16-The Canadian Champion, Fridav. June 29, 2001 NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL We would like to thank our sponsors, Halton utomoive, BigICwTie, Robeil (Pie) Lee nsuae, McCuaiglInswnile LiL and McKeirie-Kocher Funeral Home LIIL for their wonderful support and generosity. Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at MDH GREAT NEWS for residents of Milton and the surrounding areas!!! Halton Heathcare Services is pleased to be introducing a Cardiac Rehabilitation program at the Milton District Hospital. If you have ever experienced angina, have had a heart attack, angioplasty, or heart surgery, this program la for you. What is Cardiac Rehabilitation? Cardiac Rehabiltation is an exercise and education program designed to improve your heart health. The Cardiac Rehabiltation team includes a medîcal director, registered nurses, dietician, psychologist, physiotherapiats, kinesiologist, and a social worker. Together, this multidisciplinary team provides medical evaluation, education, counselling and supervised exercise classes. This program offered at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and now at the Milton District Hospital is a 6 month program in which patients attend exercise classes twice weekly. Individuals wil benefit from programs specitically designed to meet their needs. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care has taken important steps in providing a comprehensive and coordinated system of Cardise Rehabilitaion for heart patients in Ontario. HHS has received operating funds to test the Ministry model for the provision of cardiac rehabilitation services- HHS has also been designated a regional coordinating site for the Halton-Peel area. Through this initiative the Ministry wll-evaluate and assess cardiac rehabilitation services in Ontario and provide strategies for improving patient access across the province. How do you Sign Up? To learn more about your heart and how to exercise safely and effectively, cail your family doctor or specialist today and ask to be referred to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Services provided through the Rehabilitation Deparsment at the Milton District Hospital.* For more information please contact the cardiac rehabilitation program at theOakville-Trafalger Memorial Hospital Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8:3Oamand 5:OOpm and Tuesday and Thursday between 8:3Oam and 8:OOpm at 905-845-2571 Recruitfing Activity Continues.. HHS is accepting applications for the following positions. " Pharmacists " Respiratory Therapists " Physiotherapists " Occupational Therapists " RN's " X-ray technologists Fax or email your resume to (905) 338-4137 or hr@haltonhealthcare.on.ca Check out our web site www.haltonhealthcare.com for additional information and other career opportunities, which are available at your community hospital. vvvv.haionheat *cr.om THUMBS UP! Thanks to the Halton Sporsmans Club for its great donation of $3,500, the Kinsmen Club of Milton for its generous donation of $3,500 and to Executive Fairways Golf Centre for their support to the tune of $1,220. "Kinsmen Club of Milton member, Presidnt, Tom ogie éeÎlalion Sportsman s Club members, Doug Howden, Harold Dougherty, Roy Brownridge and MDHF Coordinator, Donna McLaughi~n REMEMBER THESE DATES! June 28th & 29th - MILTON LAWN BOWLING CLUB & HJM INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES - visit the Milton Lawn Bowling Club on either June 28th or 29th and watch its members try and break.the Guinness Book of World Records in Iawn bowling September 25th - FORE! - The MDHF 2nd Annual Golf Toumnament wiIl be held at Granite Ridge on Tuesday, September 25th. Special thanks to the major sponsor, Dufferna Aggregates. Fees are $125 per golfer or $500 per foursome. Hole -- sponsorship (tee and green signage) is $200 and tee/green sponsorship is $100. Contact the Foundation office for information. FOUNDATIONS BBQ - Thursday, JuIy l9th between the hours of 11: 30 and 1: 30. Only $6.00 per person. The delicious menu will include old fashioned hamburgers, potato salad, cole slaw, raspberry cobbler and beverage of your choice. The Srawberry Princesses, the Ambassador and the Marshall thank everyone who participaied, supported and autended the Strawberry Fair A special thanks to our hardworking volunteers THANK YOU!a Halton Healthcare I MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Quality Care for a Heaithier Community. 1 - -----------