The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 32001- 15 Junior Sox upstage Mississauga North gocrc:, By STEVE LeBLANC Thr" Chémpion MiIEon's Junior basebali eam decided flot to tempt fate again. The last time the Red Sox held a sizable lead agoinaf Minsissauga North they got a littie over- confident, lost their focus and wound up losing in extra innings. But Thursday evening at Brion Best Park, Milton exorcised the demoris of that home-opening nighf- mare - ovcrcoming a rather thin line-up and maintaining ifs intensity the entire way en route f0 downing the Bengals 8-5 in make-up compefition. If marked the first win this season against Mississauga North and the second vicfory of the week for the Red Sox - who're now 6-4 in regu- lar seaxon play. VîMoi 1 twon rIIllf f î!Idîi ihPf and tîcro. Efforts in the latter deparfmenf came during the fifth when lie lashed out a two-mun single to put the local lads over fthe top. Swung hot bat last week Two innings earlier he clobbered a two-mun bomer to begin a three-hit performance - his sec- ond in as many games, The veferan shortstop also sfood ouf defensively, making eighf puf-oufs over- aIl. Despite having some trouble witb pick-offs to first, pitcher Ian Moszczak delivered a credible complefe-game perfortnance. He gave up juaf half-a-dozen hits beyond t he opening frame - including a two-run, sixfh- dii 'vr frît fInît f BîwIî , If i i (A- hope f'or a comeback victory. Jeff MacLeod made fOve put-outs in centre field - includîng one of the diving variety f0 punctuate fhe win - while scoring twice was Paul Faggion. The victory came without Oive regulars including reliable sluggers Nate Perrott and Jordan Jeans. Two nighfs earlier in Camplielîville, Milton con- finued ifs dominance over newly established HalEon Country - hammering its rural rivais 13-2 in t he first of two make-ups last week. Perrott wenf the distance on the mound whule fhree-hif efforts came from Lawton, MacLeod and Reese Davies. Jarreff Konkle and Andrew Neilson had t wo doubles apiece. runs again Milton Youtls Soccer will once again be bosfing ifs Kiçk-4t Soccer Camp f bis summner 8f lions Sport Park. 1'he camp wil min from July 16 to 20. Open to boys and girls ageti 6 to 13 years, KÇick-4t Soccer Camp fuatures all-day clinicti anticonus $95 per child for Mul-day instructions$, $70 for morniing essons anti $60 for affer- noon tessons. To register, or for more information, call 335-5679. Rowley disappointed with finish on second day of national event from TRACK on page 13 Rowley falks about nof hitfing the downside of the track and other details that wouldn't make sense f0 anybody but another racer or racing fan. "How con t explain this so that people reading the newspaper would understand?" Finailyý he shnags, umiles, and says, '"I had if in my hands but I j ust messed Up." He has plenty of opportunity f0 redeem himself. Next week he'x in Virginia, then Pennsylvania, and flien somewhere else lie doesn't even remember. He's raced in England, Fiorida, Califomnia, Colorado and anywhere and everywbere the racing circuit takes fhem. Rowley figures he's somewhere in the top three in the Big A series racing points, and in the other point Tbe Merchants didn't win the big one af this year's OHA Reteree School Tournament - but t bey didn't come oway empty-banded eitber. Milton capfured the consolation tif le by spanking thie Guelphi Jr. B's 7-I last Tuesday niglit at the University of Waterloo. Among the standouts in ftle game - as well as tbrougbout the toumna- ment - wos Nortb York Canadiens graduate Dan Carcill, wbom the Mercliants bave now committed to and hope will add some much- necded grit f0o ateam losing overagers Don DeLong and James Coleman. "He brings a igb degree of energy and skif I f0 ftle club. He's fearless," said general manager Nick Slawson, whosc teoro won the summer sbowcase in bof b f999 and 2000. A native of King City, Carcillo potted 34 goals and added 49 ossists in 72 games with North York last year while amassing 172 penalty minutes. The 16-year-old lefI Winger - com- pared witb ex-Mercliant Ryan Eby by standings, wbich ix the top AA professionals in North Americo, he ix somewhere in the mwenties in terms of points. He'd be higlier if lie could make if f0oa few more events. Tbe 23-year old bas been racing for 10 years. He ix motivafed by a couple of factors. One in that the top professional racers gef major sponsors and can make $ 100,000 or so a year. He feels he's not for away from that. Also, lie is unique because Canadians don't general- ly do well on the rocing