'New inmates arriving on regular basis at super-jail By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion New innates have been arriving on a regular basis at the expanded Maplehurst Detention and Correctional Centre, a spokesper- son with the Ministry of Correctional Services confirmed. "Yesterday we were informed the Waterloo and Wellington cor- rectional centres are in the decom- missioning process, so we expect to get approximately 200 inmates (from those facilities)," Julia Noonan said earlier this month. A new facility for female prison- ers being built on the north side of the complex is nearing completion, she said. "It will combine the use of the existing facility as well as a brand new area." Ms Noonan also clarified incor- rect information in a story that appeared in the May 18 edition of the Toronto Sun regarding laundry The story stated prisoners in the detention centre refused to do laun- dry in protest of poor air quality. Laundry from Toronto East Detention Centre, Metro West Detention Centre and the Mimico Correctional Centre is sent to Maplehurst Io be washed. "The inmates weren't refusing to do laundry, the staff workers were refusing," she said. "The Ministry of Labour was called in to investi- gate and found the air quality was- n't a problem." Ms Noonan refused to elaborate what stemmed the initial investiga- tion, adding the laundry facility at the complex is currently up and running. When asked if other health and safety concems were brought for- ward, Ms Noonan confirmed sev- eral concerns were brought to attention but wouldn't go into detail. "Operations of the facility are refusal at Maplehurst. addressed by the Minister of resort. Labour. They are ail taken serious- ly and abided." In March a number of issues were raised by Union President Bill Gillies, including concern over the alternate tire route. Mr. Gillies said if the primary fire route was blocked due to lire, the only alternate escape route would be through the courtyard, which has two holes in the fence for police wagons. Pat Franklin, part of the infra- structure renewal project team at Maplehurst told The Champion in March necessary precautions have been taken to ensure public safety as well as the safety of inmates. "It's not our goal to put anyone in danger," he said. "We have differ- ent evacuation routes that were deemed a safe area." Mr. Franklin added the police would be called as in any emer- gency situation and the courtyard fire escape route would be a last The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 26, 2001-3 KIM MANOS mommuumw AM 9 1 1998 BUICK REGAL GS 1995 Ford Mustang * 2000 Buick LeSabre - 1996 lntrepid* - 98 Montana Van * 1999 Regal LS - 1994 Sedan Deville* - 00 Grand Am * 1999 Sedan Deville - 1998 GMC 1/2 Ton Pick-up - 99 Escalade Financing apply to 1996 and newer. 0 3 mths, 5,000 km warranty on those veNcles. îîîIIý nom 0 0*