Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jun 2001, p. 19

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Dateline events only. The coIumn is available ta local community groups to assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 RO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed to mil- toned@haltonsearch.com. The final deadline is noon Fniday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateine items wilI not be accepted by telephone. Friday June 29 - 30 The Milton chapter of Girl Guides of Canada halds registratian at Milton Mal from 5 ta 8:30 p.m. Friday and from 9 ar. ta 4 p.m. Saturday. Saturday June 30 Ebenezer United Church, 12274 Guelph Line, halds a yard sale and strawberry social from 10 am. ta 2 p.m. AIl are wel- came ta attend. Sunday July 1 Country Henitage Park hasts Canada Salutes Icons 2001 - a Caribbean festival with live entertainment, games and exhibits for the whole family. The event runs fram naan ta 7 p.m. Monday July 2 The Miltan Leisure Centre hasts a Weight Watchers program Mandays fram 7:15 ta 9 p.m. The cast is $175 per persan far the 10-week pragram. Ta sign up ar for mare infarmation, caîl Tracey Hasselfeldt at (905) 878-7946. Ttaesday July 3 The Help for Parents Support Group meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlington. Trained leaders help par- ents of children who are in trouble at hame, schuai ar with the law, abusive ar taking drugs. Far mare infarmatian, caîl (905) 842-1729. Milton Toastmasters meets at 7:30 p.m. in the upper level af the Rayai Canadian Legian, 21 Charles St. For further infarma- tian about the graup, which helps peaple advance their cammunicatian skills, eall Rass Landan at (905) 875-3720. The Hatan Catbalic District Schaol Board begins its summer day camps far children aged 6 ta 13 years. Actîvities include art, music, drama, science, camput- ers and sparts. Far further details, cal (905) 849-7555. Wednesday July 4 Pesticide Alternatives for Milton (PAM) halds its manthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 95 Main St. E. New members arc always welcame. For mare information, caîl (905) 693-9837. Wednesday July 4 -5 The Miltan Red Crass halds a standard first aid/CPR course at McKersie Kacher Funeral Home. To register or far more informatian, caîl (905) 875-1459. The Canadien Champion, Friday, June 29, 2001-19 Arts, sports camps offjbàered Teaming up for summer programs, the Halton District School Board and The C.1 .'v , 1 ni iý ta brth ccl eraîrand tcach yîuthls. Encore, a pcrlarxning arts camp, is avail- able far students in grades 3 ta OAC (grade 13). The camp runs far three weeks in July and is designed ta imprave vocal tech- nique, work an choreagraphed dance rou- tines, andi more. Students are divided by age and taught by certified prafessionals. Camp attendees produce a fu production. St. Peters ateants (from lat) Keen uldolîn, Sarah VoisIn end Michael MoGrath show tha used Inkat car- trldgas the sohoolcollectecd for a program wlth Milton MaIl te banaflt the Dally Bread Food Bank Photo by GRAHAM PAINE NOTICE 0F PASSINO 0F A ZONING BY-LAW 01-074,01-083 AND 01-084 BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS TAKE NOTICE lai tihe counctî aiflthe Corporation af the Town of Halton Hitîs passed By-aw Number 01-074, 01-083 and 01-084 on tire 18h day of June, 2001 under Section 34 ai Tire Planning Acf, R.S.0. 1990, C.P. 13, amnended. AND TAKE NOTICE tirai any persan or agency may appeal taithe Ontario Municipal Board in respect ai the By-law by fling witir the clerix ai the Corporation ai the Town aiflahon HuIs flot lter than 4.30 p.m. on 19f5 day ai July, 2001, a Notice ai Appeal setling ou tire objection ta tie By-law and the reasons in support oi the objection, accompanied by a cireque in fhe amnount oi $125.00 payable ta fthe Minister oi Finance. Tire compte By-aws ix avaitable for inspection in lthe Clerfîs Department durinq regotar office haurs. A key map isnot aIl ached as lirexe By-taw Ameodments affect at areas witiin tire Town ai Hahon HuIs. Tire purpose aI Zoning By-taw Number 01 -074, 01-083 and 01-084 wiich amend zoning Bytaw Number 1358, Zoning Bylaw 57-91 and Zoning By-taw 74-51 as amended, of the former Town of Georgetown, Acon and Exquesing xow part ai the Town xl Haton HuIs fa examine the issue of parking and storage of mofor homes, bas and large sehiclex in