iJA-irieý ue i.dIrI TI i ,iaclq ue2.20 Classified 4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesciay, june eo, euv, -Y3s /4 CREATIVJE!i LS MEINIORIALS D MITF LE D 245 245 stlhs Births BLACK, Mr. and Mrs. Paul & Joansa (nee Smith) o Barfingles are peased te asseusce the birlh oetIheir daughler Mackenzie Anne weighing 5 poanda, 12 oz aI Milles Disrict Hospital on Jase 2, 2001. Preud grandparents, Bob & Bobbie Smih & Dave & Sandra Back. Exciled aunîs & uscles - Chris & Kim Smith, Andrea & Angele Demichelle & Slephasie Back. Special hanka le Dr. Sharma & the OB Nurses. JONES, Brian and Shah et Milles are pleased le annousce the birlh oetIheir son Brendan Charles weighing 61b 13 oz aI Mitien District Hospital on Sunday, June 17, 2001. David and Kyle melcome their baby.brother. Proud grand- parents David and Confie Jones, Yvonna Norton et Etobiceke, grea-grandmother Muriel aIoy 1050p. N fe Browc.therfrSaa r n seso fe alMonCnand PauleorealRy & Eleca Jeyce et Milles. A speciaDr.hanka lenDr.heharma hdelivesa fryu irse Caro enand he. ra SWDOAOLDLes ary Suand Kyawnufee aref Mitna leed t annunce the birth t their uhe DistictHospitlzbeonJned1,200n13at M2D01 aren050 RewAley elroert o ve he.Atirato Mrat Swoain.ofMeorhetown, Ray sled Bu frira o iltn great-grandsronsfon ElihA soce MltnA pal thenlis ta Dr. Sharma, JnBr n i the dlynurses Csaffoln&thean a thS r 257 257 Deths Deaths COWAN, Lila Peacefully aI Miles District Hospital os Sunday, Jase 241h, 2001. Lls Cewan (nee McLean> in her 1001h year. Wife of the laIe Frank Comas (1961). Loisg mother of Elvis Cowan of Milles. Predeceased by her sis- lers and broîhers, Jean, Marha, Catherine, Robert, Hugh and Tom. Lla wii be dearly missed by ber masy ieces and sephewa. Frienda were be receive~d aI the J. Scott Early Fuserai Home, 21 James S., Milles os Mesday Item 7-9 PM arc, Tesday 1 heur prier le service. A Fuserai Service will be held Item the Fuserai Home1 Chapel os Tuesday Jane 26th aI 11AM. Cremaies le fllem. A prisale Graveside Service wilI be held aI a laler dae. If desired, donatiens le the Milles Distric Hespilal-Chresîc Care Unit weuld be apprecialed by the famîly. GRIFFIN, Richard (Reg) Peaoefully aI home surreunded by his family os Friday, Juse 22sid, 2001. Reg Grifis, beleved huabasd of Eilees. Lovisg laîher of Michael and his wife Gail, Trever asd hia ile Nella, Kevis asd hia ile Donna, Mark asd hîs wife Carolise asd Thea. Sadly missed by hia grasdchiidres Michael, Nicole, Rachel, Cameron, Hassah, Amasda asd Cindy. Famiiy asd fienda visiled aI the McKerie- Kocher Fuserai Home 114 Mais Sreet Milles 905-878-4452 f rom 2-4 asd 7-9 pm os Susday. The fuserai service waa held os Monday, Juse 251h, 2001 aI 11:00am f rom Kox Presbylenasn Church 170 Mais Sreet. If desired, memenial donationsale the Casadias Cancer Society is Regas memnory would be apprecialed by the fam- ily. HEIPEL, Mary Suddesly, ai Credif Valey Hospital on Salurday, Juse 23, 2001, MaryI Heipel in her 72sd year. Leving daughler of Lilias asd the laIe Jehs Hopkis. Belevéd ile of John. Dear moîfler of David asd is mif e Wesdy wile Yoasda ef London. Chenished grasdmelher of Paula asd her huabasd Bob Gaelas, Bradley, predeceasedi