18-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Marlon E. Howard B.A., LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor Practice Restricted to Income Tax, Corporate Law and Estate Planning Tax Consultant to Professionals Box 406 Campbellville, Ontario LOP 180 Call 905-878-2989 Email: marion.howard@sympatico.ca Fax: 905-876-0495 Got a hot scoop? We'd love to hear your story ideas. Cail 878- 2341, ext. 234. "It's not right to have municipalities make that decision." Mu FM said. "But in faimess to al the townships and the regions and the businesses, it's not right to have municipalities make that deci- • from MOST on page 1 a more stringent stance on restaurant smoking and Milton must act to keep in line with those areas, councillor Ken Keates said. "I certainly am an advocate of a no smoking policy.' While most councillors feel stronger smoking regulations are necessary, several said they felt uneasy about addressing the issue at the municipal level. "I'd like to eliminate smoking (in restau- rants and bars). I think that's the way we should be headed," councillor Ron Furik O CANADA! SIDEWALK SALE JUNE 27 - 30 RED & WHITE DAY JUNE 30 We'll show you our true colours! ace Painting, balloons, FREE flags and Milton Mall Mountie Pens. We Stand On Guard for Thee MILTON MALL friendly &familiar Escarpment Country', Tourisrn Partner Shopping Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Noon to 5:00 p.m. Comer of Main & Ontario 905-878-3900 Smoking restrictions should be legislated by Province: council The Mail wil be closed MONDAY, JULY 2nd sion." Numerous councillors echoed Mr. Furik's comments, suggesting smoking restrictions should be provincially legislat- ed. "It is a health care issue, a workplace issue, which is ail provincial jurisdiction," Mr. Malboeuf said. While the majority of councillors say they favour toughening up the smoking bylaw, they are also concemed the move could be detrimental to area restaurant owners. The fear is that smokers will no- longer frequent establishments in which they are prohibited from lighting up. "I don't think it's (restaurant smokers) a real hot issue with people. I think people are handling it better than legislation can handle it. I think smokers are pretty sensi- tive now about blowing smoke your way," councillor Rick Day said. "In my experi- ence it hasn't really been a problem. The practice, the habit out there has moved ahead of where government is. It seems to me, in Milton anyway, to be working pret- ty well." Councillors Wally Hunter and John Challinor agreed, adding that they feel the current bylaw is aggressive enough to curb restaurant smoking. "I want to hear from the restaurants in our community before I make a decision on what to do. As a prin- ciple, I certainly am supportive of a non- smoking environment in a restaurant, but that's my personal view. I'm always very concerned about dictating my personal views on the general public," he said. The flip-side to that coin is ail the non- smokers who may be more inclined to visit a smoke-free restaurant, Mayor Gordon Krantz suggested. "If I want to go to a restaurant but it's smoky, I don't go. If the restaurants are non-smoking, maybe more non-smokers will go." Mr. Krantz said he supports a strength- ened bylaw. Councillor Art Melonson told The Champion he is undecided if restaurant smoking should be hardened. It's too early in the discussions to choose a side, he said. "I don't smoke myself, but I do believe smokers have rights as well. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing." Councillor Cindy Lunau was unavailable for comment at press time. Smoking bylaw discussions are not cur- rently on the council agenda, but are expected to begin after regional council formally requests a tougher stance. Want to be ambassador of the fair? Dreams of ambassadorship may be clos- er than you think. The Milton Fali Fair is now accepting applications from young ladies and gentle- men for the title of Milton Fall Fair Ambassador 2002. The ambassador represents the Fair at local events and the Canadian Exhibition in August 2002. Contestants must be 18 years of age by August 16, 2002. Entry forms and rules can be picked up at the Milton Fairgrounds office (136 Robert St.) Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ail entries must be received by August 23. Final judging will be held August 29 at Hugh Foster Hall at 8 p.m. For more information contact the Fair office at (905) 878-5689.