22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 26, 2001 vIntermediate Mavericks defend tournament titie By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion He prohahiy didn't have aihietics in immid ai thc lime but uîev- ertheiess, the aid adage certainly applies to the intermediate Mavericks. Or ieast il ducs when reflecting on their efforts reccntiy during the ninth annual John McCauiey Mernoriai Lacrosse Tournarnrit. Miiton's id for a championship repeat iooked awtuiiy bieak troin the onset - as back-to-back deleats suggested the deiending champs wouidn't even advance past preliminary competition. much iess win the wliole thing. However, the local lads jumped ail over a third-round do-or-die situation - hammering Mimico 8-2 - and refused b ose tram that point on, capping a dramatic weekend turnaround hy outiast- ing Markham 6-4 in the tournament finale Sunday. Sherriff delivers in the clutch 01,i)i lay --.I'sIsiIIin n arskeus oui anîd liey licvoi [lSd and Ryan Louth respccîively bMore potting the insurance înarkcr himseit. Miiton's assistant captain also scored in the opening trame to begin a thoroughiy impressive performance. Other marksmen in the finals were Rick Gailinger and Jon Sweetiand, while backstopping the teain to victory was Josh Arnold. En route to the finals. the intermediates upstaged Burlington 7- 3 - cxacting a measure ot revenge for a second-round loss. Kevin Barhy taliied twice in the seinilinal triumph while singles were chipped in hy Louth. Sherrili, Noei Coutrouzas and Derek Mewhinney. Arnold gave up just onc goal in each period during return engagement play against Burlington- which followed a gut check. xiciary axer Mimica. i E. Iý Iý , , w- i i!li two Iraumes ta slave oh elirnination on tierce lasision. Mewhinney, Bohby MacDonald and Paul Pedulia scored two apiece ta lead the way. Also denting the twine were Barby and James Forhes. Shenrifi was about the oniy hright spot through rounds one and îwo - figuring in four oU the seven goals deiivered in 8-2 and 7- 5 setbacks ta Bramnpton and Buriington respectively. Milton foiiowed up their tournainent triumph by eciipsing Mimico 5-4 June 20. Steve Chuchmach made the game-winning deposit and finished the night with three points - as did Barby. The Mavericks raliid wîth a pair of third-period goals ta keep their regular season unbeaten streak alive. 7Jlunior Sox' titie hopes crushed by Brampton By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Theres nothing like a month-long delay ta crush a tearus ruomentum. The Milton juniors came l ace-to-lace with that harsh reality at Brian Best Park Saturday alternoon - when the miake-up finals oU the Ajax Toumament didn't exact- y play out in their lavosir. Glenn Turners Red Sox had heen red hot during the tournament laie last month before thunder and ightning put the charu- pionship cantest on hold. Had Mother Nature not shified gears that day, the local lads would have been awful- y tough ta, outshine - having gone unde- feated ail weekend and dismantied feiiow finalist Brampton 10-1 in opening round play. But tour weeks later their psychologicai edge was nowhere to be tound, as a revi- talized Brampton struck eariy and otten tii prevail 7-4. Staying within three runs oftAAA centre was certainiy respectable, but tl served as littie consolation for the championship- minded Sox. Milton drew to within a run of their guests on two separate occasions hetore a couple ot detènsive glitches put things out of reach. Jordan Jeans scored first on a solo shot over the lefi field tence in the opening trame, whiie tèltow-up ruas were deiivered by Mike Austen and JeffMacLeod - who came home twice on a single and sacrifice fly by dlean-up bitter Nate Perroti. Jeatns reached base safeiy îhree imes on the afternoon while Austen did so twicc and ruade a nice tag out at home plate ta pîînctuate an impressive fith-inning dou- ble play, initiated at irst by Perrott. Splitting the pitching duties were Adain - Ahearu and Ian Moszczak. Despite coming up short, the Sox man- aged ta out Brampton 8-6. Austen and Jeans led otfensively with two hits apiece. Milton wiil be iooking ta snap a three- game iosing streak toniglit in Carupheilvilie agaitîst newly establishied Haiton Country. Came time is 7:30 p.m. Please fax your team reports and sports story ideas to 878-4943.