S-The Canadian Cham iUmm VUaus;im * Cbanwwn ~ h Àlternative high school education program putting many young people back on track By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Just like classes in a regular school setting, the Secondary Teen Education Program (STEP) isn't for everyone. "We started Ibis program in the fail of 1999," said STEP teacher Marg Campas. 'he classes are taught in tic same formiat (as regular sehool) just delivcred difféently. 'fli kids work inde- pendcntly." Classes mun during tic wcck rom 9 am. 10 noon. Tfli program can take up to 30 students ai a t ne and offers courses from grades 9 t012 and a minimum of tht-ce courses musit be taken per semester. And unlike the regular schoal systcm, teachers don't stand in front of thie class ta tcach. 'lThe teachers are there 10 help, but the work la done independently by ic student," Ms Campos said, adding onc fuli-time and two part-time teachers work witb Uic students, along wiUi onc teaching assistant. Tlieoe are many reasans why a student midght choosc this format of schoaling over thc mare traditions! one, she said. "Thcy might bave attendance and bchavioural problcms or tlicy don't fit into Uic routine in a regular school selting. The program gives Uicmn an opportunily 10 continue wiUi ihcir studies if Uiy're not functioning wcll in regular schoal. On tic downside, Uic program doesn't suit everybody. Some can't function in an (indcpcnd- cnt) stting." The general age range of ie students in STEP ia 16 to 20, with an average age of 17 to 18, Ms Campos said. "You have tobe atleast 16 to take the program and 20 is Uic limit," sIte said. "After that age, or if studcnts want ta take OAC classes they'll bave 10 attend adult cducaiion classes ai E.C Drury." She said thie goal of STEP isn't necessarily to produce graduates but to get te students back on track 10 attend classes in a regular scliaal setting. 'Tliy might only need a few credits 10 gradu- aie and jusi can't sem nta pull it off in regular achool," Ms Campas said. "But if Uiey can be successful (in STEP) wc definitcly encourage Uicm to slay." hie program had Uree graduates Uis year- Sara Robertson, Ashligh Bunt and Amanda Pollock. ,fic graduation ccoemony cmphasizcs Uic positive aspects of ic program," Ms Campas said. "We ecagnize Uic auccess of Uic students The Secondary Teen Education Program (STEP) in Milton had three graduates this year Two of the three graduates now have plans to attend college and pursue careers. v v and oelcbratc thero. They worked hard 10 gel Itere." Atlcnding STEP allowed Ms Robertson ta work full aftcmnoans. "Met programt was awesomne. The teachcrs are thcoe to Itlp you," UiceI 8-year-old raid at STEP's graduation ceremony last month at Milton Baptisi Church. -I tbcd correspandence (courses) but il was one credit ai a liimeand you dont gel any help (rom teachers. 1 got nine crcd- its ((rom STEP) Uis year." Ms Robertson is taking a year off before she attends callege ta pursue a career in ic floral industry. -Titis prograro is for anyone who Uinks tItey don't want lo go 10 high scitoal anymore but still want 10 graduale." Ms Pollock spent two years in STEP and faund Uic programn betier accommodated her lifetyle appased to rcgular higIt school. 'I was working aflemoons (whilc attending STEP)," Uic former Milton District High ScItool student said. 1 I loved il (prograsu>. Th teachers arc under- standing of your problems. You're supposed 10 go from 9 (a.m.) ta 12 (p.m.) but Uiey madie exceptions. 1 didn't find any downsides to the program.", fice 19-year-old will study office administra- tion at Sheridan College in the faîl. Ashlcigh was able 10 reccive the fine credits she needcd to graduate in one year (rom STEP. I wanted to graduate Uis ycar and in a regu- lar high school you can only get eight credits a year," UiceI 7-ycar-old said. "My brother atend- ed hiîs program so that's how 1 heard of it. It (almosphere) was a lot more rclaxed and we workcd ai our own pace." Her future plans remain undecidcd. sI~rcx I c1 NCOGECO 14 Programming Schedule - JuIy 3rd - JuIy 9th, 2001. -- &JW Fadft IMU 4 & &Mo *Id!w~b%* SdN.. Th FWd it..b S U. 7JiMPM £MM ut U dwww.cogeco.ca <m. a; Ns'C.-N.,i NORTH I4ALTO N STUDIO C.st dup. hb 21 Main Street Northl, Mco,ON 1J V9",C" à (519) 85U.700 Fi.fiwuc'W dh5EIAi uk*u-viu piGu&3, . . . .. . . . .. . . 8-Th Caadin Cat pion, Tuesday, JuIy 3, 2001