by Chrialepher), Darie asd Iliasa. Preud Great Grasdmelher of Rebys asd Tyler. Mary wli be sadiy misaed by her sialer Gmes Dench and by her sisler-is-law Aima Hopkis. Predeceased by her broîher Hewel Hepkis. Mary iii be remembered by her iecesanad sephews Ans asd ber huabasd Tm Woolley, Donna asd her husbasd AI Whillow, John and his wile Vivienne Hepkin, Margaret Dench, John and Karen Desch and Mary and her husband Bob McGregor. Fond Great Aunt te Kevin, Sleven, Michael and Cameron and lf ielong friend et Pal Carr. Friends mere received ai the J. Scott Eatiy Fuserai Home, 21 James S., Milles on Morday f rom 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A FaneraI Service wl be held at SI. Paulas United Churcli on Tuesday, June 26th at 2:00 PM. Cremnaton te 10110w. A private interment will take place at a later date. Il desired, donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society would be apprecated by the fanilly. Attention Artisans & Vendors information Available at Church Office 123 Main St., Milton or Cati 905-878-8895 258 258 ln Memotums ln Memotlums HAROLD BOWEN n loving memory cf a dear Father who passed away on Jane 25, 1991 Althoagh 10 years have passed You're flot forgotten Nor shail you ever be as long as life & memnory last 1 shall always remnember you" Your loving daughter, Janet DUKE, Alan William n iovisg memnoty of a special husbasd and faîher Jane 23, 1954 - June 29, 1994 Days lurs 10 mosîha And moslhs lum le years Threugh our amiles There are sti11 somne lears Il's bees seves years Thal meve bees aparl Bal your memnorys alili slreng Wilhis our hearls Wondertul memnories We reasure forever Of happier imes Whes we were al l ogelher Levisgly remnembered and very sadly misaed, Sandy, Ryan, Shannan and Adam KATHRYN WILLIAMS n iovisg memnory ot a dear ile and mother mho passed amay os Jase 26, 1999 Though your presesce is gone lorever And your hasds me cannot teuch 5h11 mwe have se many memnes Of the ose me love se mach. Your memory is our keepsake Wilh mhich me shahl neyer part. God bas you sn is keeping While me have yeu is our hearts. Missing yeu as almays, Love Doug, Sean and Katie NOW OPEN! STRAWBERRIES Rhubarb & Romaine 'THE FARM" De Paoli Pick your own - ready picked (Please cal) 905-873-2050 905-877-7976 Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat., 8-5, Sun.,HoI. 8-3 Cali for availability. 15 sideroad, 1 km. west af Trafalgar Rd.-First fanrn on nortb side,(Stewart- town) n", N, s îl'owý,k SI IOV 542-3721 FOR SALE BY OWNER Village Parc on the Pond Two bedroom condominium Five appliances included. $9187,900.00 For appointment to view contact Mike at 905-875-1810 - 3 FAMILY GARAGE VENDORS are nom be- SALE ing accepted fer Adtos Sat. Jane 30 High Scbeels 1hAn- 19-4 suai Craht Sale which (Rein Date Sunday) miii be held os Salurday, 5173Fitth Une Nevember 17, 2001 2 streteaWest of 140 Trafalgar frem 10:00 a.m.4:0 2 km South of p.m. This is a Juried Britannia Show presesled by the Furnêture, appliance Actes Hîgh Scheel Advi- sports eqeipment, sory Councl. Fer more antiques, etc. information and as ap-i Hundreda of Items plicalies ferm please L contact the scheoia aINrRo& XEI (519) 853-2920 Mis-tinted Paint & S-E.tain..Wa.lpaper . LCOMEl$ AGON " New in town? " FGetin married in 3 montha or more? " Having a baby? " Etabishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US: Communily WelcoeS Lieds .... 