residential areas throughout thre Town of Hallon Hilis. Only indiiduats, corporations and public bodes may appeal a zoning by-taw 10 the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice oi appeal may not ire 1usd by an unincorporated association or group. Howeser, a notice of appesi may be made in thre nurse of an indiidoal mho is a member of the association or the group on is behaîf. Daled atthre Town of Halton His thîs 29th day of Jue, 2001. Karen Landry Town Cdent FILE NAME: VILreVhce 2 Ir_ Carp a m"nd.O~aI Management Board Secretariat Cîas Environment Assesarnent NOTICE 0F COMPLETION 0F ENVRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT - Category C The Ontario Realty Corporation <ORC) is praposing the sale of property in the Town of Oakville, general- Iy bounded by Highway 407, Highway 25, Sixteen Mile Creek and Highway 5 known as the Oakville Land Assembly. The second program, Cyber Sparts, a computer and sparts camp, is offered ta n rii 3 7i Tii prîii'raii clillileii Lill)ULCii~iUbidf l * rush ai sports activity by splitting the day between the twa. Cyber Sparts runs for two weeks and is offered four times thraughout the summer. Bath pragramrs rmn weekdays from 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. with extended care available. For more information an either pragram cail The Centre at (905) 878-1240 ext. 13 1. PUBLIC NOTICE The ORO han now completed the Environmental Study Report (ESR) that was prepared fallowing the method outlined in the Management Board Secretariat's (MBS) Class Envronment Assessment Process for ORC Realty Activities. As described in the ESR, the Ontario Government has determtned that the Oakvlle land Assembly is nat required for the government's future purpased and bas directed the sale of the property. The ORC ix proposing ta keep the Environmental Protection 1 and Environmental Protection 2 lands, as described in the North Oakville Natural Heritage lnventary (LGL Ltd, 1999) in public ownership and sel] the remaining lands south of Highway 407, exclusive of a 60 metre strip alang the south ide of the Highway 407. The ESR is available for review at the fallawing lacations: Ecoplans Limited Clerks Office 2655 North Sheridan Way Town of Oakville 3rd Floor 1225 Trafalgar Road Mississauga, Ontario Oakville, Ontario L5K 2P8 L6J 5A6 The ESR is also available from the ORC Website: www.orc.gov.on.ca White Oaks Branch 1070 McCraney St. E Oakville, Ontario L6H MR Subject ta comments received as a resuit of this Notice, the Ontario Realty Corporation intends ta proceed with the sale of the Oakville Land Assembly. Commenta must he suhmitted on or before July 31st, 2001 ta the persans listed below: Mr. Williams Gerrard Mr. R. (bob) Hodgins Environmental/Cultural Heritage Coordinator Ecoplans Limited Ontario Realty Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way llth Floor, Ferguson Block 3rd Floor 77 Wellesley Street West, Queen's Park Mississauga, Ontarin Toronto, Ontario L5K 2P8 M7A 1N3 e- mai :wi 1i am. gerrard@orc. gov.on . c If, after this review period, na abjections have been received, the ESR will be made final and the undertak- ing can proceed. If, hawever, significant concerns are raised or shortcomings are identified, ORC will con. tact the objectors. If abjections are valid and it is agreed that they can be resolved by modifying the ESR, the ESR will be modified and the undertaking can proceed as modified. If any persan feels that seriaus environmental concerns remain unresolved, they may request the Minister of the Environment ta bump-up the praject ta an individual environment assessment. Bump-up requests, clearly outlining the reasons for the request, must be received by the minister at the following address. Minister of the Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue, l5th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 This Notice issued June 29, 2001 MILTON HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION NOTICE There Aill b. no garbage collection on Monday, JuIy 2,2001 due to the Canada Day holiday. Collection for this week wvill talcs place on the next regularly scheduled garbage day. For addWdonal Information contac Halton Region Waste Management Divsion at 905-825-6034 or Tati Fee 1-866-4HALTON (1 -866-42-5866) www.reglon.haltn.on.ca e-mail: 2337@ecoplans.com

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