn the moulh. Chrsnic bad breatti can be cassed by tooh decay, gum disease, digestive disorders or matty other condi- sions. Sec a dentîsi lv ocal chronic bad breath. Occastonal bad breath. Itowever, is ussally exacerbated by the food vie eat. This ranitory condtion cas bc prevensed if we snderstaod how foods change the oraI envirosment. Anaerobic bacteia in dhe mosih prodace volatile sulfsr compounids (VSCS). Oions. garlsc, and eggs are welI inown for iheir naural sulfur composnids. Drysng agents, sugars, dense prolein foods and acîds ate moto fond caegonies tbat sssm- ulule sel actenia iv prodoce large amounis of salfor. Drying agents Althoogh obacco smoke s fot a fond. tl mîtI quîckly dry ot the moutb sud cause hsd breath. Alcohol is a common dryîog agent used in mise, beer. and bard lîqoor. Surprsingly, alcobnd is also ssed in mot motbwasb. If yoususffer fromt bad breaîb, do nos use an lcobol-based moslb runse. Sugars Most minis increase bad breaîb raîber bhan prevent tl How car ibis bei The sugar is fuel for bacteria to prodace more VSCS. Hard candy breaib minis alun cnnian ansecond type of sugar Ibat is conoerted by actera it) pi ycar strands. These srands make i easy for plaque no accumulate on teeîb and gums. lodviduals ofien bave diffbculty self- dîagrosîng bad breatb becasse ieir brain suppresses self-prnduced odors. As long as tere isa strno minit ate, we tncotrecily assume ibat sur breatb is fresb. Aciually, tbe opposite is tue! Su gary candies. minis and cbemîng gsm make tiebheatb umelt morse! Dense proeins Mlk. cese. pogut. ice crea and oher dary producis ohten casse hlitosis. Many people are lactose inlolerani. Tbis means iey canoot break down tbe lactose prosein. These indîvîduals are mot penne inaa bnldsp of VSCS. Otber dense proteir fonds lie beef, cbîcken, fnbh, ard beons eausse similar beth problemu. Acidu Any increase in tbe actdty of te oral caviy beynnd itirbealhby pH of b.5 mlI casse bacterta to reproduce faste,. Coffee breatb is very common. Otber acîdsc beveruges ice jomalo sud citons juicen alun caus e bad brealb. If yns need a caffeine honni. ry es since il itses acidsc iban coffre. Waîer is penhapu tbe boni beverage 10 Sigt baitoss since ilits nesoral (pH 7) and prevenîs dry mouîh. Concusion tn addition 10 diet. reglar dental care sud fond oral yfiene preveni mot cases of bal- osîs. Usngaslongue sraper and dental flos are beneftcial ton. <2 pA A C- W ah M ., .,, -t ,, 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 Mxn tne "Providing a Natural Way lo Beîîer Healîh and Wellness " QI r.c.ntly trlod a diet that lnvolvod prot.in shakos, and 1 wsa r.mlct.d f rom consumng bananas, grapes, canrots and alcoInol.Noodi es0amy, 18 didnt lest vory long! lai. tl:rly nec- .mmary t80 go to tio.e trmes teoos. wolght? A: The ansseer to your question lu most dettnltely "NO!" To avoid such natural fruits and vegetables for the rest of your Ilueis absurd, and avoidlng alcoliol for nom. people means an und 80 their social lives. Such extremums are NOT necessacy! What youve iust descrlbed is a temporary change 80 your eating habits: a DIET. To have true elgin loss resuits, and most importantly, LASTING RESULIS, you need ta, maies some lifestyle changes, flot just temporaey ones' Thats shy diets dont seoris! They are a quicle Cx for a long tenm problem, aid inevitably, the seiglit comes bacle on sehen you go baek 80 your nonmal" easlng habits. nuis leads to the "yo-yo" syndrome, sehere your seiglt eonstantly ssings fron higli taose to high again, sreck- ing havoc on your metaboliara fnot to mention te rest of your body!) nie tru formula for seiglit loss is everything in moderation on a daily basis. The changes Ihat you maies 80 your eating should BECOME your nese habits, rallier tan a temporary distraction from your old eating habits. At Herbai Mag.c, see understand this, aid have designed a sensible eating plan tat incorperates your osen grocery store bouglit fonds. Acohol, along sith the afocmentioned fruits aid vegetables, are most definitely a part of your program! Safe, ail natural herbs are used 80 raine metabolic rates and 80 case cravings, helping you to develop nese and lasting eating habits. Traned nutritional couinsellors are on hand ta provide onu-on-onu guidance aid ftll support. Sfseeight Ios s something you've been considering, guve us a calI or stop by. Ail consuitations are free wit no obligation. Maxime Stanley ham a B.A. In Soclology end an S.S.W. In Social Woe*L 8h. hue wo,*ed witlstho HerW I Magc progrant for over six y.mrs, and lasa tralned nufrlonsal consaloo. MW ýtLaýynE &V. Jannez BA., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselting & Psychotherapy Individuals, Couples, Chidren& Families 11084, 5th Lino, Milton, Ontarlo Dbao Elayne M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 lsr, obLà Q:My selle and t are unsure if we are making the right decision regarding our daughter. She is 13 and we are reluctant tu let ber go tIWni heeh co-ed parties. She feels that we don'l trust ber and are being mean. hlterha causes of skin cý A: Ynur daughter will sot ie my ausseer. 1 hlieve it is your job t0 guide. identified. They teach sud protect ynur cild. If ynu taie tbe easy route, eting ber do sehat- su um atay ever ste ats s that she l ie you, you are reneging ou your duties. ubrsatay Children need supervision sud they need 10 bc taught bose to maie goos, the famnily. 3) Vei moral sud safe decisions. People nf iis age stili need direction; tis is gen- you fail into one erally why they do sot lire on their owu. 0f course tbey sbonld ho allowed exposure shouit Io maie sone decisions, but in situations where a wrong choice may put thon at risi, 1 blieve you shouid intorvene. 