854-1563 Danis . . ... 332-4799 Bridai & Baby Tracy .. . .876-4330 Business/Praleatieflal Pal .......876-404 www.welcomewagsfl.ca 3 bedreem Mallamy lemnheuse, gas fire- place, deer le garage. Possession Juiy 20. $163.000. 905-878- 3621 OAKVILLE: Spacîcas 1269sqh .solarium, minI condition, 10w leva, frat clava, 2 bedroom, 2 batha $184,900i!!905- 845-9767, 519-843- 1853 (weekesds) 150 Office Business -$pace OFFICE space tor renl. 50 Steeles Ave. 905-272-0648 170 Apartmets For Rent 1 bedreem aparlment available. Main Sreet. Quiet Building.$650 plus hydre. 95-878- 2326 3 large bedreem aparl- mesis, mais fleor of bouse, nemly deceral- ed, use et basemenl, parking, A/C. $1.200 + ullities. Availabie Au- gusl. Cail Tony ater 6 pm 905-858-8723 or durisg the day 905-466- il156 ACTON flarge 3 bed- room apartment, $950+. Aise 1 bed- roomn Aclon $600+. Aise Georgetown 1 bedroom $675+. 519-853-5080 0r 519-853-5352 IN Miton, 1 bedroom, large apartment, 905-875-4989 LARGE renovaled up- par fleor of duplex i century home. Central location. Suilable ler couple. $025 + uliiiies, Aug 1. 05-875-035 SHARED Aparlment tor ~ et enown, aii ties, cable. $0/ot Cali tor details, 905- 876-0462. Avaiabie 4 bedreemn deteched bouse, $1500 pi s.nethuaUIIuu. 'i j a, &; i bardera & other diacontinued decorating gooda. Itack parking lot an Miii St. ItERGSMA'S PaiNs & WALLPAPEe Saturday Jase 3th e:0AV -OAM il AM MOIGSALE Jane 38t1i 8-41 I303 Mantaber Roadl [dtewoffd km " Advertise your upcoming garage sale wfh us! Gall 87?-2341 for delails! Daycare RAINBOW Villagev Day Cary fias a few spaces avaîlable nOm. Qualîly pro- grams for chîldrvn 18 montha te 6 yeas. Ase lakin g registra- fions for Septemnber. 905-878-7552 310 For SeiO BED, King x-thick pîl- lotop, orthopedic mattress set. New, in plastic. CosI $1700, seil $650. 416-766- 9885 BED, piiiewtop mat- tress, boxsp~ring, used, stili pkgd. CosI S1175, sacrifice, 525. 416-521-9635 CARPET i have sev- eral 1,000 yrds. et nem Stainmaster & 100% nylion carpet. Wiii do llvingrooM & hall for $349. In- cludes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-39-2902 FOR Sale Nacamichi AV-2 pro-logic surreund receiver, $400,00. Sec- ienal couch, cream ce- leur mith pastel cash- rions, $400,00. Enter- - laisment centre, mal 1,unit, resemeod colour, t,$25000. Ois9 groomn ftable & 4 chairs, black melai ilh smoked lass top, $18000. CCM rowing machine, $3500. Old sus lamp n iih base, $60.00. 905- ai469-4789 s.FOR Sale: Canvas lent trailer, inciades air mat- - tresa, screes dining r lent, nem tires, $350,00. Cal:905-878-8480 IDon't forget t place your ad witb us! Ii Cali 905-878-2341 m 1 HOURS ' CasfeAd MONDAY TO FRIDAY Casfe d Y.uU AM D':0 iPM a p a t E3v,ý wwwmiftoncanadianchampioncom ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlimlted Access oniy $15.95, great local service and support ftrom SURF THE NET. 905-873-2602 lu - 0 nom el»Mi egmaliw Fm 476-»" ___j 24 il or ýs. or 5- fle 1 ed *f ir, 1