circuit because we don't have t he weafher t hey do in Califomia, Florida or Texas. "I just want to go as for as I con coming from a place with our kind of environment." Siawson - was drafted by Sarnia in thle sîxth round of the Ontario Hockey Leogue's 2001 Entry Draft. Also committed f0 following the touma- ment was Welland Jr. B riglit Winger Richard Meloclie - o 16-year-old Ookville resident who possesses expec- tionol skating akilîs along witli o strong pbysical presence. SRemarked Slowson, "We're loigto add o level of grit and jump (that we didn't have last yeor)." ~~ookinAlso delivering impres- sive toumnament cam- poigna were Mittonian Cliristian Nonis and Halton Hurricane bantam netminder Dovid Wilson - who didn't give rap a goal in haîf-gome performances ugainst Guelph and Aurora, who Milton edged 3-2 in round robin play June 25. Before that, the local juniors split 5-4 decisions - beoting Kitchener and losing f0 Waterloo. Aurora went on f0 win the championship, pummeling Waterloo 7-1. Tbe Merchants will begin their camp August 14 af Memorial Arena. lease fax ait your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943., or drop them off anytime at The Champion, 191 Main St. E. ~OverCeneaUon HWV.253 ATDERRYRO..MILTONi Clsiid lsife s-asfes . * sife s Casfe PART-TIME HOSTESS w..kdays & wesksnda part-timse for Monarch Construction in the Milicroft Commuoîty in Burfiogton Pieue fax reumies te: AI Stuait @ 905-331-7331 PAYROLL \~~)CLERK Uoder the general supervsisou of the Payroll Manager, fhe Payroll Clerfi woîks indepesdeotly ta perforial fasks related ta geoerating a payroli rus încluding data entry ino the Ceridiaa Payrol I system. D.alficatloslEporiaapa: Excellent warking knowledge of coaipaferized payrall systeais and ather computer applications such as MicrosofWord/ Windows, Excel, Accesa and other apprapriate soft- ware packages; Eapeience with Ceridian Payraîl sys- tuai a detinite asset; Excelleat mathematical akilîs; Excelleat aral and writlea commuinicatiaa akilîs; Payrnll eaperience ix a achoal hourd enviranaient ai similar goversaent agency preferable. This position ix covered by CURE. Local 3166 Cnllective Agreement. Thos onteîeatud is applyiug aiust subaiit their inlun- lionos en witing no later ha Fn. July 13/01, ta: T. M. Davis Admlnlstratse, Employaient Services Nlaton Cathollc District Scheel Bard 802 Drury Laue, Buriai.ton, DMNL7R 41.3 FL Sweeney AI Bailey Director ni Educatian Chair aof the Board Persanal inforaiton subaiutted for applicafion ta the position ix collected accardiog lu the provision nf the FreedxafInfolalrmation & Protection xl Privacy in Municipal and Local Boards At, and wiIl beuxsed for the porposus of deteraiîning eligihilily lxr the position. RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY Fuil-time Position involves shared reception duties, accurate data entr and Qeneral office dlufes. Must be skif ed in Mcrosoft Office and Word. Knowledge of Front Page 2000 an asset, atong with generai knowledge of intemet and HTML. Pisas fax reaumre imm.diateiy ta 905-844-6699 Mayhew and Assooates a coaipany iecogouaed for cieatisg advanced work environaunts for aany t ead- ing orgaizafloos, is seekiog a tatented indinidual lu loin oui aurîiogton teaa as a: SALES ASSOCIATE Wut h four 10 six puais of sales euperiesce. pou wilt bu reoposible for achievng finascial objectives hy creatisg, closing and amanagiog sales oppoflasities with assigsed accouaIs and leads, piocensisg ordurs iscludiso data entra loto ourini-house coaputer sas- tua, identifying pronpects. reseaiching and aoatyziog sales options, and other dalles an assigned. Oui ideal candidate ix cruatiue and detail oiiested, han excel- lent communsication okilto, a stîoug teaai player aiind- set and a strong customer service tocus. Pieuse larwurd reuuaes f0: huaa-resaucen@aiayhew-annociaten.coa HuaxoResourcen, 135 Coaiaerce Valley Dr E., Thoînhiti, ON L31 7T4 Fus gos 707 4748 Wu thank ait those who apply, howevur xaly those selected foi aa interview wii be contacted. TELUS MOBILITY Territory Sales Professional Bs part of the wireisss lsader, loin ths Tsam. Performance diues, abuse average coaipensation with continuoas training & support. TERRITORIES: Hamilton, Burlington, Mitton, Oakvitte & Mississauga. Graduates welcome! Fax rssumse: Attn Sales Manager (905)465-1897 GREAT JOB ~ OPPORTUNITIES' Rs s eHU CM s ePSWs 0 HOMUMAKES * 0COMPANIONS a CLEAIN STAFF Permanent & Temporary positions avaîlable Lot afimi 1Un p~ »sot lu yuim! Fax rasumea 9054337-0520 Merchants take consolation titie at referees' toumament