Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 2001, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Holy Rosary parishidsfaeeltopiest Departing pastors say time spent here was a blessing By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion After 13 years as a pastor with Milton's HoIy Rosary Church, Father Earl Talbot has said his last goodbyes to the town he's fondly called home. -Twelvc years is supposed tu be the maximum limit of'siay lor a pasior ai une cburcb," hc said. 1I asked the archbishop Ifor a ycars extension." Father Talbot wilI pack his bags and head for Kitchenier tomor- row, where he'iljuin St. Anthony Daniel Church. -You put your rouis down (in the town),- he said. lits tuugh being uproted. This is a greai place lu he. liII miss flictriendl- ness uftihe town.- Faiher Talbot - one oft Huly Rusarys lungesi scrving pasturs - grew up in Hamiltun and lived in the small nunthem town ut' Red Lake bet'ore settling in Milton. -I'm used teu large cilles su il wun'i bc dificult getting used lu ihe sze ut Kitetiener (compared lu Milton).- This week marks a double t*areweill'tor the Holy Rosary parish - ihatîIl also be losing Faiher Mike Francis. The assuciate pasior will be heading lu Hatiltuns Regina Mundi Church aller spending three years in iuwn. The maximum limit ut stay tor an associate pastor ai une church is îhree years, he said. -1 knew this day was cuming su 1 had ime lu prepare. Spending three years in a place like ibis is a blessing. Yuu becume close Iu peuple. 1 enjuy meeting new peuple." Father Francis said belIl miss the support ut' the cungregation and the sirengih in failih ihey pusses. "Every parish is ike a t'amily and every tamily is diflerent," he said. -Theres always a periud of adjusiment (teu a new church) but i's exciting. Life is an adveniure, 1 luuk atiti this way and enjuy il. 1 felt like I was pari uf a buge and wunderful family (in Milton) and yuu neyer furget yuur family." Faiher Tabut said helI miss bapiizing the iuwn's babies and wiînessing their frst cummunion. "The babies 1 bapized in 1988 are almusi as tait as me," he juked. HelI alsu miss waiching students ai Huly Rusary Schoul gruw up and eveniually attend igh seboul. "The ibree Caihulie etementary scbuuls bad given me a guing away album. Il was very iuucing." Every parish is tbe same yei di flereni, Father Talbut said. "Preparing peuple tur marriage and cuunselling remains the same ai any parisb, as well as tbe social dimensiuns uftihe parish, like dances and (cungregaiiun) dinners," he said, adding différent peuple and différent almuspheres are fuund ai ail churches but the tècus remains the same. "This is a very huspitable cummunity. t hope peuple will be wel- cuming lu the new peuple cuming lu the cummuniîy and lu the new priesîs (ai Holy Rusary>." A farewell picnic was held f'or the priests Sunday. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Father Mike Francis and Father Earl Tabot have said their Iast goodbyes ta HoIy Rosary parish - where they spent three and 13 years respectively. A farewell picnic was hsld for them on the church grounds Sunday. Rotary Park open hou se tomorrow An open bouse 10 obtaîn public input regarding Rotary Park is scbeduled for tomorruw ai Hugb Foster Hall. The open bouse will be an informai "drop in" session from 5 lu 7 p.m. fol- lowed by a presentation and question and answer period from 7 10 9 p.m. The Town of Milton is currently preparing a master plan for Rotary Park 10 prepare a tramework for future improvements t0 the park. The master plan sbould be ready by thse end otf Augusi, with the firsi improve- menis lu begîn lter tbis year. A key component of the projeet is obiaining publie views about Rotary Park and develuping a vision for the Iong-lerm developmeni and use of the park. Community members altending the meeting will be asked lu beip confia-m a park vision and eview some design con- cepts, wbich will be on display. Individuais and community organiza- lions unable lu attend the open bouse but wbo are interested in providing input are asked tu contact Ken McAlpine, co-ordi- nator of parka and facilities development aI (905) 878-7252 ext. 2160. en r %r G P' COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - June 26th - JuIy 2nd 2001. 9am, iO 1am, inon Ptged In! tante 93m, tOamn, tiam, Mccc Piogged n! aEanty 9am, c 1 H M, Moon Puggd In! Eanty 400 pm COgega Sports: 9an4 0, jan, m, Macs Ptagged lu! Lt. Week Edition Week a, tn sWeek gdiaj0n CFL Fotball WeekEtna 5pm, pm A 7:3Mran Puged tn'Eanty 5Sp cn pm& 7Mlpan Pluged In! Ery I pm,,fite& 7:3Opon Ptcged In! Lite Mnri t Spi, Otan& 7:30m Plugged ln! Lite 2f qMU l#4&Weet, Editace Week Eition Wek EdiceHailonWeek Edtice " 75:3aan sniors 53Opm <Q"CI& EIM al MI TheIlunme l.. S aThe ta I.. Stacigec.a M ase latthuMW E*ft 6:3Opm UcaeyWeek 6»3P ,nma w w c g c .a630pen Ume in thOe 6:l0tnm McyWeek 7011winOdter eatth 7. MentOn HU Etassmcean 7:OOpm Cogega Sportscaamectto NO RTH HA LTO N STU DIO flm.40H M iO W&tUaL F otbalt 8..C04 M M a u ctcmnl- 21. Main Street Nort, C.d.haeMontrent utlia km 1811 Acton, ON L7J 1V9 Hmltn.D (519) 853-4700 Fuature this wook: CRL Football: Motral at Hanilton - Wednesday 7 P & Saturday 4 P t 4 «I

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