The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 3, 2001--5 ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Lus - DsuIIII - Aluuit.s - RRus - Lis - MIS - MubuuFuis (M.S.LL> - BES ede4&q,26 « q e4 « aui Bob Lee Kim Mitchell 245 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 Cet better with age... naturlly! Hive for Yoil! Any day. Anytlime. nutrition house Corne home to weness Milton Mall 55 Ontario St. S. (905) 693-8942 For more information vst aur website. One storey bufiding located on beauti- fui spacious grounds situated between Milton Seniors Activity Centre okodadEeMis EDEN HOUSE JULY ACTJVTIES CR AIIYIC NURSING HOME RETIREMENT HOME Wednesday, Julv 4 and everv Wednesday dur- arrange for car pooi. 51 9-856-4622 ing tihe summer. The Centre holds its SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 'Summer Evening Euchre P~arty" starting at 7:30 p.m. Corne along ... bring friends! The competition is keen and the conversation refreshing. Prizes awarded. Cost: $2. Monday. Juiv 9: We are off to Andrew's Scenic Acres to enjoy wine tasting, a hayride and a delicious bowl of bernies and creamn. Cost is $8. If you would like to attend please contact the Centre. Car pooling can also be arranged. Please indicate with Reception if you require a ride or can take passengers. We will meet at the Centre at 9:45 ar. Tuesday. Jul1 10: Seniors "Lunch Bunch" group meets at Noon at a local eatery. Join themn for good friends, good eats and great con- versation. Cal the Centre for July location. Monday. iulj 16: Corne along to the always exciting "Casino-Rama", Theres lots to see and do, a terrific buffet and a chance to grab the brass ring! Bring a friend. Only $250 per person. Space is limnited. Cal the Centre today to sign Up. Thursday..July 26: The Seniors'Activity Centre members get together for a monthly night out. Join the "Diners Club" for good fellowship, great food and hearty socializing. Meet at 6:00 p.m. Cal the Centre for July location and/or to Seniors' Cinemas June Performances, Thursdays, starting at 1:30 p.m. July 5 - Miss Congeniality (Comedy) July 12 - Pay it Forward (Drama) July 19 - Best in Show (Comedy) July 26 - Oh Brother Where Art Thou? (Comedy) Barbecue Daze Friday. July 13 kicks off the Summer Season with our annual Summer Barbecues every Friday 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Delicious ham- burgers, sausages, salads and the prices are great! Meal Deal (Hamburger or sausage, salad, dessert and drink) $5 Hamburger Sausage $2.50 Salad $ 1 Drink 50e Dessert $ 1 Corne along to socialize. Enjoy lunch on the patio or inside. The Centre's annual Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, August 25th. Items to be donated to the Centre in good condition can be dropped off anytime after July 3th. Please no large or heavy items. caîl the Centre for details. IPrograms Include: Bridge, Learn to Play Bridge, Euchre, Cribbage, Bingo, SnoQke, Dans, Shuffleboard, T'ai Chi, Qi-Gong, Line Dancing, Clogging, Bunka, Oil Painting, Fiction Witing, Tap Dancing and Seniors' Cinemas. Additional Activîties Include: Library, Bus Tours, Lunch Bunch, Diners Club, Kitchen Band, Computer Club, Folk Art Club, Soft Wood Carving Club Song Spinners Chorus, Creative Fingers Craft Club plus Special Events & Fundraisers. THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATIONS. For further detaihis on atfivitis call (905) 875-168~1 IsA. hIave you don. aMrnytin about Vour houe denture yet? Milton Penture 1 HOUR REPAIRS - IMMEDIATE DENTURES - SAME DAY RELINES -SOFT LINERS 159 MAIN ST. E., MILTON NOURS: Man-Wed ................9-6 Trhurs .................12-8 Fr1 ...................9-12 876-u,2000) FIATO FELPNGFIND HANDYMAN SERVICES eGrab Bar Installation *Carpentry Minor electrical/plumbing *Window Cleaning Air Conditioner installation For more information caîl JOHN at 878-6403 >1 W- a - - -Mau j - ýwalkaý&O 'V.«JEA '%*FPtpp %7 0 JL