1 have unfnrtunately seen many The tact is, m* teens as youug as 13, seho have heen raped by chool 'friends", bospilal- Even melanomna ized close 10 deaîb becanse nf alcobol poisoning sud dmug over doses, sud cancer, is 90% sebo are self-mutilating (n.tting. hurning, scratching and starviug) or sîtemptinfi suicide, hocause nf things that flot ton far ot nf control sehen Early diagnosis ii they were not supervised. We have also undouhtedly lost too mny of our young people 10 alcnbol related traffic accidents, because nf bad choices T that resuit in tragedy. Young people believe that tbey are invincible but unfontunately. Iis is no(truna. Dont thini Ibat our snall îown lifestyle pro- Skin becomnesi lodts thon hecause il doos not. Cail the homes sebere the parties sud bathing, wind ar sloep-overs iiih. Asi if there wiliiho constant supervision sehile your light, reducing t child is there. Asi if the parents shlow their children and guesis 10 dri tans better, use alcobol and use dmugs in tirir homo (many do). If childron are inviled 10 a friendus cottage, iii aduits ho there seho are mlling 10 taie the responsiil- alter tanning. Wl ity for yosr chiid or are they goinfi up witb an older siblinfi, sho is having maximizers, acc( their own party? Do not assume. Frequently, when parents cali. lhey are able at Fabutan. shocied 10 hear sehat the other parents are assuminfi. Gel tho farts and do sot ho afraid 10 maie anusnpopnlar docision - love ivs ot sisesys easy. Remember! Fa Eayne Tner in o Cerfsed meeber o the Colège of Profesnionda Social Worker, best tan, tannir wth many yearof profesional expeneunce in indviduloifonùly & marital couc- where. If you hi tefltg. Heu office fa locoOrd in MUssa in agrivole rural sefing utae frontlthe tanning, pleasu douqsousouaedhep Futher questions melcome - rail (905) 854-0801 help. 3 Confidentiality guaranteed. Mk FABUTNMO SUN TAN SEr IO 437 Main St., Milton 905-875-4010n Adb SKIN CANCER is been ne comprehensive study on the ancer, three high risk groups have been yare people who have had: 1) Severe (ung age. 2) A history et 5kin cancer in ery fair skin, red hair, f reckles or moles. If e or more of these groups, any UV light Id be treated with even greater caution. Dst forms of skin cancer are treatable. awhieh accounts for only 5% of ail skin treatable if caught in its early stages. s essential. IPS FOR TANNERS dry and damaged t rom ultraviolet light, nd other factors. Dry, flaking skin retlects the tanning eftect. Because moisi skin Bquality moisturizers before, during and 'hile tanning, use the special formulated -elerators, intensitiers and tinalizers avait- sbutan is committed te giving you the ng preducts and service available any- have any questions or concerns about eask me & l'd be more than happy te Sure ....s... it's Your Heaithi. HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE 328 Guelph Street Georgetown (905) 873-8400 Q: 1 inrnigrated to Canada about 2 years ago and have flot been able to get a job in rny chosen profession because people find it difficuit to understand what 1 arn saying. English is rny second language and I find it diffi- cuit to say some of the sounds. Is there anything 1 can do to improve my accent? A: When English has been learned as a second language, particu- iarly as an aduit, accurate pronunciation of ail the sounds can be difficuit. There are a number of sounds that most other languages do flot have or may flot distinguish between. For example many languages do flot use a "th" sound. If you find yourseif saying tank you or lank you for thank you, or have difficuity with other sounds, then accent improvemens may be something you should consider. If you find that friends and colleagues are saying "pardon?" or "Could you say that agan?", especially'on the telephone, pronun- ciation may bc a problem. This in turn can make it difficuit for promotion. at work or perhaps hold you back from applying for that "perfect" job. Accent improvement programs are available. One such program is the Compton P-ESL Program which is designed to improve your pronunciation of English as a second language. This program is now available at the Halton His Speech Centre. If you have any questions, please contact the Centre at 905-873-8400. www.haltonspeech.coms ýeMilton Mal JWÎT& Main & Ontarjo St. nutrition house6384 Q:What are these antioxidants I keep reading about? A: Antioxidants proteet us against free radicais. A free '. adialis n aomthat contains at teast one unpaired electron which makes it very easy for it to bond to other atoms or molecules. This bonding cauaes chemical reactions that resuit in cellular damage. It can aiso damage the immune system whicb can lead to diseases such as heart dis- case and cancer. Free radicals are also thought to be the basis of the aging process. Free radicals are formed by exposure to radiation, suni (as exptained in our Iast column), and toxie chemicais such as those found in cigarette smoke, and alcoho. ist breathing our pottuted air is enough. Our bodies produce sonie antioxidants, and somne are avait- able in foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables. Obviously these arent enough judging by the rising numbers of cancer, heart disease, et cetera. The most common antioxidants taken in supplemnent forro are: CoQI0, grape seed extract, pycnogenol, and vitamins A or beta-carotene, C, E, and the minerai setenium. Est plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, organic if possible, take an antioxidant supplemnent, and know you are helping your body create a better quaiity of life for you. Nutrition House is a "Pitiar of Healtb" of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. With over 68 stores across Canada and growing...